Vague Smile

Tomorrow came...
It's Macy's day off and she wanted to go meet Jack and talk about her father's debt. She was super irritated about the fact that she can't even spend money because of her father's DEBT, and she can't rest during her day off because of her father's DEBT. Nonetheless, she never hated her father.
Coffee Shop
Macy was sitting down already when Jack came, he looked so elegant and charismatic...
''So what's your plan? When are you planning to pay me?'' Jack asked her right away
''Well, I just payed my house rent 2 days ago. Now, I only have 100 dollars with me, all in all, I'm sure you don't want to get that from me, right?'' Macy showed a sheepish smile
''So what do you want me to expect from you?'' Jack replied
''Listen, Macy, I'm going soft and gentle on you because you are my only girl client, all my other clients are men, i don't want you to think I'm harsh and that I'm a loan shark, because I'm not, don't get scared of me, okay? I hate it when my clients get scared of me.'' Jack replied.
''I don't really believe you but thanks anyway for the assurance'' Macy said as she sipped from her black coffee
''I'll give you 2 weeks, okay? Remember that, 2 weeks...Is that okay?'' Jack was expecting a ''yes'' answer, Macy knew he's testing her.
''Yes, it's good''
''Okay then, I've got to go , i have a meeting with my other people'' Jack said as he stood up and took the espresso, he raised it and said, ''Thanks for this, but I think it would be better if you don't buy me coffee, you'll save up more money''
Macy just made an I'm-not-that-poor face. She was insulted. SHE'S NOT THAT POOR! She even has a house big for a person living alone!
After that, Macy went home and she gathered all the stuff she can sell, she also got her earnings..when somebody called...Chelsea, her best friend
''Hello? What'dya need from me?'' Macy answered
''Hey, can you go to the mall with me? Have to go to the parlor for my monthly hairdo''
''Not now, Chelsea, i have to save money so I can pay my father's debt'' Macy replied
''Alright then, hey, don't forget I'm just here, so if you need help, just call me, okay?'' Chelsea said
''Yeah, but I want to pay the debt by myself''
''It's up to you, Macy''
''Okay, okay, byers!''
Macy opened the music stereo and listened to Platters. She continued fixing her stuff, she planned to sell her earrings, furniture and some more stuff. She hoped it would all add up enough to help her pay her father's debt.
Jack's with his grandmother in her mansion
''So, my grandson, how's business?'' as grandma smiled
''It's doing fine grandma'' Jack lied
He didn't want to mention Macy, his lady client...
''I have a surprise for you, my dear, tomorrow!'' as grandma's eyes brightened and shined with happiness
''Well, that'd be great, gramma!''
''Yes, I know! Well, I need to take a rest first, okay Jack-y? You be good , okay?''
''Yes gramma''
Jack leaves and starts his car, ... he drives and dials Macy's number
''Hello, why did you call? I told you, I'm doing everything I can so I can pay you..'' Macy answered rapidly
''OKay, okay, chill I'm just-''
''By the way, why do you keep on calling me these past few days?'' Macy asked Jack
'' I don't know, seriously, I don't know , well, maybe it's because you are a girl , and I think I'm supposed to treat you this way.... and also your father's debt is already 3 months old, so I think I really have to remind you everyday until you pay me'' Jack replied
''Tch, YOU DON'T NEED TO...'' Macy said as she ended the phone call
*Ding Dong...somebody was on the door, Nelvin, he's one of Macy's teacher mates, they work together, and he is Macy's love interest, well, not love interest, but more of a crush...
''Hi Nelvin!''
''Hey Macy''
They talked and talked and Macy told him about the debt and stuff
''You know if I was Jack, I would set you free, cu'z it's not yer debt an'way, it's yer father's , not yours...So why bother..'' Nelvin said
Macy replies, ''Well we never know, I think if you're a moneylender, completely losing money is a sin and a hindrance, every cent is important''
They continued talking
Meanwhile Jack... Jack was outside Macy's house, without her knowing, Jack says to himself:
I know what to do with you now, Macy McKinley
He smiled, the smile's meaning was vague ...
What kind of smile was it?
A smile of triumph?
Revenge? Nahh...
Happiness? Newp
Success? Waaat
Satisfaction? Not wreally
Well, Jack simply thought he was so brilliant to think of such idea...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tomorrow came, grandmother's promised surprise is delivered to her house...The last will of her son has finally arrived!
