
Stand Out

The first thing Jongin did when he arrived home was to squeal.

He still could not believe that he was finally going to see Do Kyungsoo tomorrow. And not just that, of course they are gonna meet face to face. Perhaps, even change a small talk. Jongin's insides felt like jumping around because he have waited for this time all along.

Months and months of staring at his posters and screen monitors will finally pay off. He's gonna see Kyungsoo, the actual Do Kyungsoo in flesh and he's sure he's going to either cry or faint from overwhelming feels.

What should he do now. It's still early and he's got no homeworks to do considering they're not attending their classes tomorrow. Doing chores is obviously not in the option considering the lazy he is. Sleeping also sounds as impossible because he's totally hyped at the moment. In the end, he decided he'd have someone to vent out his feels on. And that lucky someone is Chanyeol.

He opens Kakao Talk, thumb swiftly scrolling through the friends list until he spot Chanyeol's name. He tapped open their converstion thread and began annoying the out of his friend.

Jongin: Hey
Jongin: Yo
Jongin: Chanyeol
Jongin: Chanyeoooool
Jongin: Lee Chanyeol!!!
Jongin: Wait 
Jongin: Is Lee even your last name
Jongin: Idek
Jongin: Where the are you when I needed you the most
Chanyeol: Dafuq
Chanyeol: I was ting in the bathroom
Jongin: Oh
Chanyeol: And my phone wouldn't stop buzzing that annoying "KaTalk"
Jongin: hEHE
Chanyeol: What do you need
Jongin: Right
Jongin: I have something to tell you
Chanyeol: What is it
Jongin: Know that fansigning tomorrow?
Chanyeol: The one that's on Gyeongu?
Jongin: Yez
Chanyeol: What about it
Chanyeol: .. Are you done
Chanyeol: Jongin you still have the capslock on
Jongin: Oops
Jongin: Sorry about that
Chanyeol: Anyways, what are you wearing tomorrow? I need to spot you right on ahshdjsiab
Jongin: Whut
Jongin: ONG
Jongin: **OMG
Chanyeol: Yes..?
Chanyeol: Didn't I tell you?
Chanyeol: Oopsie
Chanyeol: Oh shut up jongin
Jongin: I EVEN GREET YOU ON -------
Chanyeol: ...
Chanyeol: I'll be wearing a peach V-neck sweater and white undershirt tomorrow.
Chanyeol: And one more thing
Chanyeol: My surname is Park. Park Chanyeol.

Jongin is on his way to the activity area sporting his black mask and dark blue hoodie. Unknown to many eyes, he's actually wearing a "도경수 화이팅!" ("Do Kyungsoo Fighting!") support shirt underneath. Good thing he still have the sense to top it off with the hoodie, not really wanting to gain judging stares on his way here. 

He's carrying a paper bag on his left hand, holding in the must have's for the event. There's a banner that he'd spent an all nighter on. His artistic side has awaken which is very much proved by the amount of glitters it contains. He's just not sure whether he'd have time and fanboy power to raise it because he might be overpowered by the feels. 

Next inside his precious paper bag is his wallet of course. Official merchandise could just be lurking here somewhere so he arrived ready, just in case.

And lastly, of course there contains Kyungsoo's latest album. Not only did he bring it by physical means but also by mental matter. He has memorized every song in the album by heart, well, who wouldn't, if one repeatedly plays it in his playlist for weeks. Play Kyungsoo's song for 2 seconds and Jongin can surely pin point the title in a blast. He wonders if there would be a game? Like guess-which-song-we-are-playing-for-several-milliseconds game? Then the prize is alone time with Kyungsoo omfg. As much as the prize seems impossible, the game also is. He wasn't even sure if those stuffs really happen on fan signings. Heck, this is his first time. Sometimes, he'd think that he's really lucky to have those dorks as friends. Just sometimes.

Anyways, it would really be a shame if he'd forgotten the album. It's like the main point of this event. If he didn't have it with him, what's Kyungsoo to sign for then? Maybe he'd let him sign his arm? Then he's gonna have it tattoed. He's going to have a part of Kyungsoo marked with him forever asdghjkl.

Jongin continued to scan everything around him. Countless tarpaulins of Do Kyungsoo hang proudly on almost everywhere, letting everyone know who's gonna be here. But what caught Jongin's eyes the most are the two massive tarps on either side of the stage. They are so big it looks like it would eat him. (Well he actually wouldn't mind if it's Kyungsoo who'd do that :>)

There's a soft music playing in the distance which he recognized as the third track in Kyungsoo's second released full length album. (Jongin knows he should've just said the title of the song but then it's Jongin, people.) As he was about to open his lips, ready to sing along to his jam, the not-so-unexpected happened.


Jongin was so startled to the bones that he thought he was going to pee on his pants on this very significant day. Good thing he headed to the toilet before he went here because if not, he'll surely be dripping on the middle at this point and make himself an embarrassment around Kyungsoo. And he's not really sure if he could forgive the little devils that are now snickering beside him.

"Really, guys? How nice for a greeting.", Jongin spat, tinge of annoyance laced on his words as he rolled his eyes at his friends.

"Wow Jongin you didn't scream like a girl like you did last year. I think you're finally maturing. Our Jonginnie here is already a grown up," Luhan said like a proud mom (with matching wipe of invisible tears) to which Jongin finds himself cringing to.

"Luhan that was just last month," Sehun blankly butted in.

"Aww Luhan too is finally maturing. He's aging really fast. And his brain cells are dying really fast," Baekhyun said and soon booming laughters filled the air.

All of them are laughing so hard that they almost pissed their pants.

Well all of them except Luhan.

All of them are laughing so hard that they almost pissed their pants.

Well all of them except Luhan.

