Chapter Two

The Other Side of Goodbye


Yonghwa stepped out of the car and stared at the house. It looked the same. It’s been so long since he had been there. He could still remember that night before she left. He went to her and snuck into her balcony to see her for the last time and tell her goodbye. And now…he would be seeing her again; only he would not be telling her goodbye this time.

“Hyung,” Jungshin elbowed him.

Yonghwa jumped. “Yah! Watch those sharps.”

His band mates laughed.

“He’s nervous,” Minhyuk said happily.

Yonghwa swallowed. “I’m not.”

“Yeah, sure,” Jonghyun shook his head and opened the gate. “Come on, you guys, let’s get inside.”

Jungshin and Minhyuk followed Jonghyun, but Yonghwa was glued to where he was standing.

Jungshin turned back to him. “He’s not nervous, all right.”

Minhyuk shrugged. “Yeah, he’s not nervous…more like scared, if you ask me.”

“Yah! Stop it, you morons,” Yonghwa said, stepping toward the open gate. “I’m not nervous and most of all I’m not afraid. Why should I be afraid of a bit of a girl?”

The four of them walked the short distance from the gate to the house.

“I’d say she’s not a bit of a girl anymore,” Minhyuk said.

“Yeah, I’d say she’s a goddess now,” Jungshin agreed.

Yonghwa couldn’t agree more but he didn’t say anything.

Yoona opened the door before Jonghyun could even knock. The five of them exchanged greetings.

“The two of you have this weird connection, huh? Like the other knows what the other’s about to do or something,” Minhyuk told Jonghyun, referring to the married couple.

Yoona rolled her eyes. “Weird? You make it sound like a paranormal activity. I’d like to say it’s a couple thing but no, I just saw you arrive while I was at the window,” she told Minhyuk. “Come in,” she turned from them and led the way.



She turned and her eyes widened with surprise and pleasure.


Both girls squealed and ran to each other.

“I haven’t seen you since forever!” Jiyoung gushed as she hugged her friend. “Where have you been?”

Krystal giggled. “Just here and there,” she pulled back from Jiyoung’s embrace and looked at her friend up and down. “Wow, look at you. So, you’re Korea’s top model now, huh?”

Jiyoung rolled her eyes. “That is so not true. How about you? You’re here to conquer Korea with your designs, huh?”

Krystal smiled slyly. “Not just Korea, my dear, but the rest of the world.”

The girls laughed at that. 

“Seriously, it would be easier for you to make a name in the fashion industry while you were there in the US,” Jiyoung pointed out. “What made you decide to come back here?”

Krystal laughed. “You sound like a reporter.”

“Oh,” Jiyoung laughed with her. “I guess…but, yah, answer the question, will you?”

“I’m here to meet my destiny,” she simply answered.

“And that is?”

Krystal just smiled mysteriously at Jiyoung.

Jiyoung studied her friend. She and Krystal had been friends since they were both grade school girls in Tampa, Florida. Although Jiyoung knows Krystal to be always outspoken, loud and funny, sometimes she couldn’t help thinking that her friend still has a mysterious side.

“Yah, what are you staring at? I’ve become so pretty, right?” Krystal batted her eyelashes at Jiyoung.

“Huh. You had always been pretty, Krystal Jung. Just like me,” Jiyoung answered.

“That’s what I like about you, Jiyoung-ah. You never lie,” Krystal giggled. “So tell me…”

And the two friends chattered away.


Yonghwa sat on the couch in the Hans’ living room, between Jungshin and Minhyuk. He had seen Yuri come out of the kitchen earlier. She had greeted him along with his band mates. Yoona didn’t really act friendly with him, but at least she had been civil. Meanwhile, Seohyun’s parents had treated him kindly and warmly. They knew nothing, he was sure of it. If they know anything, Seohyun’s appa would have kicked him out of the house…or not. Maybe they were just polite people. Just like how Seohyun was. Is. He hoped. He took a deep breath. Seohyun. Thinking about her makes him nervous. What, just what is he gonna do the moment he sees her? And when she sees him? Just then, he heard a tiny, high pitched voice.


