Our Love Was Too Late

Our Love Was Too Late


Narrators POV

Sometimes people think love is full of roses and happiness.

Well its not. Accidents sometimes happen with a purpose, but most of the time it happens because of fate.

The unfair decisions of your fate or as some people call it, your destiny.

And it kills you.

Or worse… it kills your heart.

~ * <3 * ~

It was a normal day. 2 teenagers, a girl and a boy called Jong Ni Young and Lee Jong Kyung, were on the internet chatting with friends and minding their own business when coincidently they stumble across each other.

And it’s that instant when everything gets better and worse.

Ni Young and Jong Kyung started to get to know each other, finding out their similarities and differences.

They would spend nights on end talking to each other.

They became the best of friends and confided in each other whenever they had problems.

After a year the Ni Young decides to tell the Jong Kyung something that would either destroy or complete their relationship.

(Online chat)

Ni Young: I think I need to tell you something…

Jong Kyung: Yes?

Ni Young: Well… we’ve been friends for a while and I’ve started to…

Jong Kyung: Started to what? You can tell me anything you know :D we’re friends ^^

Ni Young: …. Friends….

Jong Kyung: Wae?

Ni Young: look don’t hate me r anything but… I love you..

Jong Kyung: I love you too! And I would never hate you!

Ni Young: No…Not the way I love you..

Jong Kyung: ….

(End of online chat)

Jong Kyng went offline and the Ni Young cried thinking that she had messed everything up.  But later that night her phone rang and without looking at the caller ID she answered.

Ni Young: Hello?

Jong Kyung: … Hey it’s me

Ni Young: … Look Im sorr-

Jong Kyung: No don’t be sorry! I... I Love you too

Ni Young: Really? B-But W wont be able to see each other… You live in Korea and I live in England. My parents will never let me fly there at this time. I have all my exams and-

Jong Kyung: I know me too and my parents will never let me fly to England Ever.

Ni Young: we… We could wait a few more years and, and we could be together

Jong Kyung: … I can wait for you for a million years if I have to.. Ugh I have to go now. Saranghae

Ni Young: Nado Saranghae

Narrators POV

For the next few years they had stayed together and their love grew.

One day they were speaking online.

(Online chat)

Ni Young: I’ve finished all my exams and I’ve got enough money to fly to Korea!!!

Jong Kyung: Jinja?! Are you being serious…

Ni Young: When should we meet?

They both planned the flight and a few days later… Jong Kyung went to the airport.

Ni Youngs plane was about to arrive and the breaking news came on t.v.

“The plane form England to South Korea has crashed landed, leaving thousands dead…”

Jong Kyung broke into tears and went home and got a knife.

That night the boy was found dead in his bedroom. When his parents found him they also found a picture of a girl in his hand and a small note.

“Our love was too late”

The girls parents were clearing out her bedroom and found her diary. Inside they found a picture of a boy and a note underneath it.

“I will see him even if it kills me”

Both of them did see each other in the end…

In Heaven.

~ * <3 *~


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