Prologue I

Blossoming: A Time I'll Always Remember
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I adjust my tie, take a deep breath to calm myself and with all the confidence I can muster up, enter the gym. Hey, a guy’s gotta make an entrance, right? Besides, I gotta look cool for the love of my li-li-life-


Diggity damn. 


Eunbyul is wearing a simple long black dress that hugged her body in all the right places and I should really close my mouth before people start giving me weird stares. I mean I kinda expected that she would have a nice body because my Eunbyullie is perfect after all but she’s never worn anything like, well…this. Out of every single person in this room she shines the brightest — just like her name suggests, she’s a star. My star. 


...Only she’s not mine. Reality is sad, isn’t it?


Alright, first I gotta calm down and get over how beautiful she is then I should go over and tell her.


Deep breaths. In, out. In, out. I slap myself on the face a few times for good measure. 


Okay okay, I think I’m fine now. 


Just in time, she spots me and waves at me to go over. 


Okay, Lee Seokmin, you got this. Just hold your tears back, you can cry about how much of an angel she is later. 


“Sup.” Okay. That was lame. But at least it made her laugh. Not good for me though. Her laugh is my weakness…along with her eyes, her nose, her lips… Speaking of her lips, why does she look so y with red lipstick on? What the- I’m getting distracted. 


“Have you seen Mingyu, by the way?” she interrupts my inner fanboying session.


Oh right, I have to tell her. “He texted me an hour ago saying that he can’t come. Something about family business that popped out last minute.”


“Oh. I guess it can’t be helped then.” She sounds disappointed. Don’t be disappointed, my star, that’s why I’m here, right?


“So he sent me to be his replacement instead. Sorry my tie doesn’t match the colour of your dress or anything.”


Eunbyul rolls her eyes but I can see a ghost of her smile on her lips. Ah, so pretty. 


“Shall we dance?” I ask in English — or as Hansol likes to call it, Engrish. 


She takes the hand that I'm holding out and like the gentleman that I am, lead her out onto the dance floor.  Her hand is so small and soft. 


We find Hoshi with his date and Jihoon ing them and all of us are goofing around. Jihoon starts doing the sprinkler and I don’t know if I want to be friends with him anymore…


Sike. I actually join him.


Suddenly, a slow song comes on and the atmosphere takes a 360. Hoshi is now slow dancing with his date, showing off some seriously fancy footwork. That smooth mofo. I need to get lessons from him one day. 


Jihoon also somehow finds himself a girl to dance with even though I’m pretty sure he came here dateless. Whatever. 


I take Eunbyul into my own arms. One of my arms is wrapped around her waist. She had one hand on my shoulder and the other in my own. And in this moment, everything feels so right. I can’t get over how perfectly she fits in my arms —it was like my arms were made to hold her. I'd like to think in my arms is where she belongs.  


Besides that, her face is so close to mine and I can see every detail of her face and my heart is beating so quickly I’m surprised I died of a heart attack yet. I wonder how she’s feeling. 


She isn’t even looking at me. Is it because she’s nervous? Or is this just wishful thinking? 


The song ends, another upbeat song plays and we’re back to jumping around dancing. 


My romantic moment was short lived but it was a moment I’ll never forget in this lifetime. 




Seokmin and the others ditched me because they had to set up for their performance so now I’m all alone. 


Just then, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see my best friend. 


“Yah, Kang Eunbyul.”


“Yah, Park Jimin.” 


We have identical smiles on our faces. 


“Where’s Mingyu? I saw you dancing with Seokmin earlier but I haven’t seen Prince Charming all night. Isn't he your date?”


Oh, I nearly forgot that Mingyu isn’t here tonight. But now that Jimin reminded me, I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed. I was actually looking forward to coming to prom with him but things don’t always turn out the way we plan it to, huh? Well, I shouldn’t sulk too much, I’m not having a terrible time anyway —in fact, tonight has been fun so far.


After telling Jimin about Mingyu, we go over to the food section and stuff our faces with food because it's our favourite past time. Only when I hear Jihoon’s voice over the microphone do I sneak a last piece of chip into my mouth and run over to the stage. Jimin is right beside me.


I always love watching the band perform. Jihoon on guitar, Hoshi on bass, Hansol on drums (wait, I thought only seniors were allowed to attend tonight?) and naturally, the microphone belongs in Seokmin’s hands. Every time they go on stage, I’m surprised, even till this day. They were just so diffe

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Crazypanda4 #1
I love your writing style authornim... Hope you update soon!!!
trappedlsg #2
Chapter 2: Love this story already bruh, just after reading two friggin' prolouges
If I was in their school, I'd probably also be one of the people who ships SoonSeok lol
Hopin' for a guy named Xu Minghao to make an appearance haha