A Fair Deal

Love You Like No Other

It was the first Friday of your Academy year, you were very excited for today's subjects since they were all your favourite well apart from theory. Unlike the other days of school you left with your hair in a ponytail. Your first period was sport which had gotten you all pump throughout the day. For sport, your friends all choose basketball since the others were not as entertaining. Everyone had gotten changed and took all that they needed with them to the sporting area they were located at. You and your friends decided to get going to the basketball courts. On your way down you looked around, seeing half of the girls having their shorts shorted up to the point where they looked like boxers. You sighed and looked at your friends pants, the girls in your group had also shortened their shorts but it was at a reasonable length. It seemed like you were the only one who just left your pants the way it was.

When you guys arrived at the courts members of Infinite waved to you, instead of waving you guys had bowed since they were older than you. On the other hand you guys treated Teen Top members normally because your ages were the same. Throughout the week your group and Teen Top, Infinite and other people have became good friends. You got along with everyone really well except for Woohyun and Byunghun. Byunghun was pretty shy around you but you guys have talked a couple of times. You have gotten used to the fact that he looked so familiar to L.Joe. So it was less awkward seeing him around. Even though you were the tutor of Woohyun he still won't listen to anything you said. Within a couple of minutes your group and Teen Top started to play a friendly game of basketball. The guys of Teen Top apart from Byunghun were amazed by your skills in basketball, but they also picked on you for being short and unable to reach the ball when they put it over their heads. Infinite sat on under the tree watching your game, Woohyun smirked while the others watched in shock.

'Wow she is really good' Sungyeol said.
All the others nodded in agreement. Woohyun just stood up and walked towards you and Teen Top who were on the court. Kwangmin saw him and stopped with the ball, everyone looked at Kwangmin then at the direction he was staring at.
Woohyun came closer and clapped, 'sorry to disturb you guys' he said with a smile.
C.A.P stood still and asked 'is there anything I could help you with?'.
Woohyun just looked at him and said 'mmm well how about we play a game. Seven verses seven.'
The guys accepted without another word, you and the girls slowly walked off the court to let the guys have their fun.
'Yah, Kim -----'. Woohyun shouted for you. 'One of the seven players has to be you'.
You turned back in confusion and asked '   why should I play, why should I have to listen to you?'
Woohyun smirked and replied 'lets make it a bet. If I win you will won't be my math tutor anymore. If you win I will listen while you teach me. Fair deal right?'

After a while of rest you guys were going back onto the court to play against Infinite. Your team of seven consisted of; You, Byunghun, Minwoo, C.A.P, Ricky, Kwangmin, and Chunji.

'First to 15 points wins' Myungsoo announced.
Everyone on the court nodded.

Hyemin tossed the ball into the air while C.A.P and Sung Yeol both jumped for it. The ball was flung into Chunji's direction quickly he started to dribble it down the court passing it to Minwoo. It was hard for your team to get the ball to you since Woohyun just blocked you the whole way not giving you a chance to get the ball. Minwoo threw the ball across the court to Ricky, quickly you slid past Woohyun's defence and dribbled the ball that was passed to you by Kwangmin. Without anytime to think you bounce passed the ball to Byunghun, who shot it at the 3-point line. Everyone paused and watched the ball swish threw the sky. A loud cheer came from the audience when the ball went straight in. You turned to them and held out your thumb, all of your friends screamed fighting.



Arhh i m sleepy now i got a little carried away editing something and forgot that i said i would upload at 2ish teehee :3

well... this chapters boring i guess o.o" and to my surprise i think i know quite alot about bball XD

i will upload the next chapter when i wake up today -o-

Goodnight everyone and enjoy! :D

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lol thanks <br />
but don't expect too much :3<br />
first story afterall~
cant wait to read it. Sounds interesting
lol yea lets just say i lost inspiration :/<br />
and lately i've been pretty busy and get distracted too often <br />
<br />
howeverrrr i might be writing an infinite version of this mini drama thing <br />
but i donno when i will be done with that s: <br />
Anways Thanks for supporting! :D
Sospirit_Br3nt #4
Ohhhh ending already... *pout* lol ^^
thanks for subscribing XD
lol haha woohyun's my no.1 biased in kpop industry XD <br />
but l.joe is on my toplist his just too hot to resist :3
Sospirit_Br3nt #7
ohhh so sad ljoe wont be getting the girl :( but nvm woohyun hwaiting ^^ 2nd bias from infinte ^^
lol yea i guess i will update a little while later after i finish touching up the photo i edited XD
Sospirit_Br3nt #9
hehe shuld be~ but his father in the story is terrible... update soon ^^