3rd day back in Korea – Filling in the void (Questions raised, Answers rendered, Part 1)

Again... Perhaps.
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The warm morning sunlight streamed through the windows of YongHwa’s bedroom as Hyun open one eye, and then the other. Noticing it was past 8:00am, she moved languorously into a stretch on the bed, placed a gentle kiss on the warm contours of YongHwa’s cheeks and he moved slightly but continued to sleep.

Hyun was feeling sticky and sore from last night’s passion and headed to the bathroom and filled the bathtub for a good soak.  

Yonghwa stirred and searched for Hyun warmth. He stretched his hand and felt around for her only to land on void space and cold sheets. He sat up in bed wakeful and saw that the bathroom door was slightly ajar and whiffs of lavender scent was spreading through the room.

Yonghwa crossed over the room to the bathroom, opened the door and gawked at her sight. Her head was resting on the head rest at one end of the bathtub as she leaned back, stretched out in the tub. Her hair, thick and lustrous, tumbled past her shoulders, her smooth fair skin engulfed by fluffy little bath foam, her soft mounts peeping out.She was the personification of beautiful.

He walked over to join her in the bathtub. Hyun shifted to make space for him before leaning her back against his front with her eyes shut, enjoying his closeness and the soothing warm water surrounding her as Yonghwa ran the bath sponge over her body.

“Rough night?” he whispered suggestively and placed a kiss near her ear.

Hyun smirked and answered, “Hm… I guess so… either my boyfriend was fooling around too zealously or some of my muscles are just not used to being worked so hard.”   

Yong chuckled and responded proudly, “I suppose he was all testosterone then.” He intentionally moved the sponge down south teasingly and parted her legs. His heart kicked in response and his systems leapt into overdrive as Hyun’s head fell back to rest on his shoulder in anticipation, waiting for Yonghwa to light her passion. Reminding himself that she was sore, he did not do more than clean her intimate bits.

“So, we are really just bathing now?” asked Hyun unbelievably.

“It would be selfish of me to do more, Baby.” He replied gently and held her to sit back in the bath tub. His arms wrapped around her waist, enjoying each other’s closeness, sharing their first bath together, letting the warm water temperature and body heat spread the warmth to their heart.

Taking a quick rinse after, YongHwa put on his pyjamas pants and said, “Baby, take your time. I will go prepare breakfast. I have left the pyjamas top for you. We are gonna do the couple look where you can show me a lot of legs and drive me senseless.”  He winked at her coltishly before shutting the bathroom’s door behind him.

He was just setting the coffee maker machine to brew a cup of coffee when he heard the doorbell chimed once, followed by the sound of someone punching in the security pin on the main door’s electronic keypad.

Yonghwa scolded himself mentally for not changing the security pin sooner and walked towards the main door to see who this morning’s intruder was.

“Ever heard of charging your mobile?” Jonghyun scowled at YongHwa, holding a fruit basket in his left hand while standing at the entrance.

“What makes you think the battery was out... and if I didn’t take your call, then won’t it mean that I would surely be less inclined to welcome your visit, bearing gifts or not.” YongHwa answered JongHyun, with eyes pointing reference to the fruit basket he was carrying.

Welcomed or not, JongHyun invited himself inside and shut the main door.

“Gift? This?” JongHyun asked as he lifted the fruit basket and YongHwa nodded his  head and flashed JongHyun a face that had “Unimpressed” written all over. JongHyun then proceeded to take out a little card inside the envelope attached and read it out, “Oppa, Thanks for that night in Japan. SJ.”

JongHyun then raised his eyebrows in surprise at Yonghwa and said with a tinge of sarcasm, “Last I know, my initials are definitely not SJ.”

Yonghwa was puzzled to hear what JongHyun said and uttered, “Huh?”

“You were disappearing a lot in Japan this time around. Which night, YongHwa?” Jonghyun pursued for answers. “We had assumed that you were busy with Hyun or song composition but SJ… hm… that is new…. Weren’t you fixed on Hyunnie?”

