Why Are You Being Like This

The Boys.


Once Yuri reached the cafeteria she was puffing away. She burst through the doors before Dara caught up with her slamming right into her.

“Oww!” Yuri yelped feeling her body hit the floor and Dara lying on top of her.
“Omo...” said Dara, who slowly crawled off Yuri and leaned her arm on her having a dazed look on her face.

“Yuriiii, you were running too fast...” Dara mumbled starting to get up.

The other girl groaned, “Dara, why are you so clumsy....” she thought to herself.

Yuri sat up seeing Dara staggering on her two feet. The taller girl was starting to lift herself off the floor when she heard a voice floating above her.

“Need help?” it said with a little hesitancy.

The voice was deep so Yuri assumed it was a guy. Seeing a hand in front of her face she took it before quickly glancing at his face. The guy had short black hair and he carefully lifted Yuri up onto her feet. Yuri was about to thank him when she realized who he was.

...it was Choi Siwon...

“Arghh...that jerk,” Yuri mumbled to herself, narrowing her eyes at the boy.
“What was that?” Siwon asked, chuckling to himself seeing that she had just noticed who he was.
Yuri quickly got up and snatched her hand out of his warm grip “uhh thank you...” she said hurriedly before heading over to the other girls at their table.

“Eww...that Choi Siwon,” she thought,“Why did I touch his hand? I should’ve looked at his face first! Then I would’ve spat on him!”

Yuri quietly giggled to herself at the thought of it and sat down at a table so she was across from the two girls. Dara was already sitting next to Hara on the table and they were both staring at her.

“Yah Kwon Yuri, why are you smiling?” asked Hara, raising her eyebrows at Yuri and cutting off her thoughts.
Yuri quickly dropped the smile from her face, “Huh?” she said looking at the two other girls now with a serious look.
“You heard her,” Dara mumbled, “she said, why are you smiling like an idiot?” she added giggling a bit at her friend’s innocent looking face.
“Yah, I wasn’t smiling!” Yuri whined grabbing her spoon and picking at the food that Hara already got for them.

The two other girls smiled at each other and Dara started whispering and giggling in Hara’s ear. Yuri tried to ignore them knowing what they were talking about, but she couldn’t help being annoyed. She slowly lifted her legs over to where the other girls were sitting across her from under the table. She put her feet in between them and pushed the two away from each other, resting her feet on their bench.

“Lucky they’re both so light,” Yuri thought to herself chuckling at the faces they made at her but keeping a straight face. She quickly started staring back at her food with a smirk on her face.

Dara and Hara peeked under the table and saw Yuri’s feet sitting in between them. Both the girls glared back at Yuri and grinned at their friend.


Siwon was staring down at his food. He hadn’t eaten for the whole break time and guessed that he just wasn’t that hungry. Around him he could hear all the guys chatting away at their table but he blocked their voices out.

“Aish!” Siwon thought to himself, “Why can’t I stop thinking about that stupid girl?”
Siwon was confused with his feelings, “Why does she always treat me like this?” he thought.

He knew he hated Kwon Yuri, he disliked her the day he first met her. It was that day the teacher paired them together in their English class.

Flashback - 4 months ago

“Students! Listen up, this assignment is due…next lesson, ok!” Professor Shim Changmin smiled as he spoke to the whole class, while frantically waving his arms around.
Siwon saw Yuri giggle quietly to herself, “She obviously is obsessed with the professor,” the boy thought, “She’s been trying to attract his attention all day, how wrong!” he said making a shocked face.
 “Ahem…Yuri should we get started?” Siwon asked the girl next to him, trying to distract her away from you know who.
“Yeah, yeah, hang on” the girl replied, still staring at the teacher and trying to ignore Siwon.
“Omo…this weird girl, is she just acting like I, Choi Siwon is not here?!” the boy thought to himself almost choking in disgust.
The girl glanced at Siwon hearing something….unpleasant, “What was that?” she asked the boy, narrowing her eyes at him.

Siwon narrowed his eyes straight back at her until she sneered at him and turned away to stare at Professor Shim again.

Siwon shook his head from side to side in discontent, “Wow, this rude girl, what is wrong with her? Didn’t we just meet?!” he thought to himself.

Yuri then turned back to Siwon seeing him sitting crossing his arms in his chair, “Stop messing around and do some work!” she moaned at him hitting his head.
“Oww!” Siwon whined rubbing his head. He was getting very annoyed with this insolent girl.
“I will do some work! Only after you stop staring at the professor you stupid girl!” he yelled back at her, getting angry. He didn’t know why…was it just cause he was jealous?

After Siwon finished yelling the whole classroom went silent and were staring at the two. The boy realized what he just did and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

“Omo…did I just say that out loud?” he muttered staring at Yuri who was glaring back at him with her eyes wide with surprise.

Yuri blushed with embarrassment and stormed out of the room after mumbling words at Siwon.

“You jerk."

End of Flashback


haha another chapter ^ ^
hehe but i have some assignments due....so a hiatus is likely....
thanks for subscribing btw~
leave a comment?? i still do not know whats gonna happen next T_T

will be writing soon~!
thanks for reading! oh and if you noticed...i deleted the first chapter >_< 
i didnt like it so its like this now :)

byebye~~ xoxo

Chapter Title: Why Are You Being Like This - T-ara



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Chapter 2: update soon please
harayoon26 #2
Chapter 6: nice story but no update yet:)
ilovefanfics11 #3
Chapter 7: YULWON!! :)
yuLover #4
more yulwon please.. :D
We have the same title of our story..<br />
<br />
Anyways... I like your story... Please update.. :) xD
update soon key? *winks
admit it my yul! you are soooooooooo jealous. yul tought siwon is sooyoungie boyfie lololol
and...update soon kekeke^^
and i hope to see more yulwon (:
hey i'm new reader here^^