Unexpected Request

To Sing and Dance

It was a little before noon when I walked into Pulse Studios, greeting other staff members and guests before arriving in one of its dance studio. No sooner did Taewon come in with a suspicious smirk and sheet of paper. "What's this?" I ask as said paper was placed in my hand. "And what's with the camera?" I hadn't noticed it originally, but Drew had followed Taewon in, a camcorder cradled in his hands. "Read it," Taewon orders, quickly adding, "out loud."

I look down at the sheet and study it for a moment. It's an email sent to Pulse Studios, written in Korean, and shows it was forwarded to Taewon's email in English. So I read it. "This letter is for the dance teacher of the girls who cover Got7 songs. Please translate and give to her." "Skip to the next paragraph," he interrupts. I give him a tired look and then look at Drew - or the camera since it blocks his face. These two are always up to something and because I'm the new and only girl in our trio, they like to mess with me. I don't expect this time to be any different. But whatever, I'll keep reading.

"We enjoyed watching the girl's song and dance covers. Watching your videos has become a normal pastime." Oh, that's nice. It's always cool to know South Korean natives find our efforts entertaining. "Would you do EXO's Call Me Baby? The guys really anticipate it." Ah, it's just another request. They could have just left a comment or hit up our twitter like everyone else. I start to give the paper back to Taewon but be just pushes it back at me. "It's just a request," I tell him. "There's more," he tells me, still wearing that smirk from before.

"Please have ten girls to represent each member," I read on, "to sing and dance like your Got7 videos. Our company is willing to help shoot the video..." I stop and frown. "Don't they know we have our own film crew? Really, how is this any different?" Taewon laughs, as if I'm the idiot. "It's a challenge. They want to shoot a female version, an exact replica." They? I look back at the letter. "Who is this from?" I scan the letter for a name until Taewon's finger points to the sender at the top.

Cho Minguk, EXO manager, SM Entertainment

I stare at it, unconvinced. The guys know how much I love this song - I keep it on repeat in my car for crying out loud - and EXO. This comeback only reignited my obsession with them and I'm totally certain Drew and Taewon are taking advantage of that. I sigh and hold the paper away from me. "I don't believe it." Drew starts laughing instantly, the camera shaking in his hands. "I told you she wouldn't." Taewon's face turns shocked as his eyes widen and mouth opens. He snatches the paper and points at it. "No really, it's from EXO's manager! Tell her!" Drew let's up from his laughing fit and nods behind the camera. That thing is starting to get on my nerves now. They can't fool me, I know they'll put this prank on their Instagrams. "He's right, we had nothing to do with it."

I fold my arms over my chest and lean on one leg, squinting my eyes at them. Seriously, they could've easily made a fake email and a fake name just to see me get all hyped up over a fake deal. "This is real, I promise. Cho Minguk is real," Taewon claims. I give him one last look before holding my pinky up. "Promise?" He raises his own pinky and reaches for mine, but I quickly pull back and shoot death lasers at him as an unspoken warning. He just huffs a bit of air before snatching my pinky with his. "It's real," he goes on, "but there's one condition." He points to a section in the letter and reads, "The dance teacher has to be in the song also."

To that I make a face and pout. I prefer to stay behind cameras, everyone knows that. Even this Cho Minguk appears to know that! The Got7 covers were the first time I ever participated in the recording and filming; I usually just teach the choreo and let them do the rest. Not calling myself a humble lady - my Instagram has enough selfies to prove I can be pretty full of myself sometimes - but my voice is not song worthy. "So, what do you say?" Thinking it over, this will definitely be fun, minus the part when I have to use my voice. And I was going to learn and teach this choreo anyway so what the hell? "Challenge accepted." The girls are going to freak when they find out.

A/N sorry for such a short chapter. The next is much longer.
This chapter is meant to be sort of a backstory to the rest of the story.

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