He turned and saw Jonghyun’s precious daughter running towards the couch. Yonghwa stood up and cuddled the toddler.

Hyun Jae squealed and showered his face with wet, exuberant kisses.

Yonghwa laughed. “How are you, my little angel?”

Hyun Jae giggled, pulling a handful of Yonghwa’s hair. “Hyun Jae Yong girlfriend?”

“Yes, that’s right. Hyun Jae is Yong’s girlfriend. You’re my best girl in the whole wide universe,” he said, kissing the top of Hyun Jae’s head.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. You tell lies to an innocent child,” someone from behind them said.

Yonghwa turned and came face to face with Kyuhyun, who has just arrived. His face turned grim.

A corner of Kyuhyun’s lips twitched into what seemed like a smile. “Just kidding, man.”

Yonghwa didn’t say anything. He felt a crushing pain on his chest, as if he couldn’t breathe. Is Kyuhyun her boyfriend now? Fiancee?

Everyone could feel the tension between the two guys. Jungshin stood up and took Hyun Jae out of Yonghwa’s arms.

“Yah, you’re not the most handsome here. Why does Hyun Jae pay you the most attention?” Jungshin said to Yonghwa, trying to lighten the mood.

“It hurts, you know,” Minhyuk seconded.

Yonghwa silently handed the child to Jungshin and turned away. “I’ll go ahead, you guys. Please tell everyone. I just…remembered…Appa’s expecting me for lunch,” he went out of the door, ignoring Hyun Jae’s wails of protest.

Jungshin and Minhyuk exchanged looks. Then, Minhyuk ran and followed Yonghwa outside.

“What are you doing, hyung? You can’t leave! Are you afraid of Kyuhyun hyung?”

Yonghwa shook his head. “I just realized I’m not ready to face her yet. Especially not with Kyuhyun around.”

Meanwhile inside the house, Seohyun has just finished changing clothes and was climbing down the stairs when she heard her niece crying.

“What happened?” she asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Everyone who had been trying to comfort the child turned to her. There were Jungshin, Minhyuk, Kyuhyun, Jonghyun and Yoona.

“Yong…go…” Hyun Jae hiccupped.


“Yong boyfriend,” the little girl said.

“Yong Hwa’s here?” Seohyun asked, understanding. The other members of CNBlue were also there so their leader was also there, right?  Her heart beat started picking up speed.

“He just left,” Yoona answered, shrugging.


Krystal raised the paper with her sketch on it and looked at it, criticizing her design. It was her second week working for Lee Yoona. So far, so good. The heavily pregnant designer was really nice and kind to her and Krystal thinks Yoona genuinely likes her designs.

“Yah, Krystal,” Jiyoung knocked on the wall of her cubicle. She was one of Lee Yoona’s models.

“What are you doing here? You should be shooting for Ms. Lee’s winter collection today,” Krystal said to her friend.

“I took a break,” Jiyoung sat on the edge of Krystal’s table. “Let me see that,” she tried to grab the paper Krystal was holding but Krystal had whisked it away just in time.

“Uh-uh. It’s not yet finished,” she said, pushing the paper into a folder. “So what’s up?”

“Nothing,” Jiyoung studied her finger nails for a moment. Then she suddenly turned to Krystal, her face lighting up. “Oh, by the way, do you know that Han Seohyun is Lee Yoona’s sister?”

Krystal looked up to her friend. “Yes.”

“Have you seen her? Have you talked to her?” Jiyoung asked excitedly.

“I’ve seen her once. Here in the building. But no, I haven’t talked to her.”

“Omo!” Jiyoung exclaimed. “I’ve seen her this morning with Ms. Lee. Isn’t she beautiful? She’s so gorgeous.”

Krystal laughed. “Are we turning lesbian now?”

“Is wanting to be like her being lesbian?” Jiyoung bent and poked Krystal’s side. Krystal shot up out of the swivel chair.

