
Please Don't Hurt Me

A/N: Its been a while since I updated this yeah? Truthfully I've been very busy with a better story called My Dog is my WHAT!? and if you want you can read that by clicking that link. i update it regularly. 1-2 times a week. So here's a little bonus for this story until I finish my other one and can continue this one!


"Yixing-ah pleeeaaasssseeee?" Mari whined out for the nth time that day, 

"Mari no."

Mari grabbed on to the sleeves of Yixing's hoodie. "But why?"

Truthfully, Yixing didn't have a good answer why. He sighed lightly. "We just can't get a cat right now."

"But why." Mari repeated sounding much like a 3 year old. 

"We can't take care of it. You work, I work. It's jsut not plausible."

Mari raised on eyebrow and pouted her lips slightly in a frown. "Yixing." she the couch to face him. "Do you realize cats, after goldfish, are the easiest pets to take care of? They don't need to be looked after 24/7. They bathe themselves, and for the most part play with themselves. We jsut have to feed it and love it and scoop its poop once a day. It's not like I'm asking for a dog or a baby." 

Yixing blushed a tad at the mention of a baby. He knew she didn't mean it like that. They had only been dating for a few months but Yixing constantly wondered what it would be like to have children with the beautiful woman sitting in front of him currently pouting like a child. "Okay but what about the others? We can't just keep a cat locked up in our room all day every day."

"I've already asked the others. They don't mind. Tao just said as long as it doesn't touch his Gucci he's fine." 

Yixing sighed once again. "I still don't know, Mari." 

"Yixing-ah pleeease! It can sleep with us and we can love it and care for it and it'll be fine I promise." Mari had her hands clasped together and placed under her chin with her famous puppy-dog pout she must have learned from Jongin somewhere along the lines. 

Yixing took a few seconds to consider what it would be like being a pet parent with Mari. Sure he enjoyed getting Mari exclusively to himself when they slept, but the image of him coming home to an already asleep Mari with a big furball cat curled up on her chest was just too much to handle. "Alright. We can get a cat. We'll go to the pet store and pick one out." 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mari all but screamed. Yixing ahd never seen her act quiet so crazy before. His eye's widdened. 

"What do you mean no? You just spent the past 30 minutes begging me for a cat now you're screaming no? Jeez woman."

Mari waved her hands in front of her face. "No no no. I want a cat. But we can't get it from a pet store! We ahve to adopt! There's plenty of other kitties in shelters who need homes too." He face grew a little sad and Yixing mentally slapped himself. Of course adopting was the best option. 

He took Mari's hands in his. "You're right. I'm sorry. Now get your shoes on before I change my mind." He had never seen Mari go so fast in her life. 


The little room was full of cages with metal bars that held cats and kittens of all ages, sizes, and colors. Mari walked down slowly looking in to each cage with Yixing behind her. None of the cats had caught her attention until she saw a white paw sticko ut between the bars all the way down in the last row of cages. She quickly walked down to it and pressed her index finger to the bottom of the paw sticking out and it curled around her finger. 

She opened the cage and pulled out a (rather larger) full grown white and gray tabby. She picked him up with a little struggle and placed him on his shoulder like a baby. "He's a heavy little guy." she chuckled to Yixing. She pet from his head down and her hand landed on the base of his back right at his tail and she scratched. Immediately the chubby cat began to pur loudly. Mari's eye's sparkled and opened in a huge smile. 

"Yixing! He's purring!" she placed the side of her face into the fluffy fur and hummed at the warmth and the vibrations underneath her cheek. The cat let out a high pitched meow of content that took the both of them by surprise. 

Yixing walkked over and scratched lightly at the cats head. "He's a cute one. What do you think?" 

Mari just nodded her head immediately, cheek still burried in to the fur. "This one. I want him. Oh please Yixing can we get him? He's perfect. Look at him being all snuggly!" 

She began to walk around the room bouncing slightly in her step like one would with a baby trying to lull it to sleep. He hands continued the cat lovingly and she cooed sweet praises to him and kissing him over and over. Yixing nearly melted on the spot. The large cat and the small girl seemed to just click with one another. More images of Mari with baby flooded his mind as he imagined her walking the floor trying to get a fussy little one to sleep. He walked over to her and placed a hand on the small of her back. "What's his name going to be then?" 

"Taemin!" Mari replied without skipping a beat. Her eyes twinkled as she looked at the loving creature perched on her shoulder with his eyes closed in content, obviously loving the love Mari was giving him. 

Yixing jsut smiled along. "Well Taemin, welcome to the family."


A/N: Yes Taemin is a chunky cat.

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Chapter 4: The fluff ♡
Chapter 3: Awww so fluffy! dang it I wanna cuddle now! You made it sound so endearing!
Chapter 2: Imma just comment on each chapter XD
No joke I want Minseok to make me coffee and let me fall asleep on his lap!
Chapter 1: Oh my glob! This! This is precious! And it's only the first chapter!
lilnugget #5
Chapter 8: Does Taemin the cat go woof woof, too?
I agree with lay. Babies can be hella cute. But imma laugh when his plan on seeing her walk back and forth trying to soothe it turns into yixing walking back and forth trying to soothe it while Mira sleeps soundlessly. Mwahahaha.
lilnugget #6
Chapter 7: Aww so cute. Finally. I soooo didn't think the gift lay was getting her was a pole installed in the bedroom. Totally not. Pfft. But that sekai. I started shipping it after they both dragged her off together. Lay is layte sometimes (see what I did there)
But like Kai, FINALLY they are together. Now I can gawk at them in the next chapter
I would like to donate holy water to the walk in foundation for unsuspecting people walking in on ual activities. Like d.o. Unless the holy sebooty was enough
lilnugget #7
Chapter 5: Here we go. Now the wonderful pros of being an ex stripper are in full view. You are out of the most phase most people assume stripers are in, but you get to keep all of the sensual dancing you learned. That's always nice. When it said Jongin wanted to learn the part in the middle, I immediately thought of the part when they do the one second twerk break. Hehe
lilnugget #8
Chapter 3: I want cuddles from lay. She says they are warm..i...i just want to test that out. For myself.yeah. That's all. There definitely isn't a hidden reason. None at all. But...i wear my seasonal stuff all the time. I wore my grinch Christmas shirt all through summer and these past few months of the school year. Dont even get me into my favorite underwear set with ghosts and stuff all over it
lilnugget #9
Chapter 2: Awww. Lay is so cute. He is jealous of xiumin getting to cuddle with her. It's okay, lay. He had to comfort her since she said some things that made her upset. She will tell you soon.
* pats lay until he dozes off*
Aww cute. Mmhmm. Now should she be jealous? This is pretty much what they did. Tsk. You adorable little nugget
lilnugget #10
Chapter 1: Ooooo cute. I was a little heart broken at the absence of lulu and Kris, but I guess the little details make it that much more realistic, no? It takes away the cliche feeling most "realistic" stories have when they have ot12 and they all get along, I guess. But, hehe, don't tell Luhan somebody was on his bed. He'll freak