Valentine's Day 9

Drabble Bucket

Taoris- Hybrid!AU: 765 words

Tao smoothed down the front of the baby doll dress he’d slipped into. He wanted to surprise Kris when he came home from work in the best way. He only had another hour to get everything ready. The cover of the light green nightie only fell to his thighs, barely covering his crotch, and he knew in the back, the curve of his would be visible. He giggled to himself in the mirror, getting his phone and snapping a cute photo of himself as he winked and pursed his lips, one yellow cat ear turning down while the other stayed up and tail standing up in the air in a question mark shape.

He headed into the kitchen and got out the strawberries and a box of chocolate mix. He started reading the directions and began to prepare the chocolate. Once it was thoroughly prepared, he dipped the strawberries in it, little tongue poking out between his lips as he did it. He laid each on a little platter as he finished with them. Afterwards, he cleaned up the pot and checked the time. Kris would be home in five minutes. He always came home on time. If not, he would call ahead. Tao took the platter and settled himself on their couch, which could be seen from the front door. He posed ily, letting the little dress drape open and show off his abs, the platter balanced on the arm of the couch with his hand.

The door opened promptly on time and Tao’s ears perked excitedly. Kris came through the door, not noticing Tao at first. He froze when he noticed him and Tao waited for him to get excited, but Kris only looked horrified. Tao’s face fell and his ears drooped as he tried to figure out what he’d done wrong. That’s when he realized someone was behind Kris.

“What is it?” came the voice.

Minseok, one of Kris’s work friends, peeked around the giant and spotted Tao. Tao squeaked, bolting up and running for their bedroom, leaving the platter behind. He slammed the door, his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red in embarrassment. The door was knocked on lightly and he opened the door, peeking out and seeing Kris. He let him in, his eyes filling up with tears as his ears drooped.


“I didn’t know he’d be with you,” he said.

“I know…What’s going on?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day…” Tao said, a few tears falling down his face, heartbroken that Kris didn’t even remember.

He retreated to the bed, climbing under the covers as he started crying. Kris followed him and settled onto the bed, pulling the sheets back and rubbing Tao’s ears. Tao started purring even though he didn’t want to, sniffling. Kris smiled and tugged at the baby doll dress, eyes raking over Tao.

“Minseok just came to borrow something. He already left. So, why don’t you give me your present?”

Tao sat up, wiping at his eyes. “Did you get me anything?”

“Of course I did.”

“But you didn’t remember it was Valentine’s Day!”

“I’ve had your present for months, Tao. I would never forget to get you something.”

Tao crawled into Kris’s lap. “Give it to me? Before I show you heaven?”

“Look who’s stealing my lines!” Kris laughed, nodding.

He got up and dug around in their dresser before producing a long box. He then pulled out another box, this one square.

“Here they are. They were supposed to be with roses, but I’m stupid and didn’t notice the date, so I’ll send them to you tomorrow.”

“Can I have sunflowers instead?”

“Of course you can, my love,” Kris said as he sat back down on the bed and offered the catboy his presents.

Tao opened the square box first and found a new Cartier Love bracelet inside. He squealed and slipped it on, leaning in to kiss Kris quickly. He then opened the long box and found a ribbon choker with a heart shaped pendant hanging off of it. It was like a collar, but not. He giggled and looked up at Kris.

“Are you staking claim on me, Kris?”

“Maybe a little bit. I thought you’d look beautiful in it.”

Tao held it out to Kris and he took it, tying it around Tao’s neck for him. The catboy posed cutely with it on and Kris smiled.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Tao.”

Tao kissed Kris, climbing into his lap then. “Now unwrap your present.”

Kris smiled, hand lifting up to front of the dress to touch Tao as their mouths slotted together.

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Chapter 8: Jongtae ❤
Chapter 4: Aww so sweet I ❤it!!!