Part 35 Ji Young Again

Monday Couple Love Story
She said,"Ji Hyo ahh, you remember when you went to university, this friend of yours came and asked where you were. He was very worried about you and asked where you were desperately and what university."
Ji Hyo said,"Really? Who? I don't know many people who knows where my house is."
She said,"His name was kang........h......hee..........."
Ji Hyo said surprised,"Are you talking about Kang..........Hee Gun?"
She said,"Yes. Do you still have contact with him?"
Ji Hyo said," we are on the same show together. You know running man."
She said,"No wonder he looked so familiar when we watched the episodes."
Ji Hyo said,"Lets watch something."
They watched tv and then went to sleep.
Ji Hyo texted Eun Hye before she slept and she said that she wouldn't be coming home.
It was the next day and Ji Hyo was nearly ready set off to film for running man.
She was downstairs and her mother made some breakfast.
After eating breakfast Ji Hyo was about to leave when her mum called her.
Ji Hyo said,"Mum, what is it?"
Her mum said giving Ji Hyo two lunchboxes,"This is your lunchbox. Give one to Kang Hee Gun."
Ji Hyo said,"Mum, you don't have to."
Her mum said,"If not share it all out."
Ji Hyo said,"Alright."
Ji Hyo then left as her manager picked her up.
Ji Hyo was wearing a black short dress with a small bow across her waist and her black high heels, she was holding her purse and wearing her favourite lip stick as she liked to look pretty during filming.
She arrived at the location as she stepped out of the car.
The weather was sunny and hot.
Many running man members were there except from Haha, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Suk Jin (betrayers club) and three special guests.
As Ji Hyo stepped out showing her white legs, many of the running man members gazed at her.
Ji Hyo said hello and then sat down with the rest of the members.
Ji Hyo said,"Oppas hello."
Gary stared at her speechless but then another person came out of a car.
It was...............Kang............Ji Young.
Ji Hyo stared up at her and she tightened her grip on the purse as her smile faded.
Her stare followed Kang Ji Young as she ran to Gary wearing a one strap short dress.
She sat on his thigh and hugged him.
Ji Hyo was bursting of jealousy as she acted as she was fine.
Gary also returned the hug as a friend and said,"Ji Young ahhh, are you the guest today?"
Ji Young replied knowing Ji Hyo was listening,"Yes. I was excited, how have you been honey?"
Gary said,"Don't call me that."
Ji Hyo then stood up and moved to where the rest of the running man members who had just arrived.
Before she was able to leave Ji Young stood up from Gary's thigh in front of Ji Hyo and held her hand out lying,"Ji Hyo, I hope you will take care of me and Gary today."
Ji Hyo held her hand and started to squeeze it as hard as she could and said in an evil face wanting to get revenge from the other day,"Sure."
Ji Young replied as she knew Gary was there,"Unnie, you are hurting me."
Gary then said,"Ji Hyo stop squeezing her. I know she was mean to you at college but she regrets it a lot."
Ji Hyo let go and said,"You actually believe her."
Gary said,"Why? I'm telling the truth. Shes the guest today don't be mean or you'll be like her in the college but even worse."
Ji Hyo then turned around and left to the bathroom as she was about to cry hurt from what he said not daring to turn around.
Ji Hyo thought, I can't believe you trusted her lies. All of them. She hurt me first. You should know but you don't.
Gary then said to Ji Young,"Are you ok?"
Ji Young said lying,"Yes, unnie's scary."
Gary said,"It's ok we should get ready for filming."
Gary and Ji Hyo then went separate ways as they started filming running man.
The guests were Kang Ji Young, Kim Joo Hyuk and Lee Yeon Hee.
Everyone took care of the guests and they first had to do a team race then an independant race.
It was very hot and sweaty but it was fun.
They had a break for lunch and they were allowed an hour to go wherever they wanted to eat lunch.
Ji Hyo got her lunch box and stared at the second one in the car.
She got both and went to the roof top.
She sent a message to Gary.
To:Kang Gary
Come to the rooftop alone.
I have something to say and give you.
From: Song Ji Hyo
Ji Hyo waited at the rooftop as Gary came.
Gary said,"What do you want."
Ji Hyo said holding in her tears,"Why are you being so cold these days?"
Gary said,"Well, I have always been but you never noticed because you don't even care about me. Don't you remember what you said last year. We're just friends, nothing else. Friends can also be cold sometimes just like relationships."
Ji Hyo looked away as a tear slipped from her eye so she quickly wiped it with her sleeve.
Ji Hyo turned back round and gave Gary one lunch box and said,"My mum wanted me to give it to you. I don't even know why she wanted me to give you one. Just because she met you a few times while trying to find out what university I was in didn't mean anything."
Gary said nothing as Ji Hyo continued as more tears went down her face and her eyes were swollen,"I know I shouldn't have loved you in the first place so I kept it in. Keep being cold, that means that my feelings will go away. You probably don't even have any more with me. I will stop my feelings starting from today and forget you. Lets not contact and just be people who work togther. We weren't supposed to be together, the miracle that I had that could have brougt us back together again disappeared."
Ji Hyo then started to walk towards the stair way as she was wiping her eyes telling herself not to cry.
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mariafransiska #1
Chapter 70: Your story is amazing!!! OHMYGOD I couldn't think if monday couple being like your storyy!! It's amazing thankyou! I like that
nikki90 #2
Chapter 70: Such a long story but it worth to read! Thanks authormin for your hardwork! Keep writing about uri monday couple ya!!
just published? and already end? wow O_O daebak