''Gramma? What's that?'' Jack asked her though he knew what the paper was, he wanted to pretend he had no idea, but why?''
''Oh, it's my surprise for you, dear, it's the last will of your late father! Here, read it'' Grandma said as she handed Jack the papers
Will says he cannot get his father's money until he gets married and have a child
''Hello, Attorney?'' Jack was talking to their family's attorney thru the phone
''Jack, I prepared the will of your dead father already, and you know that you have to get married first before you can get the money, right?''
''Yes, Jack, that is the only, the ONLY condition of your father, before you get your inheritance, I didn't know that you didn't know but, at least now, you have an idea'' Atty. answered
''Well, that's pretty unfortunate for someone like me, now I wish I had a girlfriend, but thanks anyway'' Jack said
He ended the call and drove to Macy's place, while driving, he thought of calling her, which he did do...
When he reached Macy's house, he saw her talking to Nelvin while fixing her stuff... Jack stayed outside and said to himself, ''I know what to do with you now, Macy McKinley''
End of Flashback
Gramma's house
''What is this?! Gramma?! I have to have a child?!'' Jack said in surprise
He thought getting married is the only condition, but there was more! What is the ''having children'' condition doing on his father's will? Jack was so confused, Atty. is the one who fixed and formalized the will of his late father...
''It's either Atty. fooled me, or someone was behind this'' Jack thought
''I'm going to have a great grandchild! Are your surprised? Are you happy?'' Grandma returned Jack to reality
''So, Jack, hurry and go find someone to marry right away! Okay?'' Grandma added
''Well, gramma, I already found someone, but I'm not sure if she's willing to marry me'' Jack thought again of Macy
Gramma said that whoever she is, she'll marry Jack
''Whoever she is, Jack, I'm sure she is a kind and smart lass just like you, I know she is going to marry you because who can resist my charismatic grandson, right?'' Gramma laughed
Jack just smiled, but he thought ''That girl is in love with someone else''
''Fodd is ready'' The house maid called the two but Jack has a meting with a client
'' I'm going to go, gramma, sorry i can't eat with you today...''
''Go, my precious grandson, it's fine, just fine!''
Meanwhile.. Macy is in school, taking a break, it was break time and Chelsea was with her...
''You look so sleepless and restless, and lifeless'' Chelsea said to Macy
'' I am'' Macy quietly replied
''NOT COOL MACY NOT C- OH THERE HE IS!'' Chelsea shouted while pointing at someone, it was Nelvin
''Macy! Look! He's there!, he's there! Why don't you want to confess your feelings to him? Seriously, you look good together, and I think he likes you too'' Chelsea exclaimed
''I don't know with you, I don't want to take the risk okay? I don't want us to be awkward, besides, I'm just 25 years old, it's not that I'm rushing to get married...'' Macy explained
''JUST 25?!!!!! JUST?!!!!!!! WHAT D'YA MEAN JUST??!!! YOU ARE ALREADY 25 AND YOU NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND YET AND YOU HAVEN'T HAD YOUR FIRST KISS!!!!! WHAT THE HECK MACY!!!!'' Chelsea burst, she knows the fact that her bestfriend is very shy and chill, but this is just too much for her to handle
''Whatever, just eat'' Macy replied
After classes, Macy was going to the bus station of the school when Jack pulled her and drove, Chelsea had open then squealed, Nelvin was hurt and sad, he went away.
In the car, macy kept on shouting and yelling harsh stuff like
''I thought you were kind to me!''
''You kidnapper!''
''Help me!''
Jack stopped the car and held Macy.
''We need to talk, okay? We really need to talk'' Jack looked in her eyes
''Calm down, we really really need to talk. If you really want to pay your father's debt, come with me''
''Where are we going?'' Macy asked him with suspicion
''Coffee shop, I wasn't going to tell ya but I thought you might freak out or faint or get scared, I don't know what can happen to you if I didn't tell you'' Jack said
Macy calmed down. They went to the Coffe Shop and sat down. Jack ordered ''2 of the usual''
''So what now?'' Macy asked him
''Do you really want to pay your father's debt?'' Jack asked her, he knew she would answer yes
''I'd do everything, EVERYTHING! Well, except for ion of course.. I'm a teacher you know? I teach values too!'' Macy said with a smile, she winked
Jack unconcsciously showed a faint smile
''Well then, be my wife''
Macy widedned her eyes
The 2 cups of coffee came
''Wife-slash-maid, to be specific'' Jack continued surprising her, she was left dumbfounded, he found it pretty amusing
Macy just laughed...''Is he joking? or what?''
