

Hello, I just want to write more story. Keep enjoy and i'm sorry for grammar mistake. gumawo :)..


At Café, afternoon

Jessica saw her sister in front of her. She’s so skinny, she thought. Krystal gave her cold stare to Jessica. Jessica gulped.

“What do you want from me, Jessica?” Krystal talked first.

“I just want to see you, long time no see” Jessica smile to her sister.

“Oh, I thought you just want to see me still alive or not”

Jessica not surprised anymore with her sister reaction. It had been one year Krystal out from their house and lived at apartment. After all that happened.

Jessica try her best to not hate Amber but sometimes she want Krystal not remember Amber, not love Amber so deeply like this. Jessica saw Amber with someone else at bookstore few days ago. It makes her heart hurt so much. How can Amber do that?

“I saw Amber with someone else now, she just moved on so easily, do you still love her, Krystal?”

“I think you already know the answer, Jessica”

“Krystal, please. You have to move on, I don’t want my sister always remember and love that stupid girl. You love her, but she’s not, Krystal!!” Jessica lose her control.

Krystal’s expression not change a bit, still cold like before. Her eyes full of disappointed look.

“Do you still care? After what you did? You tried to ‘kill’ us, you said that you can’t take that your sister is a lines” Krystal used her cold tone.

“Krystal, look… I really apologize for what I did in the past.. I didn’t mean to do that”

Krystal stood up from her seat.

“Don’t even think that I’ll forget all what you said that day, your words always on my mind and I can’t help to feel anger and not fair. Don’t think I can close with you anymore. I can’t, Jessica”

Krystal walked out from that café and leave Jessica felt guilty.




“Jessica, why you take away all my stuff out of my room?” Il looked my sister take away my bag and my laptop too. After she took all at her room, she’s back to me and slap my face so hard.

“You never think clearly, don’t you? How dare you do this to our family?!” Jessica shouted to me.

I stood still like a rock. I can’t say anything. I know what my sister talking about. She’s already know.

“How? How do you know about that and why you take away my stuff? It’s not unreasonable, Jessica!”

“How? You asked me HOW? Jackie told me! She felt the same with me, we never want our sister to be LINES!” Jessica gave me a dead glare.

I froze again, can’t say anything. My tears start falling down.

“I never want to push my sister into a wrong line!!” She kept shouted to me and then smirked at me.

“Do you think you can live without your ID card, your credit card, your laptop? Do you think that’s easy? You want to leave? Go ahead!! If you still love that stupid girl!! I can make her disappear, Krystal! I can make her go away from you, I can kill her!!”

“Don’t you dare to TOUCH her!! Don’t try, Jessica!”

“Call her, let me see who’s this girl who can ruin my family. If our Mom know this, she will be really sad, Krystal. How can you face your father on heaven now? Please don’t let me to be a murderer, or to be a crazy person, Krystal!” (-I make their father had been passed away-red)”

I don’t know what to do now. I felt so hurt. Jessica, my only sister, the only one I believed would accept my choice, just slap and harsh to me now. I’m so disappointed. I know, she gave me that laptop as my birthday gift 3 years ago, she managed our family’s ID card, she even help me to make a credit card. And because of this thing, she wanted to take it all back? So she never really true for all and she wanted me to give a feedback?? She did it all because she thought she can used that to intimidated me?

“Call her, Krystal, N.O.W! Tell her to come here and I want to talk with her!” Jessica left me after she said that.

I cried so hard. I don’t want to be like this. I don’t expect this thing.

I call Amber, she’s sleepover at her aunt house near mine.

“Yes, Princess? Why are you crying?” Amber’s voice sounds so worry.

“Jessica knows about us, Amber… she…. She wanted to see you now, can you come?” I tried to talk clearly, my throat so dry and my eyes so wet, really annoy me.

“Okay, I’ll come, Princess. Wait for me. I love you so much”

“I love you to, Am…”

Amber hang up the phone. I still cried so hard. I’m afraid, I’m so afraid I can lose my Amber. No, I don’t want it, God, please. Don’t take her away from me. I love her so much.

Amber came faster than I thought. Her eyes so dull, she can’t sleep yesterday. She hugging me tight and cares my head.

Jessica come out from her room and glared at Amber. I broke the hug and hold her hand.

