My First Kiss [Final]

My First Kiss [One Shot]

I have secretly fell in love with my school kingka,The good ones. But how? I heard rumors that he is a player. But that is just only a rumors right? I didnt know him very well, so I cant judge him just by what i heard... I Love him.. or should i say i like him? I'm a bit confused with the terms of using 'love' and 'like'... Every Single time i see him, My heart start to 'Ba-Bump,Ba-Bump,Ba-Bump..' but whatever it is, i know him but does he even know my existing in school?


It was lunch break now, just like ordinary days when you can see girls surrounding the school kingka, No MinWoo. How you could wish to get near to Minwoo just like the other girls. well,your best friend, Krystal, she totally no interest on MinWoo because she think that Minwoo is those kind of badass jerk as he alway wink at girls.

Yes, there is a lot of girls around Minwoo, so you guess there is no chance for you to go to him. So you just sat down with Krystal at the cafeteria and eat. When you titled your head after finishing your food, your eye met with Minwoo, and again your heart started to bump hard.


*Wow!!! howcome i didnt see her in school around before? She looks cute.. hey..wait.. why is heart having those kind of weird feelings i ever felt before when i met my eye with her?* Minwoo thought.

Slowly, he wanted know more about you and decided to stalk you around. Sometime you can felt him aorund you,and walked faster because your heart beat really irritates you. and sometime Minwoo can lost you because of the girls...



There is one day, you heard the school started to spread rumors about Kim NamJoo and No Minwoo were together. Immedialty your heart fell and it's really hurt. You cant keep the sadness to yourself and you could not control your tears from flowing out. You ran to the garden i meet Krystal there.


Krystal:"Hyorin-ah! why are you crying?!"

she patted your back to show some comfort to you. you kept crying and did not answer.

Krystal:"alright,alright,just cry as much as you want arraso? Then when you are enough,then tell me what happen arraso?"

you nodded. For the past 30 minutes,you are crying on Krystal shoulder. Finally you stopped.

Krystal:"So tell me what happen?"

you:"Minwoo is with Namjoo...."

Krystal:"WHAT?! NAMJOO?!"

you:"YA, If he is with others girls, i doesnt mind, since i'm used to it, but namjoo!!! Our worser enemy ever!!! Heard they have being together for months!!!!"

Krystal:"I thought you doesnt believe in rumors?"

you:"Yes, i doesnt believe! But this sounds really real!!!"

Krystal:"See! I told you, you should have confess to him earlier!! Damn it! Namjoo got him!!!"


Krystal cant do anything to help, so she just let her shoulder cry on... who knows,Minwoo was actually standing right behind both of you. Seeing how hurt you are, he is hurt too. He wanted to tell the truth to everyone, but Namjoo have already spreaded this stupid rumors even to his hyungs school! even his hyung is calling him to ask him.



That day, the rumors has distracted you everything. You do not even have the mood to study and eat. During your dinner time, you went to your house nearest playground and sat at the swing. As you thought of the rumors, tears welled at your eye and tears started to roll down from your cheek. Suddenly a figure is standing beside you ,giving you tissues, you looked up and gasped.



you quickly hide your face and wiped off the tears.

*YAH, IT EMBARASS TO LET MINWOO SEE THAT I'M CRYING!!* You were screaming in your mind thinking how embarass it is.

Minwoo squatted down so that his eye met to yours. Finally he speaked.

Minwoo:"You are Min HyoRin right?"

you nodded.

Minwoo:"Dont cry, arraso?"

you were really surprise when you heard Minwoo said that.

Minwoo:"Dont believe in that rumor!"


Minwoo:"The one me and NamJoo.."

*Why is he telling me this?!* you thought while your heart beating more hardly.

You:"why tell me?"

Minwoo:"Because i dont want you to get mistaken.."

You:"Mistaken? Why?"

Minwoo:"erm... because I... I..."

you:"you what?" 

your face getting even redder.

Minwoo:"I Love you!"

you widen your eye as you are so shocked! but you screaming to yourself that he actually confessed to you, that was what you being waiting so long!!


Minwoo:"Erm.. Look, you know love at first sight?"

you nodded.

Minwoo:"So this thing actually happen when i first met you in the cafeteria!"

You:"Oh.. I better go home now. It's late.."


you tried to went away as you do not know what to reply as it was too sudden for  you. you are not even prepared or something. Though you wanted this LONG LONG time ago.

Minwoo then quickly grabbed your wrists, he pulled and hugged you.

Minwoo:"So can you be my girlfriend?"

you kept quiet.

Minwoo:"I know it was too sudden right?"

you nodded.

Minwoo:"And i know you like me too.."

you:"How you know? I never tell anyone.. except krystal!"

Minwoo:"I heard it while stalking you...mianhae.."

You:"Though i wanted this thing to happen to me, but i still do not know how to answer..." 

you smiled awkwardly.

Minwoo:"Well, you dont have to answer, I'll just take it as a yes!"

he smiled sweetly to you.


then he pulled you closer and wanting to kiss you, you held back.

You:"Erm...I'm not sure if i deserve to actually... you know this is my first kiss and...."


you nodded.

Minwoo:"Tell you a secret, this is my first kiss too. Heheh"

you widen your eye as you dont believe.

Minwoo:"Well, then let do it when we are well prepared."

then he placed two fingers on his lips and then place it on yours and pressed against.

Minwoo:"Well, then let assumed this as our first kiss,ok?"

you nodded.

Minwoo:"Thank you girlfriend." 

he smiled widely to you. you thought that it was dream. but it wasnt! It was all real!!! Finally your dreams came true.. you quickly ran back and called for krystal about this wonderful First Kiss you ever had with someone special....


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teenrice #1
WooTae_moments #2
Chapter 1: Awwe so sweet~
Chapter 1: How i wish my life is like that.A guy confess to you like that...well i will scream mentally
Chapter 1: soooo sweet <3~!!!
Ily_kpop_boybands #5
kyaaa~~~~ cute! cute! cute!
2NE1_saranghae #7
Nice story^^ wish you can continue this story :D
clapcrazy #8
Update soon... Interesting foreword :-)