“Yah! What was that for?”

“Do I look like a lesbian to you?”

Before Krystal could shoot a teasing remark, Yoona’s secretary, Im Jin-Ah, poked her head in Krystal’s cubicle.

“Shouldn’t you be doing work at this hour instead of gossiping?” she said pointedly at Krystal, her eyebrows raised.

Krystal fought the urge to roll her eyes. She really loved being an intern in Lee Yoona’s fashion line but there was only one catch. Her. Im Jin-Ah. She had been trying to make Krystal’s life miserable since day one.

“Ms. Kang, you’re already needed at the studio,” Jin-Ah said, turning to Jiyoung.

Jiyoung sighed and stood up. “I’ll see you later, chinggu.”

“Yep, see ya later,” Krystal answered cheerfully as Jiyoung went out of her cubicle.

Jin-Ah followed Jiyoung, but not without glaring at Krystal first.

Krystal sat back on her chair. What’s with Jin-Ah? She wondered. Then her eyes turned to a pile of fashion magazines beside her chair. She stared at the cover of the magazine lying on the top of the pile. Han Seohyun’s smoky eyes stared back at her from the magazine’s cover. She’s really beautiful, Krystal thought. And according to one interview, Seohyun was also Choi Minho’s ideal woman. Krystal felt a twinge of jealousy.

“Pabo,” she muttered to herself.


Seohyun opened the envelope and pulled out an ivory card. She stared at it long and hard as she sat on her bed. It would be her first public appearance since she got back in Korea, were she to attend the event. The card was an invitation to Make-a-Wish Foundation Ball. Most popular celebrities would surely be there. Yonghwa was surely invited, too. She cringed at the thought of seeing him again, but a part of her was undeniably excited. What would their meeting be like? Would he ignore her? Would she ignore him? Does she want to?

“Just accept the invitation, Hyun,” Yuri said, watching different emotions pass through her sister’s face.

She sighed. “I don’t know…”

Yuri raised an eyebrow. “What are you so afraid of? Facing your first love that cheated on you?”

Seohyun winced and Yuri wished she hadn’t said anything about the past. It was obvious that her sister hadn’t gotten over what happened. Seohyun was still hurting. Damn Jung Yonghwa!

“Hyunnie, forget about him. Show him you’re unaffected…that you’ve moved on…” Yuri smoothed her sister’s hair. Then she stood up and took the card from Seohyun’s hand.

“Just attend this ball. Bring a hot date and be so beautiful you’ll make Jung Yonghwa’s jaws drop and his eyes pop,” Yuri prodded.

Seohyun laughed and hugged Yuri’s waist. “I really don’t know what to do without you, unnie.”


“Yah, Krystal Jung, I have something to tell you,” Jiyoung said excitedly.

Krystal rolled her eyes. Is it about Han Seohyun again? She looked up to her friend. “What is it?” she said disinterestedly.

“SHINee's here in the building. I've heard they got Mrs. Lee to be their new fashion consultant.”

Krystal’s mouth hung open. It seemed like her heart stopped beating for a minute or two. Then she frowned. “You've got to be kidding me,” she said, disbelieving.

“Gosh, why would I do that? And is what I’ve told you impossible?” Jiyoung said exasperatedly.

Krystal shook her head. Jiyoung plays pranks on her sometimes. And she knew about Krystal’s obsession on SHINee’s Choi Minho.

“SHINee!” Someone from outside Krystal's cubicle screamed. The two friends hurriedly got out as the female employees in that building squealed, gushed and chattered with excitement.

Krystal tripped on a chair but was able to stop herself from falling face down as she grabbed Jiyoung’s arm. She looked up and gasped so loud when she saw them. There they were, in the flesh, walking down the aisle with their manager, following Im Jin-ah.

“Minho! Choi Minhooo!” Krystal screamed, unable to stop herself.  She ran toward the boys. She surprised everyone when she suddenly grabbed Minho and hugged him hard.

