
The Forgotten Memories

           An excruciating two hours later, the boys were laying flat out on the floor in various places of the practice room. The sweat glistened off of each of them as they breathed heavily to catch their breaths. The adrenaline that we had from the beginning of our practice had begun to die out. I took a swig from my water bottle and as I looked up, my eyes bugged out. Eunhye was wiping her sparkling skin as her hair cascaded down her back. There seemed to be a light emanating from her. I looked in the mirror at myself and compared my appearance to hers. How can someone look so good even drenched in sweat while I looked like a drowned rat? Eunhye caught me staring and gave me a tired grin. I gave one back before lying back down on the floor. 

           It was sad to say that while I had a talented voice, my dancing skills were worse than a beginner. My two left feet hindered me from learning any of the dance routines. They weren't very hard but even after each of the boys tried to teach me patiently (some more than others), I couldn't seem to remember any of it. So here we are now, two hours into our practice: the boys weren't even sweating from dancing, they were exhausted from trying to teach me the same routine over and over. I was close to giving up. They were all such good dancers, even Eunhye. I didn't want to hold them back, but I also didn't want to give up so early. 

           "Well, I'd say this was a good rehearsal. Let's go eat-" Chen began to say.



           "Ice cream!"


           There were so many ideas thrown out by the boys that I couldn't even decipher who had said what. I chuckled quietly at Chen's annoyed expression.

           "Since you all decided last week, it is MY decision to eat...Mexican food this week!" Chen exclaimed. 

           Shouts of agreement erupted as the boys began to pack up and march towards the door. I stayed in my place, determined to practice more on my own.

           Eunhye gave me a quizzical look. 

            "You're not coming with us?" 

            "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit. I just want to run over this routine again." She shrugged and ran off to follow the others, her ponytail bouncing.

            Sehun was the last to leave the room. He paused before opening the door and gave me an unreadable expression. I gulped as I waited for him to say something. He just shook his head, opened the door, and walked out without another glance at me. What was that about?

            I shrugged Sehun's questionable behavior off and gave myself a confident smile in the mirror. Turning the music on again, I began moving my body back and forth to feel the music. Slowly, I began running through the routine again. My confidence began to run thin as I looked at my awkward body move around. My limbs were like spaghetti and my movements were too stiff. I couldn't do it, I couldn't dance for my life. I'm just going to have to leave the group. I don't want to hold them back, it would be unfair to them. It's not their fault they found someone with absolutely no talent for dancing. Defeated, I sat down on the floor in a huff. Tears began to leak out of my eyes in frustration. I tried hard to squeeze them back, but to no avail as they began flowing even more freely. Soon enough, I became a blubbering mess as my shoulders hunched over and I cried into my hands. I didn't even hear the creak in the door as someone came to sit by me. My head shot straight up as I felt a calming hand on my back.

           I was looking into deep, rich chocolate orbs. His eyes glanced back and forth between mine as he brushed the tear streaks from my face. My bottom lip fell unattractively as I realized the close proximity between Sehun and I. His brows scrunched together as if he was worried for me. I felt so vulnerable under his smoldering stare.

           "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the others?" 

           "I-uh... don't feel very hungry." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.

            Smiling to myself, I decided that he would be the first one to know of my decision, since I was going to tell the others soon too. I squared back my shoulders and cleared my throat.

           "Sehun, I can't do it." I whisphered as I looked down at my fiddling hands in my lap. He squeezed my shoulders before letting out a low chuckle. "Im going to q-"

           "You're just going to quit? Just after one rehearsal? Do you know how many times we have tried to teach other the same routine? It takes us one whole month to get EVERYONE  to learn the routine. Hell, Baekhyun needs two months." He gripped my shoulderns even more tightly as he leaned closer to me. His little pep talk began to make me feel a little better. No one had ever made me feel this confident about myself, and I never would have expected him to be the first one. 

           "So don't ever think you're not enough for this team. We will help each other through this okay, baby? We will practice everyday, you and I. Blow the socks off of everyone when you perfect the routine." He gave me a big grin as I stared at him in astonishment. He brushed back the stray strands of hair off my face as the gears in my head stopped abruptly.

           Baby? Did he really just call me baby? Who is this person and where is he keeping the old Sehun? His sudden hostlity threw me off balance as I continued to stare unashamedly at him.

           His grin slowly morphed into a look of bewilderment as he realized his verbal mistake. He cleared his throat.

           "Um, I'm actually uh, gonna... I hear my mom calling me for lunch!" He quickly scrambled to his feet and ran off, leaving me in a state of puzzlement. I scratched my head as a blush began to creep up my cheeks. 




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Chapter 8: So Sehun the one person she forgot. Okay I know it now. But Sehun still likes her. But she don't remember Sehun. Update soon.
Sehun still loves her
He is so cute
Sadly she doesn't remember him
Chapter 6: Who's the guy she forgot about? Is it Baekhyun or Sehun? Update soon.
Chapter 5: Update soon.