► The Other Bunch of Weirdos

Odd Jobs Seoul ► Apply Now!

the recurring

These poor souls...being acquaintances with Odd jobs Seoul isn't easy as they're  frequently roped into messes that don't benefit them in any way. willing or not, it's not rare to see these individuals with any member of odd jobs seoul at any moment. like many of the citizens of Seoul have learned rather quickly, odd jobs Seoul might be filled with idiots, but they attract people just as idiotic. 



"where's my money, idiots!?"

The big boss himself! Move over because Kim Heechul is in the building, people. Founder of Odd Jobs Seoul and their landlord, this powerful wizard can pretty much annihilate anything you love with a few spells if you get on his bad side which to be honest, doesn't take much. So, it's a real mystery to the citizens of Seoul why he hasn't done away with the members of Odd Jobs Seoul yet...Maybe he has a soft side...you know, if you call slapping people with sandals and taking a 70% cut of their only source of income a soft side...




"don't touch my elizabeth~"

Heechul's bff 4 lyfe, introducing Lee Hongki; a male siren that can pretty much entrance people with his beautiful singing voice. His whining voice though...not so beautiful. He makes a decent living through his pawn shop and is a frequent informant for Odd Jobs Seoul. Just a note for the wise, when you visit him, do not touch any of the skulls around his shop especially the gold one on the counter because that is his precious Elizabeth, his one and only. 




"gorilla? that's not my name..."

This person is, suprisingly, the current commander of the police force located in Seoul. Despite their important job of mantaining the peace between the humans and the supernatural creatures,  he still manages to balance his schedule to banishing rebels as his main job and stalking a certain woman as a side. A self-proclaimed thief of hearts, he's the proud leader of his group of rowdy polices.
+ male male male
+ age between 25-28
+ recommended personality traits: idk just make him a stupid gorilla with a crush for someone



"that's bull!"

The demonic vice-commander of the police force really live up to the name given to him, only at times when he's not busy sniffing over a certain group of weirdos and his mayonnaise. He's always looking tough and cool, but the reality is that he's a very lonely man that has swore his loyalty to his captain and protecting the country.
+ must be male
+ age between 22-25
+ recommended personality traits: stoic, loyal, strict



"this will be fun."

This greatly feared 1st division captain of Seoul's police force is definitely one you'd look out for, for he may pop up from behind you with a bazooka and a wicked smile on his face. It is rumored that he's an even greater sadist that the one in Odd Jobs, chopping people's head off without batting an eye. But fear not, once in a while when his sister visits the police station to send lunch boxes for him, you'll be able to see one of his rare smiles. Oh, and did we mentioned he hates the vice commander to guts?
+ must be male
+ age between 21-23, younger than the vice commander
+ recommend personality traits: violent, sly, ebullient, manipulative



"who are you again??"

A free plotline again, just this time not as an Odd Jobs member. They can be the police force's spy or even a janitor that's secretly a spy, or a rebel that's been hunted by the polices for so long. Just follow your imagination and you'll be fine. Just make sure your character has relations with the police force, one way or another. (you can decide whether the relationship of your character and the police force is to be revealed later in story, as a background story or at the start of the story).

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Chapter 4: oh my, thank you so much for the kind review ! i expected the worse after seeing the 'updates' post after slat101 and i submitted our application. anyway, i'm glad you liked our cute duo, leo and dongjin !
i updated the personality for bad traits (i corrupted him a bit, woops), his background (for how his parents hid him) and his life at the police station (what he does on the field). and to answer yowamushi, no kyungil isn't an idol, he's just a regular citizen. i'd imagine him to be the son of a business man, like the perfect cliche of the rich son who does nothing but being lazy waiting to inherit his dad's business. i also imagine him to be a bit younger than he is in reality, because otherwise he'd be in jail right away for touching leo haha XD
haha, of please, corrupt him 8D i'd love to read that~

thank you again for the kind review !
Chapter 4: Okay, fixed the app up! Hope it's better now.
Chapter 4: oh my gosh i was so scared coming to this review page i was expecting to see a whole long list of stuff i messed up on my application. this was definitely a pleasant surprise. i am uber happy you guys liked dongjin (as well as leo!!) as i was worried he would be too stiff and sad for all the fun in this story. you really pointed out everything i wanted to have a spotlight on so i'm very satisfied.

to answer yowamushi's question, consider sehun a starving artist. he lives off of commissions and inheritance basically.
Hi hello! This looks amazing and I've begun working on my app~!
I realized that for the species I chose I ended up including some.... headcanons(???)/pick and chose through some of the info available on them and kinda improvised to make it work for my character. Would I be able to add a section under the "species" part or would you prefer if I just clarify anything if you ask for it after I turn in the app? (since what I think I would include there is less about the species as a whole but more on the lore/cultural things that partially impacted my character both personality and background wise.)
-birdy #5
Chapter 1: How do you guys feel about having like replicates ? Like having two wizards/witches or two gumiho's
Chapter 5: I was getting ready to fix my app, what did you want me to fix again? The review is gone.
Chapter 3: hiii i'm currently working on my app for this, and i was wondering if i was able to add a section onto the love interest section? like a little segment to flesh out my character and their love interest's relationship progression/interactions? or maybe i should just put that in another section?
Chapter 3: This sounds interesting !
Question though, if we choose a love interest, do you allow /yuri or only heteroual relationship ?
Chapter 3: Can I apply with a character who is half Korean half something else?
I already feel that this is going to be great!