Chapter 5

The End

"What do you think?"

"I think the red one suits you better"

Me and Yein are picking swimsuits for this nights pool party.

I should look good right? we all should look good always. Yes..not because he is there or anyone else.


Yein snapped her fingers at my face

"Thinking about him again?"

"No!" I automatically said

"Hmm.." She gave me her judging look

"Ok lets go!" She cheered. Sometimes I'm really worried about her. Her moods change at the speed of light and its creepy.

I am wearing a red triangl swimsuit but of course I have shorts and a see through shirt to cover it. Yein is wearing a pink tube-like swimsuit and she's wearing a tube dress over it.

When we came to the pool side everybody was busy doing their own thing. Taehyung and the others boys, count Jungkook in are at the table drinking mild alcoholic drinks while the girls are in the pool.

"Guys come here with us" Mijoo said looking really hot in that black one piece.

Yein took off her tube dress and jump straight to the pool.

"Sujeong join us" Seulgi said

"No its ok, maybe later"

With that they agreed and went back to swimming

Sujeong saw Kei sitting at a bench beside the pool watching the others.

She is wearing a floral dress and her hair tied into a braid she looks really feminine and princess-like.

"Hey.." Sujeong greeted Kei

"Can i seat here?" She asked the girl infront her, that is currently giving her a smile that  can melt anyones heart.

"Sure" Sujeong sat beside her. As she looked at where Kei is looking Jungkook glanced at them but did'nt dare to smile.

"Kei, can I ask you something?" She said while her eyes are still fixed on Jungkook.

"What is it?" Kei shifted her attention to Sujeong.

"How did you and Jungkook meet?"

"At a bar" Sujeong gave her a confused look

"You? At a bar?"

Who would'nt be shocked, a girl like Kei would go to a bar? That sweet angelic girl in a bar?

"It was actually Taehyung's party and he's a friend of Taehyung so he introduced him to me" 

"So that's how your love story began?" She did'nt answer

"I know I'm not in the right position to tell you this.."

Kei's eyebrows furrowed at thinking what Sujeong is about to say

"Jungkook is cheating on you"

"I know.." Kei said calmly with a weak smile on her face

"You know and you still want your relationship to keep going?!!" Sujeong's voice raised upon hearing what Kei said. Luckily no one heared her because of the loud sound system.

"Actually, Jungkook and I are not in a relationship. After we met I was the one who contacted him and asked him if we could meet up sometime, he does'nt have a slightest interest in me but he had been my company since then. Its ok if he does'nt love me, I'll wait for that time that he'll love me too I dont care how long it will take"

"You're stupid" Those words are slipped out of Sujeongs mouth

"I know..I know"

Sujeong can't believe at what Kei said. Kei is a nice and smart girl she deserves someone better.

"What if he does'nt love you back?" Sujeong asked.

A tear flowed on Kei's cheeks.

"I guess I have to let him go"

"Again you're really stupid"

"I know that already..HaHaHa I guess love brings out the worst in us" She said while wiping her tears

Sujeong agreed on what Kei said. Love really brings out the worst in us but also it brings out the best. She never knew that her love for Jungkook is so strong that it is still alive up until now, inspite all the heartaches and tears.

"Guys lets play a game!" Mijoo said excitedly

At first we all did'nt bother but with a cup of pessuasion and a dash of aegyo we all agreed and went inside


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Chapter 4: I love it ♥♥♥
oohfahimah #2
Chapter 4: pls sujeong and v pls pls
Tithania #4
Chapter 2: jungkook is such a jerk here.. i want her to be just with V.. ;~; but i guess she will be with jungkook bcs he's the main character
Tithania #5
Chapter 1: Daebak author-nim! So jungkook is kei's boyfriend?
I seriously ship jungkook&yein and sujeong&taehyung but.. asdfghjkl!! I'll just wait for the next chapter! Fighting author-nim! ^^