Your hair is blue . -Kevin Woo

A place called NEVERLAND

Kira POV

I stand there bewildered

Who the hell is this 7 boys?

"Where are you guys from ?" one very cute one said

"USA , California Danville?" my friend said .

"2nd to that" I said , twirling my hair

"Your hair is blue." one angelic looking boy said to me

I smiled

"Yep It's Blue" I replyed

In that second , I was in love with him

His aura and his personality..Wait I dont know him yet ..but i dont know..


Kira's look :;_ylt=A0S0zviwVrtO0WUA8NAl4gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?∋=28&no=36&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=10s1bdaqt&sigb=1381jllfg&sigi=110ghfvfg&.crumb=qHQzflm/QZu 

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