Chapter 9

Be Mine


Chapter 9.


She could not help but exclaimed as she stepped into his house.  It’s so huge with white furniture around. And she could not understand the crazy amount of servants who stood in line as they walked into the house; she gulped and looked around in awe.

Myungsoo chuckled at Hyuna’s reaction.

She immediately looked at him and closed , “I’m quite a country bumpkin right?” She laughed shyly.

“Not at all,” He held her hand and led her into the house.

She froze at his touch but strangely she did not reject it. She remembers how her mother always teaches her, never let another boy touches you, when he does, kick him away! She followed his guide carefully; stealing glances at his face, wondering what is he thinking. But first of all, she has to know what she is thinking.

“Make yourself at home,” He led her to the studies at level 2, which made dropped open again. It’s a long stretch of rooms, which she wondered how Myungsoo knew this room is the studies. But well, it’s quite a stupid thought as he is the one living here anyway.

“Aw, is that you and your parents?” she pointed at the family picture on the wall, with a smiling couple holding at cute little baby in the middle.

Myungsoo glanced at the picture lazily, looking at his so called parents. He nodded his head, not wishing to talk more about it.

“So cute,” fortunately, she did not talk about the picture anyway; she sat down and took her books out, “I did not know you have such a big house. It’s like the ten times, oh no.. Like hmmmm, many much times larger than my house!” She joked as she recalled her little shophouse, with level 1 as the small eatery and level 2, for just enough space for the family of 3. It might be small, but she is just happy to be with her family. “But I am happy to be there! My home!” 

He looked at her silently, listening to her talks; he likes to see her talk, so positive and energetic. You can say, it’s sometime totally opposite from him.

“Oh, did I talk too much?” she paused as she heard no responses from him, sometimes she just could keep talking and talking. “You must be sick of me talking,”

“No,” He quickly replied, “I like to hear you talk,”

Hyuna blushed. As compared to her nonstop talking, she thinks that even though Myungsoo does not speak much, but his words just can impact a person so much.  “We should get started,” She stared at her book, avoiding eye contacts with him, is her red face getting too obvious?


Sunggyu sat under the tree beside the school field, “Yah! Nam Woohyun! Why did you drag me to stay back in school with you! “

Woohyun sat down beside Sunggyu tiredly; he asked the security guards and the cleaners, no one saw anything suspicious that morning. So who the hell put a freaking dead cat on someone’s desk? It’s sick. “I wonder if your small eyes can be of use in such situations, spotting details that normal people can’t see,”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes, “It’s not funny,” he pulled the grass and whined, “It’s so boring. Let’s go home,”

“I must find out the culprit! You are my best friend, you should help!” Woohyun nudged the lazy one beside him, “Time to use your brain, when was the last time you use it?”

“Yah!” Sunggyu gave his bestfriend a slight push playfully, “I would have punch you if you are not my best friend,”

“Oh? The cute teddy bear Kim Sunggyu punches? I didn’t know that!” Woohyun stood up and stuck his tongue childishly.

“Teddy bear?” Suungyu raised his brows, “You are so gonna get it! I’m will show you what a beast is!” He yelled and chased after Woohyun.

Jiyoon whined and cursed as she dragged the pail of dirty water out of the school, “Do not waste water! Please pour the water to the soil,” she mimicked the teacher’s nag, “Please, do you think grass and trees like dirty water? Idiot! This is child labor!” she whined to herself, all her attention were on the pail, careful not to let the dirty water to spill all over. Why it is my turn to clean the classroom today? She screamed in her mind.

“Yah! Nam Woohyun! Stop running!”

Jiyoon paused as she heard Infinite’s name from her back.


Before Jiyoon could turn her back someone crashed into her, causing them to fall over the ground, spilling the dirty water all over Jiyoon’s face.

“,” Sunggyu quickly stood up and panicked, this girl should not suddenly pause in the middle of nowhere!

“Kim Sunggyu, what have you done….” Woohyun ran back to them and saw a girl lying on the floor, drenched with gray water.

