Chapter 4

Fallen Angel

Yes it's true, Luhan was Kris' creation but he was a creation gone wrong. When Kris made Luhan, Luhan was the most powerful demon ever. But it was Suho who ended up cleansing Luhan after he tried to destroy earth. And when Luhan was cleansed he was reborn as a human who was too pure. So now Kris wants Luhan back and by doing so he sends demons near Luhan and in his dreams, hoping that it could help him become evil again, but it just ends up scaring Luhan and now since Sehun is around Luhan it made Kris' plan a whole lot harder. He couldn't let Sehun and Luhan be together, it would ruin Kris' plan on destroying Angels.

It's not like Kris hated Angels since forever he hates them because he to was banished from heaven like Sehun. Kris was blamed for a crime that he didn't even do. So ever since then he's hated Angels and swore that one day he would make their lives a living hell. And Kris hopes that he could get Luhan and maybe even get Sehun if they can't learn to love each other, and Kris was going to make sure that they don't fall in love.

Meanwhile in heaven Suho was furious about what Kris was doing, Suho had to think of a plan and fast. Then Kai and Kyungsoo went to ask Suho what happened. And then Suho came up with an idea. "Guys I have a plan." Suho said in excitement. "What is it?" Kyungsoo asked."I'll have the both of you go to earth and make sure that Kris doesn't interfere with Sehun and Luhan." Then Kai and Kyungsoo looked at Suho like he was crazy, then Kai asked, "Wait can you even do that?" "Our jobs as Angles is to protect humans and other Angles no matter what it takes. So are you guys doing it or what." Kai and Kyungsoo looked at each other nervously but they had to agree because it was what they were supposed to do. "We'll do it." They both said in unison. "Good I'll get you guys ready." Suho said. I hope this works.

On earth Luhan and Sehun were starting to get a little closer but Sehun still wouldn't let Luhan in. One day while they were walking Sehun noticed that a demon was following them. Then without thinking Sehun cut the demon by using his wind power. I didn't think I still had my powers. Sehun thought. Then Luhan asked "Sehun what was that?" "Um let's go home first then I'll explain what happened." "O-ok." Luhan said nervously. Sehun could tell that Luhan was now scared of him, which he had no reason to. Sure Sehun was self-centered but he would never hurt innocent people.

When they got home they sat on the couch and Sehun began the conversation. "So what happened was there was a demon following us and I destroyed it with my powers." "I didn't know that Angels had powers." Luhan said. Sehun couldn't believe that Luhan wasn't shocked that Sehun had powers but Luhan was more interested in Angels now. "So do you have other powers, like can you fly?" When Luhan said that it made Sehun cringe because he didn't have his wings anymore. "Yes we can fly but I can't." "Why?" "Because I was banished from heaven heaven and they took my wings away." Sehun said while trying not to cry. Sehun never cried in front of anyone before so why is he tell all of this to some human? "I'm sorry this happened to you Sehun, if you don't mind can I see your scares?" "Sure." Sehun was shocked that Luhan wanted to see the scares. Then Sehun took off his shirt and showed Luhan the scares. When Luhan saw them he couldn't believe his eyes. He could tell that each feather was tooken off individually. This must have been so painful. Luhan thought. 

Meanwhile Sehun felt so ashamed that Luhan was looking at the scares. 'An Angel without wings is a disgrace to all Angels.' That's what they taught students at Sehun's school. Then Luhan left the room and when he came back he had a first aid kit with him. Then Luhan took a bottle and put some cream on his hand and he rubbed it onto Sehun's back. At first it stung but after a while it became relaxing and Sehun noticed that Luhan was carefully putting the cream on and he was so delicate when doing it. Why is this human being so nice to me after I've been trying to push him away. Sehun thought. Then when Luhan was finished he gave Sehun a new shirt to wear, which was a little small, and then Luhan gave Sehun a hug and said, "Don't worry Sehun everything will be okay." And Then Sehun bursted into tears because Luhan was so nice to him. 

So after what happened earlier Sehun ended up falling asleep and Luhan was going to make dinner. And then there was a knock on door. When Luhan opened the door there were two men staring at him. "Can I help you two?" Luhan asked. "Hi I'm Kyungsoo and this is Kai, and were friends with Sehun is he here?" "Yeah I'll go get him." Luhan said. Then Luhan invited Kyungsoo and Kai into his house and he went to wake up Sehun. Luhan shook Sehun gently and said, "Sehun there are to of your friends here to see you." "Yeah ok." Sehun didn't believe Luhan because the friends Sehun had were in heaven. So Sehun got out of bed and walked into the living room and he couldn't believe that Kai and Kyungsoo were there. "What are you guys doing here?'' Sehun asked. Then Kai said, "Sehun there's been some trouble. It's with Kris." Sehun couldn't believe that Kris was part of this, he was banished to hell for the awful crime. And at that moment Luhan felt dizzy and then he ended up passing out, but Sehun caught him. "Luhan wake up!" Sehun yelled. "Sehun this also has to do with Luhan." Kyungsoo said. "Tell me everything."


Hey guys so it's been a while but it's only because I haven't been feeling well and it's not getting better. But I had to update because it's been a while. And  I've made this chapter longer and we learned a lot in this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it:)

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trappedsoul #1
Chapter 9: I was on long hiatus and missed this chapter. I'm waiting for next chap! Fighting!
trappedsoul #2
Chapter 8: lol chanbaek vs chenmin war looked so childish actually X'D but I personally think it was fun tho X'D
and uh-oh, hunhan were connected. hope both of them wouldn't get hurt :(
Chapter 7: Lay? A Demon? No way!! He my sweet angel
Chapter 6: Noo don't hurt Sehun :(
trappedsoul #5
Chapter 5: oh no, Kris got him, what would be happened?
Chapter 5: Noo!!! Bring Luhan back
Chapter 3: his creation???!!!
Chapter 3: what dafuqqqqqq OMFG WHAT iS THIS IM BYE
trappedsoul #10
Chapter 3: Creation? Luhan was Kris's creation?! OMG
Why did Luhan cry anyway?
Well, can't wait for the next update!