3 months later

love the way you lie (yuna x reader)

  3 months later****


''wake up! it's your shift!'' my best friend yelled while pushing me of my bed. 


it's been three months already since i left yuna...she's tried calling me a few times, but i could ever bring myself up to answering it without bursting into tears. i don't really get much sleep anymore, but lucking i got a few hours before today started.


i meet maddie when i got to busan, she was actually the one who helped me get this job since her grandma's the owner. now we both share a room on the top floor of the coffee shop and take turns with our shifts. sadly it's my shift now. i quickly get up and get ready  and then go down stairs with a forced smile. i can't even smile without feeling sad or anything really, lately I've been feeling numb, I'm hoping i will stop feeling this way soon, i bet yuna moved on, so why can't i!? like seriously? I've never done anything bad so why am i getting bad karma!? as soon as i thought that i heard this,


''owww! watch where you're pouring, you punk!'' i quickly snapped back to reality when i heard someone yelling at me. i looked down to the persons crotch area and quickly stopped pouring the hot coffee.


''i'm so sorry! here, let me get you something to clean yourself up with!'' i quickly went to the back of the shop before he could yell even more at me. ''here you go, once again i am so, so, so sorry! your breakfast will be on the house.'' i said sincerely and quickly bowed before i left. before i was ear shot away i heard the same guy saying 'yeah i better, you lousy waitress' hmmph, what a jerk!


''you can just see how lousy of a waitress i could be.'' i mumbled to myself. now i know I'm a very nice person, but i think he shouldn't be so mean so I'll be mean this one time, maybe I'll get better karma for some reason?


i headed back to the kitchen to make his breakfast, i didn't do anything that bad,i just pit a drop, a few, a whole tablespoon of hot sauce in his waffle and a lot of salt in his eggs. so it's not as bad as what i do to some people...now that i think about it, i guess i deserve the bad karma. that's it! from this moment on, I'll be as nice as the other person! right after i give the guy his breakfast.


''here you go, once again I'm truly sorry for pouring the coffee on you by mistake. enjoy the rest of your time here.'' i said handing him his food then bowed and turned away. i went to a table a few feet away from his and when i heard him say, a loud not nice word, i smirked to myself and felt proud, until maddie's grandma called me into her office, where i saw the exact same guy.


''hello, mrs.kim, guy...'' i said happily before i saw the guy. after a few seconds i sat down in the chair next to the guy and in front of mrs.kim's seat.


''hello ms.____, do you know why you're here.'' she said smiling,but i knew behind that smile, she was defiantly wishing death apon me.


''nope, i really have no idea?'' i said looking confused then turning to the guy beside me and smirked. ''so how was your food? was it okay for a 'lousy' waitress?''


''why you!" the guy said while getting up from his seat and leaning over me. why does my mouth have to be so rude to people some times? like I'm 95% rude in my head when i think of people, the only exceptions are maddie, mrs.kim, minju, jane, jin, hala, carl, the worker that i would stand next to usually, and yuna...


''yah! sit back down!'' mrs.kim said frowning at the guy. after a few more seconds of standing over me he huffed and sat down.


''now, ____, he thinks you purposely poured coffee onto his,'' mrs.kim started before coughing awkwardly and then continuing. 'crotch area, and then also purposely made his food taste bad. is that true ____?'' she asked looking at me instead of the guy.


''of course not! i wouldn't do that! jeez, he's just making it up...'' i said in disbelief while pouting. so i know i did do it on purpose, well the food part not the pouring on his s...


''hmmph...well then, that's, that.'' she said looking at the guy. ''____ would never do something like that, she might have accidently put to much of something in your food since she never sleeps,'' she stated while looking at me and frowning at the last part before turning back to the guy. ''i will make sure that she will make you a better plate right now. I'm so sorry for the whole mess that you have.''


''save it, i don't want that punk anywhere near me. now if you excuse me, i have to go to a business meeting.'' the guy said angrily while standing up from his chair, before he left he shut the door a lot louder then it should have been. when he left it was just me a mrs.kim, what seemed like a year of awkward silence was actually 2 minutes of it instead, but it was suffocating me.


''i know you did it on purpose, but i don't like that guy either, he's always in a bad mood...but! that doesn't mean you're of the hook, for the rest of the week you get clean up duty, and no pay. dismissed.'' she said while motioning me to leave her 'office'


''you don't even pay me anyways.'' i said before i left. when i turned to leave i could see her smiling at the comment.


so it went on that whole week, nothing really changed that week except that i had to clean everything and that i got a curfew for twelve o'clock, that doesn't mean coming home from somewhere, oh no, i never go anywhere. what it meant was being asleep and i couldn't even go on my phone either, but even that didn't help me sleep, i was still up and still sad.


''maddie, ____, come in here for a second.'' mrs.kim said in the door frame of her office.


''coming!'' we said in unison and quickly went to her office. her face was looking very happy, it was a little weird since she never looks that way, the only other time i saw that face was when she saved a few dollars off the eggs she gets for making eggs and other stuff it's used in, so basically everything.


''here me out before you say anything, especially you ____'' she said pointing at me. maddie and i both looked at each other in confusion but quietly waited for for maddie's grandma to continue.


''so, since it's nearing the end of the year, and since Christmas is coming up next month, i decided to get you guys an early Christmas present, also it's your only present.'' she started smiling but then turned serious in seconds. ''now, theirs a group coming here tomorrow, and i think you both will like it, well at least maddie i think will...'' she said and then turned her computer screen to face us. maddie and my faces were the same well kind of. her's was more mad and mine was more sad and wanting to die and never live ever again. ''i know, why did i get you guys tickets to see them? grate question, i was reading a website that was about sleep, because ____ never gets sleep. one of the reasons that were listed was because, break up, why? i don't know. so then i went on and read more about it. since you never really got closure on the whole situation, i thought maybe if you saw her again you might feel better?'' she said finishing while giving me a sympathetic smile. 


''are you serious? yuna basically told the world that she was dating baekhyun when she was dating ____ and she even knew he was in her favorite ship! why would she want to see her again!? so she could cry even more?'' maddie said getting mad. i see where she's coming from, if she was in my position i would be just as mad, but i also see where her grandma is coming from.


''yeah, i don't think it's a good idea either...'' i said looking down trying to not cry, which is very hard since I'm a very emotional person, for the most part.


''then let me rephrase that, you will go. if you don;t then you can move out tonight, that goes for you to maddie. that's all you can go work now.'' mrs,kim said while sitting back down and looking through a pile of taxes not giving us a single glance.


''hmmph, she's so rude sometimes'' maddie said frowning.


''yeah, but at least we know she cares.'' i said trying to laugh.


it felt like the day would never end but soon it was closing time, which was good, but also bad, because it was closer to tomorrow and that means that we're closer to seeing the ark, more importantly closer to seeing yuna...great.


''get some rest, tomorrow's going to be a long day for you.'' maddie said while walking over to her bed in the far right corner of our room.


''if only it was that easy.''' i mumbled to myself and turned to face the wall. yet again another restless night because of the same person who's been ruining my sleep life, i mean, i love sleep like seriously, but i can't sleep! even if i tried! maybe after i see her again i can get sleep...




nothing really happened in this chapter but you just wait for the next chapter XD

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ryulover19 #1
Chapter 1: MY BIAS!!!!