Jiyoon remained on the ground, looking at the two guys, oh, Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun from Infinite. Great, how great is that. Will she get kick out of school immediately? But, it’s his fault for crashing into her, look who’s drenched in dust water. She bit her lower lips and stood up herself slowly.

“Yah! You should pull the girl up!” Woohyun quickly held Jiyoon’s arms and helped her up. “Are you okay?”

She nodded her head timidly.

“Kim Sunggyu, you caused her to hit the ground with her head, she can’t talk now !”

“Maybe we should go to the hospital,” Sunggyu agreed, nodding his head. “You should not suddenly stop at nowhere!” he sighed. “Now let’s go to the hospital and check your head,”

Jiyoon curled her fingers into a fist, are they idiots? “YAH!”

She suddenly screamed, scaring the two guys who were trying to drag her with them. She looked at the two guys closely, they do not look scary at all, she mustered her courage and spoke, “See what you have done to me! I am drenched in smelly dirty dust water! You did not care about that, but care about my head? “Are you guys idiots? She did not say out the last sentence, she is still aware that they are Infinite, the so called ruthless and almighty group of the school.

Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at each other then suddenly laughed.

“You are perfectly fine! I am so happy!” Sunggyu grinned and shook her shoulder.

Jiyoon could not believe her sight, the Infinite laughing so warmly and happily?

“Hey, aren’t you  Kim Hyuna’s friend?” Woohyun snapped his fingers as he recalled who she is. He just found her so familiar. “Ji… Ji.. “

“Jeon Jiyoon,” She answered. This is not the Infinite she imagined; they should be cool and quiet, like Kim Myungsoo. Not like the two in front of her, giving a warm aura.

“Okay, great! Nam, I just had an accident, I must go home and rest. Let’s stop the investigation for the day,” Sunggyu stretched his back lazily, happy to found an excuse to go home.

“Investigation?” Jiyoon repeated curiously.

“Yes! Finding out who is the culprit behind the freaky dead cat incident!” Woohyun replied.

Jiyoon nodded her head, she recalled Hyuna telling them Nam Woohyun from Infinite would help them in finding out the culprit. But she imagined them hiring many professional detectives to investigate this issue. Not like this… them doing the work themselves.

“You guys are investigating yourselves?”

“Do you see anyone else?” Sunggyu joked, looking left and right.

She paused at his idiotic act, “I thought you guys will hire others to do it since you guys are rich,”

“It’s more satisfying to find out ourselves!” Woohyun smiled, “You should join us! You look smart!”

“Me? Joining you guys?” Jiyoon pointed at herself in disbelief. Did the guys from Infinite just invited her to join them?


 Hyuna’s eyes brighten as Myungsoo solved another math question in such a short time, “You are really so smart!” she praised and looked at the solution, “Ah! Why didn’t I think of this? I should practice more,”

He said nothing but looked at her serious side profile. He wishes the time will stop, just them forever.


Hyuna pulled out her vibrating phone from her pocket and pick up the call.

He looked at her and frowned to see her eyebrows knitted closely to each other. He wondered who she is talking to, making her to have such a dark expression.  

“You mean Jihyun’s dad got fired?”

Oh that. Myungsoo shrugged and turned away with a small smirk on his face.

“Is that the reason why she did not come to school today?” Hyuna whispered into the phone, she felt so bad for Jihyun. Must be a horrible news for the family, considering Jihyun’s dad is the sole breadwinner of her family.  "I wonder how can we help her...." 


HELLO! Thanks for reading and leaving nice comments! :D 

I'll catch up with you guys next time! got to run! ^^

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Please update...
Please update...
I ship myungah so badly...
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 11: Update please
laaJunah4ever #4
Chapter 11: please updated!! ur story
inspiritnicXD #5
Chapter 11: I really like this. <3
RiChan #6
Chapter 11: Myungsoo is just too obsessed. I hope he won't do anything stupid. I look forward to reading the next chapter!
Chapter 11: Yeah. Been waiting for your update.
Myungsoo obsession going out of control.
Chapter 10: Wahhhh!! Author-nim update soon jaebal!!!!!
lahlah #9
Chapter 10: Update soon like pretty pretty pretty soon
please update soon,^^