''Are you joking? Or are you just plain crazy?'' Macy answered
''You better watch your words if you want to pay your father's debt the easy way, this is my only proposal to you, Macy, if you waste it, it's up to you, I wouldn't say ''no'' if I were you'' Jack smirked
Macy made a you-are-crazy face
''What do you mean by wife-slash-maid?'' Macy sipped from her coffee
''Okay, I know I'm not suppoed to tell you stuff like this but in my father's will, I will inherit the other half of his money only and only if I get married and have a child'' Jack said
Macy nearly spit out her coffee
''What?! What children are you talking about?! NO! Just no! i'm not agreeing with you!''
''Listen, Macy. Listen first! i also happen to need a maid because I'm kind of you know, lazy to do my own chores at home , so you, you be my wife-slash-maid the plan is, we'll pretend for 4 months, 'kay? 4 months isn't that long, right?''
''Sure! It's not that long!'' Macy said with sarcasm, she snorted
''Anyway, you'll pretend you're pregnant, we'll get a fake ultrasound and I'll get my fortune, when we divorce, you''ll get alimony because my father's money *ehem* is pretty uhh, not that I'm bragging, but pretty large so, I won't mind if I lose a thousand or even a hundred thousand'' Jack said
Macy still seemed unimpressed and she wasn't convinced
''Please Macy, I'm begging you now, you know?''
''Now I see you only live for money..''Macy suddenly said
''Yea- Hey! That's not it! I have my own reasons!'' Jack said
''Whatever, but before I say yes to your proposal, i have 2 questions for you, so nothing will go wrong, and so I can pay my father's debt... So, do you have an ex-girlfriend? if yes, how many were they? and are you seeing a girl right now?''
''Technically, there are 3 questions but anyway, yes, I had one past girlfriend, only one, and she's in Canada already, and NO, I'M NOT SEEING ANYONE RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE WHY WILL I EVEN ASK YOU TO MARRY ME IF I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE? RIGHT? COMMON SENSE...!'' Jack said
Macy rolled her eyes
''Guess I have no choice, okay fine, we'll pretend , after we get married, we'll make the contract okay?'' Macy now agreed
''Quit your teaching job'' Jack suggested
''No! I won't quit! My students need me! No!'' Macy protested
''But what about you being my maid?'' Jack asked her
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ''He has a point'' , Macy thought . . . . . . . . . . . . .
''Can I please retain my job? Please? It's my second priority! After my father!''
''Well, Macy, if your father is your first priority, paying his debt counts as first priority, too, then that means I'm first priority! Teaching is only second to me'' Jack smirked
''Please Jack? Please?''
Macy kept on begging and whining, she was near to crying, Jack felt her passion for teaching, he felt that she really cared for her students, he considered her feelings, too.
''Well then, if you can handle being a teacher and being a maid at the same time, then go...''
''Thank you sooo much!!! THANK YOU!THANKYOU!THANK YOU!!!''
''By the way, I'll drive you home, it's the practical and reasonable thing to do'' Jack said
In the car, Macy was telling him the directions to her house, but even before she was done, Jack says ''Okay, got it''
It was quiet but after a while, macy began wondering
''How do you know my house? Like I didn't tell you my whole address and I only said it once, how do you know it? STALKER!'' Macy
''I know every address of my customers so I can go to them personally just in case they don't want to pay or they're escaping from me''
''How?'' Macy sounded intrigued
''I have my own ways'' Jack said , he winked at Macy
They arrived her house, he wasn't surprised, it's not his first time to go there
''Your house seems a little too big for someone living alone''
''I'll take that as a compliment!'' Macy smiled
Jack went home after that, he opend his music stereo, he removed his shoes and opened the television, his house was modern and big. All controls are remoted..He's rich. PERIOD.
He called Henry... his assistant...and friend....
''Oh bro!, why'd you call?'' Henry asked him
''Guess what..''
| What will they talk about? |
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