Business Trip IV

Yeppeun Sunbaewa Na (Beautiful Senior and I)
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(Tiffany's POV)

"So baby, what should we do next?" Her words caught me off guard. As silly as it might sounds, hearing her calling me with pet name like this successfully making my heart beats a little bit faster than it should. It's true that i was the one who suggest and even planned for this but still..

"What? Why you look so surprised like that? Are you alright baby boo?" She smirks and moves to sit beside me now. I jolted in surprised when i feel her soft hand holding mine. She used her thumb to rub the back of my hand.

"I-i i'm fine, b-babe." I stuttered. Oh holy moly.. get a grip will ya, Stephanie Hwang?!

"Hahaha you're cute." She laughed heartily with her ahjumma laugh.

"Yah!" I nudged her on the stomach and effectively making her stop laughing, her laugh has died and replaced by a soft groan.

"Ouch. Yahh, you shouldn't treat your lover harshly like this, Fany-ah." She complaints. I take a deep breath trying to composing and encouraging myself.

you can do this, Fany-ah. If Taeyeon wants to play like this, show her you can join the game too because this a game can be play by two. i told myself.

 "Aww, i'm sorry boo. I forget you're my lover now." I wink at her while my hands sneakily wrapping around her waist, hugging her loosely. I can feel her body gets tensed in my embrace. She must be get a mental breakdown after seeing my sudden boldness.

"Uh- y-yeah, you're forgiven." Hahaha now it's her turn to get stuttered on her words. Guess the table has turned huh?

"Thank you boo!" I exclaimed and lung myself forward to give her a quick peck on her cheek. It's successfully making her blushing like mad. While me, i'm dying here trying my best to suppress my laugh seeing her blushing because of my simple peck. Does she really has a special feeling for me?

"Now, c'mon. Let's take a walk around here." I suggest and stand up from my chair. I wait for her to stand up too because clearly she's still stay not moving on her place.

"Taeyeon-ah~" i called her with aegyo and it's finally bring her back to the earth.

"Oh y-yes?"

"C'mon~" i ordered while giving her my hand, asking for her to hold it. She immediately understand the gesture and take my hand in hers. She clasped our hands together, intertwining our fingers and yes our hands fit each other perfectly as if my hand created to be hold by her and vice versa.



"Should we watch a movie?" Taeyeon asked me.

"Wait, we can't understand Bahasa Indonesia remember?"

"But we can understand English. Why don't we watch american movies or anything as long as they're speaking in english in the movie." She smartly pointed out.

"Ah right. Aiguya, my baby is so smart." I playfully pinch her cheek. 

"I know right." She smiles proudly. by now both of us already get so into our roles. Yes, our role to be each other's lover. It's like all of the act is not an act. It's just a natural instinct? I don't know. It just feel so right.

We finally decide to watch Minions since Taeyeon is a big fan of them. Pft, such a baby. My baby.

She can't stop laughing like crazy causing me to laugh along with her. Yes the minions are funny and silly but my Taetae's laughter is way more cuter and addictive.

I comfortably lean my head on her shoulder, snuggling closer to her. She tilted her head a little to see what i am doing before get the message. She let me to hold her hand with my right hand, and hugging her arm with my another free hand.

"I'm cold, Tae. Can we stay like this for awhile?" I reasoned out. All i want is to touch her, to feel her touch, so i need to make an excuse for that.

"Sure." She rest her head on the top of mine while we continue watching the rest of the movie.



"Having a movie date, check! What's next?" She asked me while we're walking close together side by side while casually swaying our interlocked hands back and forth.

"Ah i know!" I exclaimed cheerfully. She just raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"A couple should have a couple items, baby boo." I told her.

"Hm.. what if i say no?"

"Yah, wae wae wae? Why no?" I pouted.

"That's too childish, Fany-ah. Don't you think?"

"Are you embarrassed to look as my couple? Are you embarrassed to show to the people out there that you are my couple? Is like that, Kim Taeyeon?!" I stomp my feet on the ground and walk away from her. I can hear the heavy footsteps behind me, i know it's her who's chasing after me. I quicken my pace to make it harder for her to catch up with me. Ha! She's get into my trap. I smirk inwardly. I just want to know how does it feels to be chased by your lover, to be begged for forgiveness from your lover when you have a silly love quarrel with them. Well, i have to admit. It feels nice. Haha

"Baby, please stop running. How can you walk so fast in that high heels, Fany-ah?" She panted behind me.

"Yah.." she runs faster and successfully making me stop by grabbing my wrist.

"What?" I quickly wipe away my smirk before i turn around to face her, not forget to send her a death glare just to make my sulking acting look more real. Sneaky Hwang, i know. But who can blame me? It feels fun to .

"Sorry, i didn't mean like that. Of course i'm not embarrassed to show to the world that you are my couple." She pulled me into a tight hug and instantly making me melt in her warm embrace.

"Why would i feel embarrassed when i have a perfect woman like you to be my lover?" Wow, her acting skill is great. If i didn't know any better, i might thought she really mean every words she said. And if i was another person, i might easily believe that Taeyeon and i are really a couple seeing how natural we act as a lover for each other right now.

"You are an epitome of perfection, Tiffany Hwang. You're a smart, reliable, independent woman. People like you, genuinely like you, because of your kindness, because of that sweet eyesmile of yours that can melt anyone's heart in instant. The way you treat all of them equally in the nicest way possible, make me adore you more. You always put the others before you. You willing to sacrifice yourself for the ones you love and care about. You're just.. a perfect lover anyone could ask for. Your lover will be the luckiest person in the world for having you."

"Taeyeon.." i'm in the verge of crying by now after hearing a very touching words from her.

"I'm good at sweet talking right?" She said cheekily, way to ruin the moment, Kim!

"Yah!" I slapped her shoulder and intended to broke the hug but she didn't let me. Instead she's tighten her hold on me and pulling me closer against her body leaving no spaces between us.

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 21: Marriage on the wayy hahaha its so funny to see both of them panicked about marriage but i think they will slay it for sure cos they love each other so muchhhhhhhh
Etincelle #2
Chapter 21: omg update author...
cutiegurll #3
Chapter 21: so cute ughhhh
Chapter 9: aahh, why didnt i see them when they visit jakarta? im there too hahah
Chapter 21: Aigoooo what a cute story kekekekeke but I almost fell on the trap too i thought that tae mom opposed there relationship but this story maybe need a sequel too btw thumbs up to your story ❤
223 streak #6
Chapter 21: Finally finished reading it all!! Happy kid here ^^
I honestly wanted to finish this in one go last night but the damn lab reports were on my table so I stopped half way just to complete them without having a wink of sleep...Then the stupid laboratory class got cancelled (°ㅂ°╬)
I liked the roller coaster ride near the end and I almost cried when Tiff left. The song was on point. It really suits the story and the both of them. The ending seemed a little rushed but yeah...THESIS (I feel you). This deserves a sequel but if it isn't possible, IT'S OKAY. Thanks for the story...such a good find T^T
P.s Thanks for the reply. Good luck on your end too. Fighting! ^^/
223 streak #7
I should be studying but I remembered I saw the ad of this and decided to subscribe to it... nah, I'm taking a break anyway. There's no harm in reading some taeny right? Right. ^^
kimtaeny1110 #8
Chapter 21: Wooohhooo.... finally done reading all the chapters. Quite a roller coaster for taeny eh. Hehe...
anyway, this is such a good fic. I find it quite fresh..