Someone To Blame - Mark&Jr

GOT7 Scenarios

Totally random as hell scenario that a just regurgitated... literally. Anyway I hope you like it however small it is :D


'____-ah you missed thee best day ever' Mark beamed at you from the couch as Jr wrapped his arms around you tightly. Most of the time all you needed was a hug off either of the guys but today the hug just seemed like another thing restricting you. You gasped for air and instead of laughing it off you pushed against your best friend.

'Yah Jinyoung I need air' he grinned and patted your head.

'Sorry ____-ah'

You moved away from him and into the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat. Training all day just wasn’t fun at all.

After making a snack you reentered the living room to find the guys laughing out loud again. You rolled your eyes and took a bite out of your ‘dinner’.

‘We watched Dredd today’ Jr chimed in. Ahh yes the film that you were all supposed to watch together. In a group of 3.

Thanks guys you thought.

'You could have joined us if it had been a free day for you' you felt the first jab of the night. Normally you let these sink into your skin with minimal damage but tonight just wasn't one of those days for it.

'We watched this YouTube video also before of these goats... and...' Jr started laughing to much to continue and you felt your eyes roll. It probably wasn't even that funny.

'They were... talking'

'More like scre... screaming' Mark cracked up and before you could help it they were both bent over holding their stomachs.

'Hilarious' you commented. Mark wiped his eyes and leaned his head on your shoulder.

'We went to get some food from that place you love. I was going to buy you something but you must have turned your phone off. What with you working' the second jab hit you and you breathed slowly through your nose.

You needed to take a shower. To relax. Let the water work its magic on your muscles before these two detonated the bomb inside your chest.

'I'm going for a shower'

'Ahh you must be tired’ Mark commented.

‘Yes I am’

‘From all the practicing you did today?’ Jr stated.

‘Yes’ you insisted through gritted teeth’

‘So does YG not give out free days anymore?' You froze. 'I mean we clearly got the better CEO _____-ah' they started laughing while you turned towards them slightly. It was the 3rd and final jab of the night and you were done.

'You made the wrong move there' they giggled.

'Why don't you come to YG?' You said suddenly taking the boys by surprise. They laughed and looked at each other.


'Why don't you two move companies?' You looked at them this time and questioned them seriously but they still thought it was a joke.

'We'd never get in YG'

'And that's my fault. Just because I'm good enough to be taken in by multiple labels you think it's easy for me to just pull up my roots and move'

'____-ah what ar-'

'Why is it that I always find myself being the one to say sorry? Us not finding time to hang out or go to dinner and suddenly it's me that's causing it'

'We never said-'

‘You know what my phone was off today just like your phone was switched off on my last free day while you were practicing’

‘_____-ah we were-‘

'Life would be easier if you were in JYP or things would run smoother if you came to JYP. That's what you said right? The other night?' Mark rubbed his neck awkwardly.

'That was a joke'

'Well you need to find new material because you've used that gag more times than I can count. This road goes both ways and you two are just to blame as I am for this'

'We were just-'

'Last week you canceled a dinner date with me and when you got home at 2 in the morning you know the first thing you said?' Mark looked nervous and gulped before shaking his head.

'I wish you were in JYP' your voice broke mid sentence and you laughed to cover it. 'We hadn't seen each other in about 4 days and the only thing you could say to me was how much you wanted me to be in YOUR company' you shook your head in disbelief even now at what he'd said.

'Because I want you near'

'Then come to YG'

'I would never get i-'

'Try harder!' You breathed heavily and looked away when tears threatened to fall. 'These things you say are not jokes to me. You've said them so many times I take them to heart'

'____-ah we never meant-'

'Of course you didn't... because you're boys. You never think'

'____-ah-' you sighed and cut him off.

'I'm tired, YG had us rehearsing over and over for the concert. I want my bed' you walked past the guys leaving them to wonder if they should worry more about their relationship with you than who was in which company.

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