When Krystal pulled back and looked at him, Minho was smiling awkwardly at her.

“Don't you remember me? I'm Krystal Jung! We were neighbors in Florida. Omo, I can't believe you're so famous now. I'm your number one fan!” she gushed.

Minho blinked at the girl in front of him and stared at her hard. Then recognition dawned on him. Indeed, it was Krystal Jung, the annoying little girl next door, all grown up now. 

“Miss Jung,” Jin-Ah said sharply. “Please, enough of this. Don’t keep Ms. Lee waiting. She needs to see them in her office ASAP.”

Krystal frowned and stepped back, unblocking Minho’s way. “Oh, I’m sorry. You go ahead, Minho oppa,” she suddenly hugged Minho again. “But I’m so glad to see you again! I missed you!”

Minho went red and the other boys chuckled.

“Yah, Minho, say you miss her, too,” Onew said. He turned to Krystal and winked. “He talks nonstop about you.”

Krystal beamed. “Really?”

“Yah, that’s not true!” Minho protested, turning redder.

Krystal just grinned at him.

Jin-Ah rolled her eyes. “Come on, you guys,” she continued walking and SHINee began to follow.

Minho glanced back at Krystal. She was prettier than he remembered. But then she had always been a pretty kid.And she was pretty annoying, too, he thought.


Yonghwa watched as his date, actress Kim So Eun walked gracefully toward him. She looked so beautiful and hot in that red gown. Suddenly a commotion from the photographers and press people shifted his attention away from So Eun. He turned to the limousine that had just stopped in front of the entrance to the Parks' mansion. The vehicle's door opened and cameras clicked wildly as a foot encased in a black stiletto shoe emerged. Yonghwa stared as a shapely leg followed the foot, and finally the body of a woman clad in a beige gown got out of the limousine. He slowly ran his gaze up to the curvy body, to the delicate neck and he took a sharp intake of breath when he finally got to look at her face. It was as if the air was knocked out of his lungs and his throat had constricted that he couldn't breathe. The woman was not only beautiful but divine, ethereal and...and she is Seohyun, the girl whose heart he broke ten years ago.

As if hypnotized, he walked toward her, never taking his eyes off her. But suddenly a man in a tuxedo blocked his view of her. When the man turned around, he saw that it was Kyuhyun and Seohyun’s arm was linked in his. So, they’re together? He began to feel jealousy gnawing on him. He had to win her back. He had to. He froze when he saw Seohyun’s gaze landing upon him. Their eyes locked for the first time in ten years. He can’t read whatever emotions are there in her eyes, or if there was any emotion in their depths at all. Her stare was cold and indifferent. And then, as fleeting as it was, the moment was gone. She had turned her eyes away as she smiled for the cameras, completely ignoring him.

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 1: "Blue stains on a pink" is brought me here!
I wonder after all, did they can reach of their happiness?
ngtra95 #2
Hello, I just finshed reading " Blue Stains on Pink" in Vietnamese, and I am too excited to read "The otherside of goodbye." Therefore, I come here to read it. It is really good. Also, if you do not mind, can I translate "The otherside of goodbye" into Vietnamese? Thank you so much:D Keep going and Fighting!
hyunie27 #3
Chapter 17: love it ^^
jingga8 #4
Chapter 17: daebak.. author nim! I had so much fun reading your story and exactly feels like I was watching the serries. I'm a hardcore goguma by the way, and your fiction is one of the greatest I ever read. chukkhaseumnida.. chinggu... ;)
Chapter 17: The ending is daebak! Kekeke
miakoo #6
Chapter 17: AWWWWW! Happy ending :) I hope you can write an individual story with Yoona and Jonghyun as the main couple :) Thanks!
Chapter 8: aww, minstal kiss ^^
Chapter 2: minstal was so cute :)
jhammyjam #9
Kekeke I had so much fun reading this one..especially the last part haha yong choding to yong protective appa..!haha nice fanfic! :D