
The Circle of Life
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02 ` Brats



“Baba! Can we go to the park?” Yixing asked.

“No. You’re grounded, remember?” Kris responded, without looking from his morning newspaper.

“Then, can we go over to the Kims?” he tried again.

“Yixing, what part of being grounded do you not understand?” he side glanced his son.

“Well, I mean, grounded as in I’m grounded to the floor like right now? Or grounded as in I’m not allowed to leave the house? Or my room? Or? Baba, you weren’t being very clear yesterday,” Yixing responded wittily.

“Xing, stop being rude to baba,” Tao smacked the back of his brother’s head as he came into the kitchen.

“Ow! Brother, you’re killing my brain cells,” Yixing whined and rubbed his head.

“Yeah, and I’ll continue on doing so if you don’t stop with your snarky comments,” he narrowed his eye at his devious little brother. Yixing jutted his bottom lips out to pout and grumbled a small “fine” before stomping out of the kitchen to find his twin.

Tao tsk at his brother’s behavior while his dad just shakes his head. Sigh.



Luhan and Chen sat in the middle of the Chen’s room, waiting for Yixing to come back with good news. Their face dropped when Yixing told them that they couldn’t leave the house because they are grounded.

“Next time, I’m not going to ask baba for anything – Tao ge hits hard. I’m sure my head doubled in size because it’s bruising,” Yixing pouted.

“But your head is already big. I don’t think it can get any bigger, Xing,” snorted Chen and Luhan high fived him, both laughing.

“Oh yeah? At least I don’t look like a dinosaur, you dinosaur,” Yixing retaliated. Luhan grabbed his stomach and fell on the floor, cracking up like a maniac, “HAHAHAH! Dinosaurrrrrrrrrr! HAHAHA”

“YAH! How dare you call me that? I’m your hyung and Luhan! Whose side are you on?”

“Of course my human twin and not a dinosaur!”

With that, both Luhan and Yixing ran out of the room with Chen chasing close behind. They ran into

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ThreeBit #1
Chapter 3: Do you have any idea what you did to me ? Hunhan cuteness is just too much~ Please update!!
teddy1008 #2
Chapter 3: Please update!
Violeena #3
Chapter 3: :3 I have a good feeling about this fic. Great work so far!
Yerinator #4
Chapter 3: Please update soon (:
Gigi89 #5
Chapter 1: Ha, so cute so far
xiuminbae #6
Chapter 3: Soo adorable♡
Yerinator #7
Chapter 2: Haha they're so cute! Can't wait for more (:
xiuminbae #8
Chapter 2: Haha they they are adorable little brats♡
Chapter 1: This sounds sweet! I am so excited to read more
xiuminbae #10
Chapter 1: This story sounds really fun! I can't wait to read more♡