Meeting like this

Being Noticed

"Yukki! Which hospital are you in?" Suho's voice questioned as the ambuance pulled up to the hospital. The ambulance had taken at least 20 minutes to reach our house, by which point I had already recieved word from Xiumin to take my mother to the nearest hospital and then to let them know where it was.

"It's the same as the one Kai took me to, it was the closest one." I tried to stop my voice from shaking as tears spilled from my eyes, "My Umma...." I clutched at my mothers hand begged into the phone. "please, someone help..."

"We are on our way! we promise! Yixing! get the van!" Suho hung up and i placed my phone back in my pocket, hands clenched tightly around my mothers unresponsive, cold,  fingertips. The sirens were loud and I became hectic as they pulled my mother from me and whisked her away behind double doors.

"Please wait here, will a guardian be arriving for you?" A elderly nurse led me to a chair and sat me down as I nodded my head dumbly. 

"Yuuki-ssi? You are back so much earlier than expected.... " I raised my eyes up and was met with the face of the doctor who had treated me earlier. "Wait... What is wrong? Did something happen? Do I need to call the boys?" The doctor sat down and the nurse excused herself. The entrance doors slid open and the thud of numerous feet hitting rhe floor sounded through the lobby, "ah, they are here."

"Yuuki-ah!" D.O called out as he rushed over and pulled me into his embrace. I relaxed into his arms and freely sobbed into his shoulder, someones fingers linking through mine at our sides. "Is your mother in surgery?" The murmur was so quiet I barely heard it over the sobs that seemed to be ripping from my chest, I just nuzzled closer to  D.O in response and shut my eyes tightly.  The strangely comforting hand holding mine gave it a squeeze in reassurance, soothing the sobs to whimpers.

"Well as you are all here.... wow.... this is new you are all here!" The doctor chuckled a little before standing from the chair. "I will leave her in your care, I assume you're her guardians for now? " 

"Yes Doctor. We will be taking Yuuki home with us as soon as we know what is going on." Suho spoke with sincerity and that seemed enough to convince the elder male. He left with a swish of his coat and the boys started all talking over each other. "Kyungsoo, maybe you should sit her down again?" Suho pulled out his wallet and handed his card to a Nurse. "pay for the bill on this in advance please." I looked up and began to argue with his request, when i was pulled backwards and placed back in a seat. 

"Did you learn nothing earlier? he won't take no for an answer." Kai's voice floated from behind me and i felt his hands drop onto my shoulders, he rubbed his tumbs a few times before settling them still. "besides he's probably going to make you and your Mom move into that apartment."

"Would you like anything to drink?" My eyes shot round again, this time the voice was accented. My eyes fell on lay, he was holding a calming expression. At that point i noticed the other members i hadn't yet met face to face were there.

"I apologise! I didn't realise you were all here!" I bowed my head in greeting. "sorry for meeting you in this situaton. I am Nam Yuuki, I would say it i nice to meet you, given the circumstances i would rather greet you properly at a later time." I bit my lip. The hand - which was still linked with mine- tugged to gain my attention.

"Don't be ridiculous. Kyungsoo already told us about you." The sweet angelic voice matched the owners face well. "Besides we don't know what caused osmeone to break into your home yet. for all we know, it could be to do with us or the video." He smiled and his mouth made a rather strange box shape.

"Thankyou, Baekhyun-ssi." I squeezed his hand back,

"Ah!" He scowled. "Baekkie or Oppa will do fine, thankyou!" A hand reached to my face from the otherside of me and i recognised the touch as D.O's. My head automatically rested against it. "Gege, why don't we go get a drink for everyone? Yuuki looks like she could use some sleep." Baekhyun slipped his hand from mine and then pushed me gently towards D.O's shoulder. 

"Chen? did you bring the blanket from the car?" Xiumin reached for it.

"Hyung, i'll do it. You have a problem of your own with panda boy." Chen passed the two, Tao was sobbing more than i was. "Here, Hyung thought you might not have thought to bring things for being comfortable." He lay the blanket over my legs and then took the seat Baekhyun had been in. "if anything happens we will let you know. Now rest, before one of us goes mad with worry over you as well as your mom." I frowned at this.

"But why would y-" I ended on a squeak of shock as a finger found it's way to my lips, silencing me instantly. My eyes spun and my eyes met Chen's, my lip trembled beneath his finger.

"Don't ask silly questions." He gaze was serious and a soft 'yah' was heard from D.O and Chen broke the eye contact very awkwardly. "We all care in some way or another." I squeaked awkwardly at this information and D.O cleared his throat to pull my attention on him once more.

"Sleep." He patted his shoulder gently, "we will wake you when the surgery is done." I nodded sleepily and leant against him once more, eyes heavy and my head spinning. Confusion, fear, worry and exhaustion swarmed her until she fell into an unsettled nap.


Afew hours later I was shaken awake by kai. He placed his fingers to his lips and then beckoned for me to follow him. 

"Your mom is out of surgery. She is stable." Relief flooded through me. "Do you wanna grab a coffee before they all wake up?" He jabbed his head back towards the others. "You should have some peace before they wake up and demand that you move into suhos place. If you did you wouldn't be allowed to go to work. Kyungsoo wouldn't allow it. It is too far away."

"But why would D-" I was silenced as he patted me on the head.

"You really are a female version of him. It's uncanny." Kai chuckled as I pouted at his amusement.  "You really are oblivious to everyone aren't you? Think about what kyungsoo and jongdae said to you. Aren't you curious?" 

"Curiosity killed the cat." I snorted. Then my eyes widened, "I just... did I just snort?!" I clamped my hand over my mouth. 

"You retaliated like a friend would. That is good! I made it my responsibility to help you break that wall. Just as I did for hyung." I just stared in shock. "Nobody gave you a fair chance. When I was listening to Soo-Hyung talk about you, I knew I needed to be the one to break that ice." He ruffled my hair and I blinked digesting the information. "You being all cute with him is nice and all. But there are others that want your attention. Just saying." 

"Hey, where'd kai and Yuuki go?"  Chanyeol's deep voice carried down the corridor. Kai just looked at me with his brow raised.

"Well there goes our peaceful coffee." I commented a smile on the corner of my lips. Kai grinned clearly happy I was smiling. 

"Wanna run away?" Kai grabbed my wrist with another cheeky smile and pulled me with him.




A/N: hello! I haven't died.... xD I had my second daughter recently so busy busy. I sit down to write and then she wakes up. And when I get back round to it I have re- read my notes. So long process. Anyway enough excuses from me! Hope you enjoy the chapter and please do comment! Also isn't it a relief her umma is alive. I was gonna kill her off to make it one less character to write for but.... I couldn't do it. >.<  See you next time!

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Macire #1
Chapter 5: Omg I am in love with this story!! I cannot wait to read more
Omg twinnie!! I wanna know what happened to Yuuki's place! I'm so curious right now XD hwaiting ! I'm totally in love with this story (: I'll be waiting patiently for your update <3 hehehe Saranghae!
Namine-Kaila #3
Chapter 2: fighting Chagia