Rely on me!

Longing for you


"Okay what do you want to know?"


The room smelled of his grandpa, not in a bad way just reminding him of his childhood and it felt familiar. Sunggyu noticed the family picture in a pretty frame on the table. He squinted his eyes a bit to see better. He likes how everyone in the picture looks happy. When was it? It seemed like a photo they took when he was only six years old. Oh what would he trade now to return to this happy time... But there was no going back. He sighted. Just thinking about it, what could possibly happen, how this could and/or affect his career, gave him a headache. What does he want to ask? Duh, everything is still a big question mark beginning at the sole existence of damn vampires. He started with an easier question.


"Is there someone else in our family who is ehrm... affected?"


Not trying to sound bad, but he wished there would be. It's not like he wanted them to have a hard life or problems but there isn't the saying "A problem shared is a problem halved" for no reason. And then there would be the case that that someone has some useful tips how to live with this condition. In fact, Sunggyu was just scared to deal with this alone. Who can he entrust? Of course not s, they will laugh hysterically if he comes with the story like: "Hey, so... in the next time you have to be careful around me, because I'm kind of half vampire so i might your blood if you're not careful." Like yeah. He would laugh too! Oh his life is really screwed.

But his hopes were immediately crushed.


"No, not that i know of. If i remember correctly there was someone 14 years ago. Just a really distant relative who was said to be kind of rebellious, and distanced himself from his parents a lot until he moved away. But there is no proof that he had it." His grandpa looked at the disappointed Sunggyu.


"Cheer up! I know that this hard on you but if anything happens you can yount on me!" He gave Sunggyu a warm and encouraging smile.


Sunggyu frowned and sighted but he warmed up to his grandpa.

"Easier said than done... Well anyway, thank you! I will definitely count on you if the situation calls for some help!" Now he grinned at him.


Because the mood got awkward after no one spoke again they changed the topic and talked about this and that. His grandpa was always really interested in the Infinite members so he got some stories and they had a good time. For a minute Sunggyu almost forgot what else he wanted to ask but then he remembered. The old man was still chuckling from the bathroom incident Sunggyu talked about.


"Oh there is one more thing that bugged me. Why did the story end so suddenly?"


"Oh that. Yes i know but the letter really did end like that? It wasn't ripped of or anything, seemed like the author stopped writing there or something." He shrugged his shoulders.


After that the room remained silent. Both males were rather in their minds as they heard a silent knock on the door. The door opened and revealed Woohyun who looked confused bewtween both. While Sunggyu had a rather annoyed and helpless expression, his grandpa was just grinning and winking at Sunggyu one last time before he patted him and Woohun on the shoulder as he left the room. And again it was silent, the only sound the ticking of the clock. Woohyun seemed to realize that his hyung wouldn't start the conversation, he was currently looking at the ground and was biting his lips. So Woohyun cleared his mouth and was about to say what was on his mind.


"Sunggyu I-"



Sunggyu was now looking at Woohyun. He looked agonized and in pain. His eyes looked teary and his mouth was left open, hesitating to say more. As Woohyun looked deep into his eyes there was such a strong pull but he stayed in his place. Why do you look at me so pleading? I know you are hurting i can see it! He thought it was unfair. All he wanted in that moment was to take Sunggyu in his arms and to tell him that everything was okay. But how could he possibly do that?


"Woohyun, I... I-"


Now there was a tear streaming down Sunggyu's face. He pressed his palm into a fist and and was trying to bring himself into control again. It was not his plan to lose his temper. There is no way he would want to tell the younger his secret, who would want to burden someone with that? And wasn't he his "target". I can't tell him i want his blood so much! And, and.. that's not it. There is more. So much more i don't even know anymore what it is, what is making my heart beat so fast. The hotness was distracting him. Every fibre of his body was pulling him to the attractive man in front of him. He squeezed his eyes shut. 


"Gyu, i know." 


Sunggyu looked up surprised at the sudden chance in Woohyun's voice. He sounded determined. Wohyun decided he would tell him everything and so he did. He could no longer bear the pain in his friends eyes. Of course he could hide it, keep the fact that he knew, but that would break Sunggyu. Woohyun knew that the older would rather die than to show weakness in front of his friends. He would try to bear with this alone and to be hopelessly hurting in the process trying to not drag others into his mess. So it was Woohyun's duty to release him of this pain, that was the only thing he could do now for him. To tell him that he is not alone, that he can rely on him. So he told him the fact that he was shamelessly eavesdropping this night and that he heard everything. 


As Woohyun was talking, Sunggyu's eyes wided more in shock. Actually the shock cooled him down so much that he was able to think more clearly. I failed. Oh god. What do i do now? He knows. Woohyun knows. He took one step, two step back but Woohyun noticed.


"Hyung stop!! Don't run away! Please let me help you this time!" He looked at Sunggyu with pleading eyes. "Why can't you let others worry about you? There are so many people by your side but you won't let them help you... But i won't let you get away. You are not alone Hyung! You have me. Please rely on me!"


He took more steps towards a stiff Sunggyu who only looked like a lost child. Woohyun took one long breath and grabbed Sunggyu's hand. Sunggyu flinched and was immediatly trying to shake his hand off but his grip was to strong. As he stopped struggling he felt a comforting warmth coming from Woohyun's hands numbing his entire body. Suddenly the fire within has died out and everything was blurry before his eyes. The last thing he heard was:


"Let's go home, i will help you."


Then he succumbed to the warmth of Woohyun's hand and closed his eyes, his mind drifting into unconsciousness.



Sorry guys for taking so long again! -_- 

I'm in college now, Yay! So that kind of needed all my attention latly, leading to my unforgivable delay of updating ;D


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wow you know it's been almost a year when you've got to read your own fanfic to know what it was about xD


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Chapter 16: Yasss!! Thank you so much. I've been thinking about this fanfic lately ㅠㅠㅠㅠ thank you very much
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 16: huuahhh..i though u gonna stop the story...thanks for not stop it!!! i wish u all the best n fighting!!!!
Chapter 16: Waaaaah thank you so much for continuing this story... I am still here...
Chapter 16: Aww... don't stop this story!! It's freakin' GREAT!!! Keep up the spirit on finishing this story!! Fighting!!
Chapter 15: Yaaaa! Its too short... Aarrrghhh
Pleaseee update itt pleaseeeee its more than 5 months alreadyy.. ..

Pleasee back here pleaseee ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: Bahahahaha i cant hold my self.
You sure know how to disturb a story tell.. . XD
Chapter 15: Uhuk no [m] rated? XD its nice this fic
Chapter 15: thank you for updating!! this was really cute :3 how can vampire Gyu be so adorable? ^^
Looking forward to the next update (sooner pretty please?<3), I really want to know what happens next!! hwaiting~!
fradistya #9
Chapter 15: Authorniiimm~~ thank so sooo much for updating your story even though its short hehehe

Anyway, keep updating pleasee~ can't wait for next chapter! >//< authornim fighting!!