He is scaringly silent through out their happy time.

One by one their laughter started to die down upon noticing Luhan's (not so) unusual behavior. Panic and nervousness arose the moment tears are starting to gather on the corner of Luhan's eyes.

Luhan has always been the most sensitive one (over pointless and dumb things) in their squad. Once, he was told that his nose is flat. Of course the comment is hurtful but Luhan doned on it way more than a normal individual would. The guy couldn't even face a mirror or anything that would show him his reflection for more than a week. So of course, there's Sehun for him to constantly bother during those times, unendlessly asking if his hair is styled in place or if there's something on his face(i.e booger sticking up his nostrils). He also insists on getting a ruler and measure the out of their nose, just to compare their height differences. Luhan is in desperate need of self esteem booster at that time, (specifically on the nose part) so Jongin, like the good friend he is, intelligently said that he should be thankful because Voldemort would kill even for a quarter inch of elevation on the nose.

Another story went when Luhan was falsely accused as a girl. He was told that he was pretty and was praised for his nice boy-ish fashion sense despite the flatness of his chest. Luhan almost broke down right then and there despite the (supposed to be) compliment. Upon calming from his crying fit, he told his friends that nothing hurts more than to get his masculinity stomped over by the flock of grandmas that were chilling outside the house which they came across one time.

Lost in their own thoughts on how-to-calm-Luhan-101, they were taken aback when the unexpected happened. Luhan flew away from their group, heading to who knows where.

"Luhan, wait! That was a--," Baekhyun tried to stop him but to no avail.

Sehun didn't waste time to chase Luhan, immediately running after him. He fears the most when Luhan is not on his sight, specially now that he's on the brink of tears. He's afraid that the other would bump on other people, or even a post if he's lucky.

Jongin and Bakhyun could only watch as the two disappear from their sight. And Jongin could clearly foresee where this is heading.

"I did something wrong, didn't I," Baekhyun rhetorically asked, sadness evident on his voice.

Of course, another drama.

Jongin almost wanted to rip his hair off, frustrated that his friends decided to put on a drama show on this very day where he'd meet his love of his life.

"No Baek, you know Luhan. Err, maybe he's just on his 3rd day of period," Jongin tried to come up for a comforting words but came up with that.

"And what do you know about periods Jongin," Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Jongin could be really dumb sometimes. "Also, have I told you how much you in comforting people."

"Nope, but now you just did. Damn, I knew I have such talent."

Baekhyun was about to slap Jongin out his world of lameness when they heard shockingly loud screams coming from their side.

Several metres away from where they are standing, girls can be seen hunched over something (or someone), which is undeniably the subject of their screaming.

Jongin's heart beated fast in sudden anticipation and curiosity because that must be Kyungsoo they are screaming at. This is his fansigning event after all. Who knows he might be hiding in the bushes in hopes to give his fans a heart attack for a good death. Good thing, he already got a good view of the person before he decided to jump on the commotion.

The said person is a guy who is wearing a snapback, black tinted shades, and is also sporting a mouth mask as him, just in white color. He looks fine with cream colored sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans hugging his slim legs. The guy is undeniably tall and is emitting an unusual celebrity aura which may or may not be the reason as to why there is currently a handful of girls screaming at his face. Jongin guesses that they are suspecting him as an idol or something. Was it because he's good looking? Do girls do that nowadays? He's not really sure. He would never understand how women think and he's not even planning to. He bets it would be as (or even more) complicated as taking an undiscussed math lecture for exam.

The guy is obviously having a rough time making his way through the (screaming) human barriers. Well, Jongin thinks it's partly his fault for dressing way too mysteriously especially on these kind of events where fangirls are everywhere. 

Jongin is about to drag a still sad Baekhyun away from the scene, a little disappointed because it's not Kyungsoo after all. Also because Baekhyun wouldn't stop bombarding him with questions as to why the girls there are screaming. The guy obviously couldn't see what's going on no matter how hard he stand on his toes. Talk about height problems. 

"Nah, it's not Kyungsoo. Not important."

Their steps didn't even reach to seven when a voice boomed prompting them to halt their steps.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Instinctively, both looked back as to see who is calling who.

And Jongin couldn't believe his eyes.

The guy from before is now running away from the tiny crowd.

And he is running scaringly fast towards him.

Jongin think he's going to really faint from the mini heart attack this time around.



author's note: This is very late D:  I've been very caught up with college so please bear with me ;A; This is looooonger than previous chapters btw, wink wonk. Please do comment on what you think, they hype me up lol :)) Also, do subscribe and upvote if you like this so far. Thanks for reading!

Until the next update!



-- will be edited soon --
ps: might as well cut off your jongin meeting kyungsoo feels atm u - u
[ 09.01.15 ]

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story on hold wink wonk


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Chapter 4: hahahahaha that must be Yoda! poor Luhan that's what you get from having close friends... but still you love them.^_^ and why am i excited for jongin lol
Chapter 4: It must be dumb yeollie
Chapter 4: This must be Chanyeol. Like seriously. I don't remember you writing anyone else who will go to the concert... but... Chanyeol actually described what he'll wear so who might it be?
Lilianlimi #4
Chapter 4: i have to contain my kaisoo feels...
facedhun #5
Chapter 4: I will piss my pants off if the mysterious guy is Chanyeol and he trips over while trying to catch Jongin. Because nothing's more entertaining than the vision of fictional Park Chanyeol falling down with his dumb face. Omg the feels...
im the drop dead gorgeous bestfriend aha
Pug_Life #8
Chapter 3: This will be interesting... Can't wait for the next update (^∇^)
Lilianlimi #9
Chapter 3: Oh mai gosh I can't wait for the next update! !!!!!
Chapter 1: This is going to be interesting