'I Will NEVER Leave You' - Jackson

GOT7 Scenarios

You stormed into the dorm from attending the funeral and fumbled around in your purse for your car keys. Throughout the entire wake Jackson had acted like the biggest jerk ever. You kept throwing him dirty looks every now and then but the idiot only looked sad for a millisecond before someone reminded him of the joke he was just saying. You launched you pursed down on the couch and turned to Junior.
‘Did I leave my keys here?’
His eyes went wide at being approached by you and knowing just how angry you could get at times he shrugged and pointed in any direction in hopes to get away from you.
At that moment Yugyeom walked in followed by a chuckling Jackson.
'And then the Onion said to the COD 'why are you crying?“ Youngjae burst out laughing and you figured the fact that you’d missed the beginning of the joke wasn’t the reason why you weren’t laughing. You tried your best to burn a hole straight through him but felt tears well in your eyes in the process.
’____-ah do you want some water… or a cup of tea?’ Mark smiled down at you but you shook your head.
'Thanks for thinking of the English half of me but it’s fine Mark. I’m fine really’
'We all have ways of dealing with this’
'Jackson’ he pointed at the boy and smiled again. 'It may not be tradition but everyones different’ you arched an eyebrow and gritted your teeth when another round of laughter erupted from Junior and Youngjae.
'Go easy on him’ Mark placed a hand on your shoulder and walked over before punching Jacksons arm and pointing in your general vicinity. The same look of sadness crossed his face when he looked over at you until Junior patted his back.
'Unbelievable’ you shook your head and walked towards the bathroom.
'What did the horse say to the other horse?… Why the long face?’ everyone fell about laughing apart from Mark and JB. They looked from you who’d gripped the bathroom handle so hard it could break of to Jackson who was totally oblivious to the storm that was about to hit him.
'Has it ever occurred to you just how much of a jackass you are?’ you spat turning in his direction.
'Sorry ___-ah don’t let me rain on your parad- oh wait that might work better if you say it’
'You ing arsehole’ you made a grab for him but JB intersected.
'Right that’s it’ You felt him grab the back of your dress to which you immediately started protesting.
'Yah who do you think you are?’ He pushed you into a closet and Jackson soon followed pushed by Mark.
'I’m the leader of GOT7 and a moody dorm is the last thing I need. Sort it out or you’re never coming out’ the door slammed in your face and you stared at it in shock.
'W-what?! Guys open the door! It’s great that you think this is funny but it’s not! Open the door!’ you yelled banging your fist against the door. 'Are you actually serious!?’ You stated and turned when Jackson sat down against the back wall.
'They’re not going to open the door ____-ah. Just get comfy’
'Wow you really don’t let up do you. Talk about not being bothered’
Jackson shook his head as though to ignore you and angry boiled inside you again.
'What the is wrong with you lately?!’ You glared and tried to steady your trembling lip.
'Whats wrong with you?!’
'Our friend just died!’
'I know!’ He shouted, silencing you in the process. 'God I know because everyone’s been reminding me every 5 seconds all day’
'You acted like a absolute jerk today. You didn’t show any kind of grief. You just kept laughing’
'As opposed to crying. Mopping around. Because that’s what you’ve done and look where it’s got you’
'At least I’m feeling something’
'You don’t think this is effecting me. You think Ryan was a complete stranger to me. I have every right to feel how I want not how someone else wants me to feel’
'Ryan would be hurt’ you stabbed harshly.
'Well maybe you’d have been better with Ryan here and me dead’ you gazed at him open mouthed with eyes watering before dropping onto his legs. You balled your fists and started punched any part of him you could.
'Why would you say that?! Do you not care about what happens to me!? Huh!?’ Your hand whipped round and struck him square in the face. You’re sure you could still hear the slap even as you sat there in shock. Jackson didn’t turn back to look at you and by the tightness of his jaw you could tell he was trying hard to not explode at you.
You’d never noticed it before but Jackson hardly ever got angry at you. Even though you’re pretty sure there were plenty of times he could have.
'No…’ He shook his head. 'You’re right. When have I ever considered how you feel. All I’ve ever done is tried to make you feel better. Even at my best friends funeral I tried to make you laugh but hey that was selfish of me’
'Jackson that’s not selfish’ you said quietly to afraid to speak any loudly than a whisper. He finally turned to look at you.
'But it never works. I could never make you laugh as much as him. There was never any room in there for me’ he smiled weakly and rubbed his eyes.
'Who do you think convinced him to move to Korea for you?’ Jackson stared at you blankly.
'He said he convinced you’
'Wow even in death he’s full of ’ you laughed incredulously and shook your head. 'Jackson he wasn’t as great as you’re making him out to be. He had flaws just like me and you. He lied so much to me. At least with you I never argued. I’ve never had to decipher what you’re really thinking’
'Because that’s such a good thing’ he laughed. You slid off his lap and sat next to him, wrapping your arm around his in the process.
'You’re still here though’
'I’m still here’ he nodded.
'You didn’t leave me’
'I didn’t leave you’
'Please don’t leave me’ you squeezed his arm tight and hid your face behind it as tears welled in your eyes. Jackson wiped his and gripped your wrist.
'I will NEVER leave you’

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