Leaving Roommates

Coloured Paintaengs

June 2010, Friday afternoon


“I'm going to miss you so much.”

“I'll miss you too.”

Tiffany pouts. “No, you won't. You're gonna celebrate right after I leave, I know.”

“I'm not gonna celebrate, I swear.”

“You're actually happy to see me leave. Nobody's gonna use your toothpaste anymore. Or your shampoo. Or your pens.”

“That's not true.”

“You're just saying it because I'm leaving.”

“I'm really gonna miss you. I really, really like you, Tiffany.”

Tiffany throws her arms around Taeyeon. “I like you too. I like you a lot.”

Taeyeon smiles and wraps her arms around Tiffany too. “We'll Skype like you said.”

“We must.”

“We will.”


Taeyeon pulls away from Tiffany and smiles into her eyes. “Don't cry.”

“When will we get to see each other again?”

“I don't know. But we will.”



Tiffany sniffs and takes a step back towards her luggage. “Bye, Taeyeong.”

Taeyeon smiles. She remembers when Tiffany got her name wrong at the beginning. “Bye bye, Miyoung.”

“Remember to read my letter, okay.”

Taeyeon nods and holds up the letter Tiffany gave her earlier. “I'll read it.”

Tiffany picks up her bag and waves. “Bye bye.”

Taeyeon waves back, letter in hand. “Have a safe flight.”

Tiffany smiles, turns around and reaches into her pocket for her passport. She hands it to the officer and turns while he's checking her boarding pass. Taeyeon smiles and waves again. She watches as Tiffany turns back around, takes her passport and boarding pass, and walks through the doorway. A final smile and wave and Tiffany is gone. Gone home to America, the country where she comes from. Back home to her university.

Taeyeon tries to smile one more time but she feels too sad to do it by herself. Instead, she looks at the letter in her hand and decides to read it right there in the airport. She walks to the rows of seats near to the check-in counters and sits down. Opening the envelope and unfolding the letter, she reads:

A distant memory flashes in Taeyeon's mind as she stares at the pink lipstick stain. Pink. Where did she see those lips before? Pink lips. Hmm.


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NessieW #1
Chapter 8: I’m wondering how I missed this story years ago. Lol this is what happens when I finish reading an update to one of your current stories. I can’t get enough of your writing so I start looking around for your other stories to reread and with great pleasure today I discovered I hadn’t read this one.
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 4: Thats so cute omg
maemae08 #3
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh!! This is soooo gooooood
uniqdreamz #4
Chapter 8: This wasn't your best fic but surely a new style from you to read with the shifting timeline inserted in it. I like this style of yours. Haha. Uhm...one question, do they really have a job as a bra painter? I'm curious :p
Chapter 8: I realized this story is more than just weird. I really like the flow of the story. More fluff and craziness please! :3

Chapter 8: Wow, a firs I dind it weird and laughed my out when I read Taeyeon wants to be a bra painter. Haha like seriously wtf. But then I was kind of confused of the timeline jumpimg but I managed to understand it as I read the story and the story is really nice. I like how Tiffany always gets Tae's toothpaste and shampoo really this story has that humr and fluffy butterflies feelings. Good job author, I hope you can continue this? :-)
licong99 #7
Chapter 7: Yes yes yes fluff always suitable for taeny, I need that, we need that, locksmith need that ~^O^~ the plot really interesting. Love it <3
Chapter 8: This is great. Hope to see more soon! Babes' Generation had to be the best part of this so far XD I can imagine thier au of fabrics with Terfany, Tehyawn, Yewna, Sanie,SuuYong, Sohyan, Jehseeka, Yooree, and HyohYawn xD Love it!
stoopidcutie #9
Chapter 8: OMG!!! love every bit of this!!! :)
noreencutie #10
Gosh! So darn fluffy <3
This fic is definitely my stress reliever. ^_^