Chapter 2

Ghost Husband

  Hyukjae stood in front of his bathroom mirror, towel around his waist and thought why can't Mother just try and understand? At least Father accepts me, even if he isn't happy about it. I wonder what his plan is. He then remembered the paper his father slipped him and headed back into his bedroom to see what it said.

  After a brief search to find the paper from where he tossed it on his messy bed, Hyukjae carefully unfolded it. In handwriting he didn't recognize was

Mister Lee, I believe I can help your son. When he comes to the matchmaking service to meet Rella, have him wear a red scarf. Once they're alone to get to know each other, have him use the code word "fish." From what you've told me, I think I know someone who'll be perfect for him. I told your wife I'd find him a match. I never specified which gender, and no girl should be matched with someone who will never be interested in her that way. Madam Kim

  Well, that's not weird at all Hyukjae thought. Why can't I be left alone to choose my own partner? Well, at least this Madam Kim seems to understand, I hope. Maybe she's had to deal with others like Mother, or me. At least he had a bit of hope now he wasn't going to be stuck weaseling out of some girl with the wrong idea. Sighing, he pulled on grey slacks and slipped into an open necked grey shirt that wouldn't look too bad with his red silk scarf. He lined his eyes with kohl, partly to piss off his mother who hated it when he wore makeup since in her world it was only for women, but mostly because he knew he looked hot. Who knows? Maybe this Madam Kim really did find him a hot guy, or there was always the club later. He had a feeling he was really going to need a drink if this didn't go well. Setting his fedora on his bright red hair (dyed also to piss his mother off, plus the guys at the club he went to loved it) he shoved his feet into his boots, patted his pocket to make sure he had his wallet and phone, and as an afterthought, the letter from Madam Kim. He headed downstairs with a look of resignation on his face.

  "Well Hyukjae, don't you look nice, except that ridiculous eye makeup and you need to dye your hair back to a proper color. Well, we don't have time for you to wash your face or fix your hair now, so hopefully she'll look past it. Miss Kim has been told already you need a girl to help you grow up properly and that you insist on some absurd ideas. She seems quite understanding so far. Come dear, it's time to go." Hyukjae let his mother drag him to the car, while his father locked up. He sat in the front seat, as doleful as a funeral, while Mrs Lee chattered happily from the back seat, about how excited she was about her future daughter in law and grandchildren and how Hyukjae would soon see how men were supposed to be. His father patted his knee in sympathy, but had to concentrate on driving.

  When they arrived at the matchmaker service, Hyukjae could hardly drag himself out of the car. His father slung an arm over his son's shoulders and managed to whisper "cheer up Son, it'll be all right" before his mother grabbed his arm and dragged him inside to greet a slender person who was dressed as a traditonal woman, except for the heavy veil over their face.

  "Ah, Mister and Mrs Lee, We meet again. This must be Master Hyukjae." Hyukjae bowed politely, and the person he assumed as Madam Kim, though the voice didn't sound particularly feminine, bowed back. He almost missed the wink they gave him, and the suggestion of a smile under the veil. "If you all will follow me." Madam Kim turned and led them into a cozy room with comfy overstuffed furniture. After the Lees had settled themselves, the person spoke again. "If you would please excuse me a moment, I'll just go and see what is keeping Miss Kim."

  After Madam Kim left, Hyukjae's mother started talking again. "Sit up straight and get that frown off your face Lee Hyukjae! You don't want to scare off your future wife before you've even been introduced!"

  "Mother" Hyukjae began warningly, then forced himself to adopt a different tone. "Mother, don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself a bit? Even if a miracle occurs, I won't be married off so easily."

  "You'll love her. Then you'll settle down and finally realize how your life is meant to be, not that other garbage."

  "Mother, please. Can't you at least try to understand?"


A/N Chapter two! And between all my babies I have 400 unique subscribers now! Yay! *throws confetti and baby penguins in celebration* I'm almost sorry Hyukkie's dad isn't the type to tell his wife to shut up, or maybe slap her, just a little. On the other paw, she's so much fun to write that I don't really want anyone to really try to get her to chill. She is based very loosely on my gay best friend's mother, a crazy old Southern woman, although she's never tried to matchmake her son. So, thoughts on Madam Kim and what they have up their sleeves?

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Chapter 31: I am so glad I stumbled over this. The end nearly made me cry ;-; so beautiful
Chapter 31: Oh my god... this is the 2nd story I read that has reincarnation in it... and I must say, the reincarnation scene always make me cry..
bine84 #3
Chapter 31: This Story is just WOW..really amazing. I enjoyed reading it so much.Thumps up for your hard work in writing and Thank you for sharing it.
Just finished reading this story and it was beyond amazing! Eunhae was adorably cheesy for pretty much the whole time they were together. Such a unique and well written story line. I would have definitely read it all in one sitting if I didn't have to go to stupid work. Keep up the ridiculously awesome work author-nim!!!
Baegoppahansam #5
Chapter 31: This story is written well and it is one of the bests that I've read. For me the plot is unique, I love the way it was written; fluffy. It was a feel good story actually and I hope you'll write more beautiful stories like this. Thank you so much authornim!!
Chapter 31: Here are comments as I was reading from chapter 26 to 31:
Donghae's "I'd slice you into sashimi" is truly beautiful xD
I feel bad for Nat (well, actually myself haha) for biting Hyukkie, but as you said, it's for his own good!
Again, Donghae's "Can you please teach him to make something that doesn't look like a cat threw it up" made me nearly spit my wine!
I'm really impressed how nearly everybody in this story is so tolerant to gay people (especially Hyukkie's boss), given that it happens in South Korea. However, the atmosphere creates is really cozy :3
That couple dance... So niiiice!!!
Ahhhh, I missed Chulliiiieeee
I smirk so much in this story xD And can disappear? Awesome :3
Hmmm, Hyukkie with eyeliner? Oh yesss
Hyukkie's mother's " Get rid of that boy and I'll have your exorcised, " rocks hahaha
Whoa, it's all relateeeeed! (the ship accident)
I like Hae's mother :3 She has such a pleasant aura around her~ And she's so chilled out: "Keep this up and you;ll be a pro in no time!" xD
My gosh, their first time is so funny and cute at the same time!
Aw, my job is done T^T
YAY! Hyukkie's mother is less irritating for me now
Oh man, it's been a while since I saw the trio xD (Kyu, Yesung, and Wookie)
Yay! I got adopted :3 I happyyyyyy
Manager of tropical fish store? Sounds just right xD
Aw, Siwon... My heart shivers T^T
Nevertheless, really good story, my dearest Kitty! Absolutely worth it and strongly recommended!
Motahareh #7
Chapter 31: The end in the nursing home was just sad... All the people they knew were gone and it was their turn it:( kinda reminded me of the their real life in future
Chapter 31: Found this story and started to read it and I have to say it was AWESOME! I LOVED IT<333333333333333333333
It was BEAUTIFUL :) So happy that Siwon had finally found a way to get them together so they could spend the rest of lives together with the pest ...I laughing so hard when Heechul and Ryeowook stripped to prove to Hyuk's mom that they were men and happy that she finally came around to seeing that Hyuk is happy with Hae ...It was a nice ending for them all and a new beginning for Hyuk and Hae :D
kiahae #9
Chapter 31: Awww its was nice even i dont want it to finish
Thank u :)
Chapter 31: thankyu sooooo much for this beautiful story ending twas a lovely eunhae until the next life still together forever,twas so cute and funny their pet names for each other kkk tcand ehunhae hugs for you my dear and more eunhae story from you soon ❤♥❤