YongHwa was not up for playing CSI to uncover the identity of the mystery fruit basket sender, especially with Hyun’s close proximity. He replied, “Whatever it is, just leave now. We will discuss this tomorrow?” and took another step towards JongHyun, with every intent to show him out.

Jonghyun was relentless and took two steps forward to stand in front of Yonghwa. “We’ve been speculating on the reasons you disappeared on us in Japan after you left to come back to Korea earlier. And to turn down biking and beef yesterday, clearly something does not add up… Care to confess? It would save us a lot of work.” JongHyun said with a persistent smirk.

“Speculate away. I do not care. Just go already.” Yonghwa urged, more assertively this time.

“There’s money involved.” JongHyun stood rooted to the wood stripped flooring, unmoving.

YongHwa cocked an eyebrow and asked impatiently. “How much?”

“The stake? It not cash per se but it is much nonetheless.” Jonghyun intentionally dragged the conversation.

“Ok. What is it?” YongHwa asked with crossed arms, displaying his annoyance.

“AP Royal Oak Offshore watch… Minhyuk bet that you were composing. Jung Shin guessed that you were being emo and playing recluse after not seeing Hyun on your last night in Japan. And I say…” He peered in the direction of the Living area, where all was still and quiet, then lifted the basket full of fresh fruit once again and said, “I say you were probably finally putting your dormant testosterone to good use. So, tell me… Am I right or am I so damn right?” Jonghyun intentionally swiped his eyes lengthwise on the topless Yong as he pressed on, waving the fruit basket in Yonghwa’s face.

YongHwa was not about to tell one damned whit to JongHyun. “I tell you what. You disappear now with this fruit basket and I will get AP to send you the latest model from that series... Deal?”

Yonghwa desperately wanted him to leave with the fruit basket and card, not really caring to check who it was from. And right about then, Murphy’s law kicked in and unfolded.

Yonghwa was all flustered when he heard his room door opened and knew that Hyun would be walking out anytime soon and he did not want her to shun away after all the progress they have made in the last few days.

Jung Hyun raised his eyebrows, stared at YongHwa with widened light brown eyes. Just like a drama playing before him where timing cannot be any worse off, he heard the electronic pin sound again. “What? How many unwanted visitor should I expect today?” YongHwa asked himself mentally and grimaced.

“I guess I forgot to mention that Minhyuk and JungShin went to get breakfast for us all and that is probably them since we all have to verify the results to our bet. It’s fair play.” Jonghyun said while flashing a toothy smile with narrowed piercing eyes that were saying to Yonghwa, “We caught you.”

YongHwa shut his eyes and was seriously berating himself mentally for failing to change the security password yesterday. Right on cue, Hyun was in their line of vision

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Edited Chaper 6. Felt compelled to give it a more rounded end for smother transition to Chapter 7.


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Chapter 27: so loving this story ....... love yongseo so much
boiceifa #2
Chapter 27: Please update again autorenim ???
Chapter 26: the ending felt rushed. but i very much enjoyed reading your story. it was very well-written. your choice of words delivered the thoughts and emotions of the characters perfectly. it was like reading a good romance novel. please write more.
Update soon
fiokpop #5
Chapter 27: The best! Thanks for updating
pipipink #6
Chapter 27: Thank you for update uthornim,.
I am glad that they are okay now...
pipopanda #7
Chapter 27: finally they made up,,,
what wonderfull night......
bokyo28 #8
Chapter 27: Oh yeah! Thank you so much for this and listening to us that we are dying for a continuation. Im always in awe of how poetic you write. You are just not throwing adverbs and adjectives to sound poetic but basically the words you put makes the story complete and more interesting
oktan-past #9
Chapter 27: Thx u for listening to our demand...
sy5280 #10
Chapter 27: Beautiful closure - thank you authornim!