Fallen Leaves

What if?

2015, 31st December, Seoul

Junsu almost dropped the cup he was cleaning when the little bells over the front door jingled and Jung mother-ing Yunho entered the restaurant.

"Holy . Jaejoong's gonna have a frickin' heart attack when he sees you."

"Always so eloquent, Junsu-sshi", Yunho said, showing a warm smile. "Is Jaejoong here?"

"He's on his way. He'll be here in a couple of minutes. Do you want something to drink in the mean time?"

"Mocha latte, please."

"Junsu-yah, sorry I'm late, traffic was murder!" The whirlwind named Kim Jaejoong entered the restaurant about ten minutes later, looking somewhat frazzled, his hair on end and his head inside his bag, as he searched for his mock-up for the new menu.

"No problem. There's someone here to see you, by the way."

"Huh? Who?" Jaejoong looked around the restaurant, dropping his bag to the floor when he saw Yunho.

"I like what you've done with the place. It's beautiful." Yunho's voice was slightly deeper than Jaejoong remembered, but still as warm and gentle.

"Thanks. You're beautiful too." Wait, WHAT?!?

Yunho couldn't help but chuckle.

"Shouldn't that be my line?"

Smooth, Jung, Junsu thought, taking Jaejoong's star-struck expression as his cue to leave the restaurant, turning the sign in the door to display 'Sorry, we're closed'. The second the door closed, he picked up his phone and called Yoochun, having the sudden urge to go on a date with his boyfriend.

Silence fell for a moment. Neither knew how to continue the conversation.

"Hey, you want a coffee or something?" Jaejoong spoke suddenly, quickly, since he was unexpectedly nervous. "I'm not a barista like Junsu or anything, but I can still whip something up", he blabbered on.

"Too late", Yunho smiled, holding up his powder blue cup.

"Oh. Right. I'll just make one for me, then."

Once Jaejoong sat down with his own cup of coffee, Yunho started talking about things that had changed in Seoul since he'd been away, as a way of breaking the awkwardness. For this, Jaejoong was very grateful.

"I'm glad you haven't changed that much, though", Yunho said. "You're still the Jae I know, only more mature. That makes me happy."

"Oh yeah? Who is this Jae you know? I bet he's super handsome."

"Heh, he is now. You used to be more pretty than handsome, but I guess you grew out of that. I'm talking about how you still your lips when you're awkward, and how you can still light up the room when you smile. Stuff like that."

Jaejoong smiled into his coffee cup.

"I'm happy to see that you're still the Yunho I know, too. Although I kinda miss your crooked teeth", Jaejoong added with a pouty smile. "I bet you still sleep with your mouth wide open, too".



"Aah, America sounds beautiful. I'd like to go there sometime", Jaejoong sighed as they sat down in his sofa. They had decided that the restaurant should remain closed for the evening — Jaejoong had written a note about stomach flu and stuck on the door, not feeling the least bit guilty —, and gone home to Jaejoong's apartment, which was only a few blocks away.

"Maybe we can go back there sometime, on vacation", Yunho replied, sipping on a glass of red wine.

"You make it sound like you've left the States."

"I have. I quit my job last month."


"I missed Korea. There's something about this country that you just can't get in the States."

"What? Oreo Cereal and homemade kimchi?" Jaejoong joked, expertly ruining the mood without even noticing. Yunho didn't let it phase him, and just smiled in return.

"There's that. But but more importantly, you're here."

Jaejoong almost choked on his wine.

"I miss you, Jae. With the risk of sounding like a creeper, I've been thinking a lot about you lately, and I've realised that I'm still in love with you. I can't get this nagging thought of 'what if?' out of my mind, and I just had to come back to find out."

"Find out what?" Jaejoong's heart was racing.

"If I - we still have a chance at a relationship. I'm not necessarily saying right now, but in the future, and-"

Yunho was silenced by Jaejoong's soft lips.

"Now is good", Jaejoong breathed as they parted. "I missed you too. I still love you too".

Their attention turned to the sudden fireworks show outside the window, signalling the arrival of the new year.

"Happy New Year, Jae".

"Happy New Year, Yunho".


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the2ndwander #1
Chapter 3: Love just how they parted amicably and get on like the years doesn't tear them apart. *sigh*love
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 3: Any glucometer around here?i think sugar in my blood is high and even higher with cheesy line ever! Kkkkkk
naoplume #3
Chapter 3: So sweet awwwww love it
Chapter 3: How could you end thisssssss T^T nuuuuuuuu hahahahaha /clings
Chapter 3: I love it....
It`s soooo sweet and full with love....
but I wish Amber,Henry and YooChun can shows up more...(especially YooChun)
but thanks dear ^^
claire_yj #6
Chapter 3: I love this story... It is so fluffy and sweet, especially the part where jae and yunho texted each other. So touching that they still remember each other and love each other after so many years. Enjoyed reading this fic. Thank you. ♡
2minhaehyukyunjae #7
Chapter 3: So sweet and cute!!!
Love Jung family
Tanks for this is a sweet story
seiza32 #8
Chapter 3: I want moaaaarrr.. this just too sweet, love Jung family so much. ♥♡♥
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 3: Aww...that was so sweet. Yunho finally came back to his first love...if he didn't, he wouldn't have what he has today....the what if.
mar1adyve5sa #10
Chapter 3: Yunjae'a love is so strong even after 8 years.
Well it's yunjae tho, hehehe
Thanks for the sweet and beautiful story :)