“Please sit down, first, Amber”

Amber sit down and I sit next to her, still hold her hand.

“What do you think about this relationship, Amber? Is it right?” Jessica asked Amber to the point.

“For me, nothing wrong about this, this is human right, Jessica”

“What about anyone else? What about what they will talking about you and my sister? What about your family, my family? You know that your sister against you too like me. Listen, Amber, I don’t want my sister’s choice the wrong line. Broke up with her, now” Her expression just told me, she feel so disgusting about us.

My eyes turn wide to hear what Jessica said and I look at Amber. She’s so confuse, I know. My heart beat faster, how she answered Jessica?

“Let me talk to Krystal first, I don’t want this to be just my decision” Amber take me to my room.

After we inside, she sighed so hard and look at my eyes deeply.

“Krystal….. We…. Should broke up”

“What? NO, Amber! I don’t want to broke up!!”

“SShhh, Princess, Listen to me first. We can say to them that we broke up but actually we’re not. I don’t want it happened too, Princess, but I have to keep you safe” Amber cares my cheek, my cheek got red because of the slap. I know she felt so sad too. I just can nodded and we out from my room.

“Jessica, we’ll broke up now, we understand about what you worried about”

“That’s good, Amber. I know you will understand and now just go away from my house” Jessica walked to her room.

My tears can’t stop falling, Amber hug me tight.

“I don’t want to loose contact with you, Princess. If we’re not ‘broke up’, they will separate us in their own way”

“I. … know…. Amber…. I tried my best to understand. I…. never want to hide, Amber. But this is the only choice.”

“I love you so much, Princess.”

“I love you even more, Amber…”

“Don’t called my name in front of your family from now on, I want you to be safe, if loving you is a pain, I’ll go with the pain”

I just can cry in her shoulder.

She broke the hug and go after kiss my lips three times.

I’ll keep it safe for us, Amber. No matter what. I promise you.

I tried to take back my pride. I knocked Jessica’s room.

“What, Krystal? What do you want?” Jessica gave me her best cold glare. But she’s so surprise look at my eyes. My eyes more cold than her.

“Do you happy after you doing this to me, Jessica? Take all what you do for me, my ID card, my credit card, everything and don’t even think I can forgive you, Jessica. I believe you’ll accept me the way I am but what I see? you look at me so disgusting. I really disappointed to you. I thought you can be wiser but I’m wrong. I’m not your sister anymore, Jessica. Even we’re in the same house, don’t talk to me anymore”

“Are you kidding me? YOU’RE NOT DOING THAT, KRYSTAL!”



“You just thinking about yourself. You’re not thinking about my heart first, Jessica. I know my choice will be hurt everyone but I want to be honest, I don’t want to hide this feeling anymore. You’ll never understand, Jessica. NEVER! Don’t close to me anymore after this. We’re nothing” I keep my cold tone after yelling at her. I know that will show that I’m not respect my own sister.

“Someday you will feel what I feel when you do this to me, Jessica”

I go to my room after say that to Jessica and slam the door.

Jessica just froze, cant believe what I said to her.

After that day, I never talk to her anymore, I never see her anymore. I just want to focus on my Amber, to keep her safe on my arms.


“I’m sorry to ruin your life, Krystal… Please forgive me”

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Taeistae #1
Sorry but this story doesn't really make sense especially the ending. Like what happened to Amber during the 3 yrs
frans89 #2
Chapter 5: Wow...nice story. Beautifully written.
Thank you for making this great story.
Is this based on your true story? I hope you can be strong. Good luck!
sefexclusibo #3
Chapter 5: This is a nice ending, or new beginning, I must say. Thank you for this, author! :) #KryBer
Chapter 5: Nice ending author... its happy ending Yay!!!!
ezrasoul #5
So good...no!..it's great...
spaint86 #6
Chapter 3: Is Amber really has moved on?is this really your true story?it's so sad,so your relationship is forbidden by your parents?will this story continue?
Chapter 3: Awww so angsty... update when youre thinking of updating ^0^
DerpinJae #8
Chapter 3: So amber is in a relationship with a MARRIED WOMAN. Okay amber okay
devilpeace_03 #9
Chapter 2: update more author sad story it gives me heartache i want to know who is the older girl that amber like :| update more and update fast author