
A Wolf's Beauty
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Chapter Seventeen

Chen was excited.

Ecstatic would have been a better word to describe the current state he was in. He was only this happy on one particular day, occasionally two days, every month. Today was that particular day. Tonight was the Full Moon and it was out of instinct for Chen and his brothers to feel enthusiastic on this day.

But there was another reason as to why Chen was looking forward to tonight. Today was when their plan of kidnapping Kai's Beauty would play out. At this very moment, the six of them were all suggesting on different ways of getting the girl without getting caught in the act.

Kris had summoned for a family meeting in their living room to discuss tonight's matters. He was sitting on the coffee table when everyone gathered around, Tao and Chen sat on the floor while Xiumin, Lay, and Luhan took the worn down couch.

"What if we just sneak into their cabin?" Lay asked, absentmindedly. He didn't look up from the rock in his hands, only continuing to turn it over and over again. Jongdae watched Lay in mild interest as he thought of a way that could help their plan go along smoothly without any hitches.

"That would be the perfect plan if not for the fact they're like us and can sniff out anything almost immediately." Kris commented, causing Lay to sigh.

"They don't smell everything," Chen spoke up, earning the stares of the brothers,"if we mask our scent, they won't be able to detect us."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"We use mud, of course."

"Mud?" Xiumin repeated.

Chen nodded,"Whenever I go over to their side, I just take a quick swim in the river and find a patch of dirt to roll in. Doing that causes my usual wolf smell to be overpowered by the smell of the mud."

"Hyung, that's dumb--"

"No, wait, that might not be a bad idea." Kris held his hand up to silence Tao as he spoke. He looked at Chen,"How many times have you done this before? Are you sure it'll work?"

"I've spied on them more times than I count," Chen chuckled in amusement. "I've been doing this for years now, Hyung. Where do you think I spend my time on my walks?"

"Alright, we have a way to hide ourselves but how are we actually going to get close to the girl?" Luhan pondered, looking between Kris and Chen.

"If we play our cards right, it could be as easy as snatching a rabbit from a pup." Chen mused, letting a grin show on his pink lips.

"Do you have another plan hiding somewhere in your fur?" Tao's eyebrows were raised in question.

"I do," the corners of Chen's lips curled higher as he twisted in place, facing the others fully,"I was thinking that we lure her out into the woods then snatch her away."

Approved nods came from his brothers as they heard his proposition. Kris contemplated the idea in his head, almost instantly finding a flaw in it.

"How are we going to lure her away from them? Don't they, especially Kai, keep a close watch on her at all times?" He quizzed, resting his chin on the knuckles of his clasped hands.

"Of course they do."

"Then that won't work," Xiumin shook his head, knitting his brows together in deep thought.

"I say it will." Chen countered. "If someone from their pack got into some trouble, they'll all go racing to help him out, right?"

Luhan seemed to have figured out what his younger brother was trying to tell them and laughed in pure delight before saying,"So, you're basically implying we attack one of them as a distraction and a way to get them away from the girl long enough to have one of us get her?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Chen confirmed. "We won't be able to get into their cabin but we'll be able to get her out of it."

"How?" Lay finally looked up from his rock to look at him.

Chen made sure he had everyone's attention before explaining what he had in mind.



The day was nearing its end, the sun slowly descending to hide behind the trees. In another hour or so, the moon would be high in the sky, shining brightly.

It was fairly quiet between you and Jongin as you both lounged in the living room, claiming the couch for the two of you. The sound of Chanyeol's rather loud clapping and Sehun's laughter could be heard from the kitchen as they did who knows what. Suho and Baekhyun had gone out to do some errands and you hadn't a clue as to where Kyungsoo was.

"I'm kind of nervous," Jongin's words broke the comfortable silence, causing you to look at him.

You questioned his statement by tilting your head to the side,"Why?"

"The Full Moon will be out and I had promised you that I would change forms in front of you tonight." He explained in shy embarrassment.

"Why is that making you nervous?" You were genuinely confused, wondering what part of that made him anxious. "Do you not like having an audience while you change?"

"No, that's not it, my brothers have watched me countless times," he shook his head as he said this. "It's just, well, I'm nervous because I can't picture what your reaction will be once you see me. I keep going from picturing you being afraid and wanting to run away to imagining you'll accept me with open arms."

You couldn't find anything to say in reply to his honest confession. Of course yo

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6500 subs later and I'm still not over the love this fic gets... it's all bc of you guys, thank you xx


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Chapter 18: Thank god kyungsoo saw her getting kidnaped or else everyone going to think that she ran away. That would be wayy more dramatic lol
RinaBelle #2
Wow, even the foreword was so gooddddd.
So for me, her next mistake would be not running away from him and her biggest mistake is to fall in love with him.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 31: Awwwww
Such a beautiful short story!!!! Thank you for sharing this :))
Chapter 31: Wow I just loved this.. Short beautiful story.. I really enjoyed reading this.. I wish there was more but it's okay.. Thank you for such an awesome story..
Chapter 28: Thank you For writing this story I really Enjoyed it Kai was such a Cutie and I'm Glad K & M Packs have sorted out there differences and working things out
Chen Was a Cheeky (where Can I buy One)
Such a Fluffy Cute story (:
Chapter 31: Wow! I fell in love with this one for real~ Are you planning to write a sequel? Because that would be great uwu I would want to see the full events of her first full moon with the boys (or the wolves rather), and how would their love prevail as her reality would call her.

But nonetheless this story was so cool and I hope to hear more from you in the future~ Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 31: Thank you for writing this story. ^^
I like that this story has almost no conflict in it. XD Though I'm a bit curious about the story regarding their anchestor from Suho pact's side. I hope you'd explore more about it. But if your goal is to make this story as simple as it is, then it's okay. I think this story is already good. ^-^
Once again, thank you. ♡♡
Megustapanda589 #8
Chapter 28: This was such a good story!!!!! I loved every single thing about it. The plot mixed in with the humor was perfect. Great job author-nim, thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Chapter 28: no sequel authornim? huhu
really like your story. <3
Kyungsooa #10
awww this story was so cute