
Hearing Them Out

Joonmyeon can feel he's nearing conciousness. He feels great after a long, deep sleep in the end of a busy day. Try being a full-day worker and a father (or Mom, as Yifan said which Joonyeon can only snorts as an answer) to a little 5 year old Sehun. Not to mention a wife for a giant klutz but handsome (looks can't lie) husband.

Joonmyeon feels whispers ghosting on his protruding stomach, and he tenses up slightly but relaxes when he hears Sehun's voice talking in such an animated manner followed by Yifan, his dad, low chuckle. The two seem like they're not realizing Joonmyeon that is awake and continue the thing they are doing.

"Daddy, was I inside Mommy's stomach too before?" Sehun asks, voice laced with wonder as Joonmyeon feels his tiny chubby hand rubs little circles on the top of his stomach.

Yifan hums as an answer, and Joonmyeon resists the urge to shiver because of the vibration Yifan's hum is giving him because Yifan is humming right on top of his stomach. "Yes, you were Sehun"

"And how did I come out?"

There's a silence in a while which Joonmyeon takes as a time for Yifan to think about an answer, "Daddy brought mommy to the hospital, and then the doctor there helped Mommy to get you out from Mommy's stomach."

It's Sehun's turn to become silent as he is still carressing Joonmyeon's stomach with his hand, "Was it painful for mommy daddy? Mr. Jongdae told me it was painful when he told us about mom and baby on Mother's day"

Joomyeom wants to sit down and peppering Sehun with kisses because his little boy is just being worried at him! What else is cuter than that?!, his mind screaming. But he restrains himself because he wants to listen more about the father-son bonding that is happening in front of him and he doesn't want to ruin the moment.

"It was painful. Daddy watched Mommy's face when the doctor helped to-- hey Sehun-ah why are you crying?" Yifan's talking is stopped because Sehun is now sobbing silently, he bites his bottom lip to keep the sobs inside but ultimately fails as the tears keep running down on his cheek.

Joonmyeon feels the warm hands of Yifan missing from his stomach and there's a slight rustle and Joonmyeon can assume it's Yifan shuffling closer to Sehun to hug and comfort Sehun.

"Hey Sehun why are you crying?" Yifan's soft whisper fills in the room.

Sehun is calming down, judging from the decreased sobs, Joonmyeon waits for him to answer. "I made mommy in pain. I don't want to make mommy in pain. Daddy, was Sehun a bad kid?"

Joonmyeon feels a tear sliding down his own cheek after he hears Sehun's answer, his heart is swealing with unspeakable pride.

"Sehun, Sehun, listen to daddy" Yifan says, "Mommy was in pain, but it didn't matter because the happy feeling we had waiting to meet you is even bigggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer" Joonmyeon smiles as he pictures Yifan exagarrating his movements to cheer Sehun up, "and Mommy didn't mind to feel the pain as long as it is what it took to meet you"

Yifan chuckles slightly, "But, you also has to remember that you have to be good for Mommy okay? You don't want to see Mommy in pain right? And there is nothing that pains Mommy like bad Sehun. Can you promise to daddy?"

"..yes" Sehun finnaly croaks out after a few seconds in silence. Yifan hums in delight, "Now let's talk with your baby brother, okay?"

Not long after that, the warm breaths and warm hands can be felt on Joonmyeon's stomach again.

"Tao-ya do you want to play with hyung?" Joonmyeon hears Sehun's whisper.

"You already name it?" Yifan asks to his boy, voice amused.

"Yes, dad. It is from the movie I watched with daddy. The good man's name was Zitao right? And he was so nice and brave! I want my brother like that!"

"But you will also protect him too, right?"

Sehun hums as an answer, "Of course, daddy. Because Sehun is hyung. Hyung should protect dongsaeng!"

Sehun's attention is back on Joonmyeon's stomach again, now planting kisses on the bloating stomach and a tear escapes from Joonmyeon's eye again.

"...Sehun, do you like your baby brother, um, Zitao?" Yifan asks cautiously, he and Joonmyeon have been discussing about the possibility of Sehun being jealous because of now the shared attention because the appearance of the baby. Sehun has been nothing but a good boy and also an excited soon-to-be hyung until now, but they are still a bit worried.

Sehun is silent for a while and Joonmyeon wants to panic and he prepares himself for Sehun's whinning of not wanting to share affection, but he doesn't expect the thing that comes out from Sehun's mouth, "Like? I like Zitao daddy, I love Zitao. I can't wait until he comes out and we can play and Sehun can teach him many things and daddy, will Zitao like bubble tea because Sehun will buy it for him and--"

Not realizing his vision that are starting to blur because of the tears gathering on his eyes, Joonmyeon also lets out a sob that he's been holding. Damn you hormones. Sehun is just talking about how excited he is to have a baby brother. You know how excited I am.

"Joonmyeon? You're awake?" Yifan's asks, voice laced with worry. And Sehun is frozen at his place, eyes trained cautiously to his mommy that is now being helped by Yifan to sit down, leaning on the headboard.

Joonmyeon assures Yifan that he's fine and the older lets go one of his arms that is supporting Joonmyeon, but not leaving from Joonmyeon's side. Joonmyeon's gaze turns to the now freezing Sehun, body trembling slightly.

"Daddy.. Did I do something wrong again to make mommy cry...?" Sehun asks with faint voice and Joonmyeon's heart breaks hearing how broken his little boy's voice is.

"Sehun, come here to mommy" he commands, and without hesitation the small frame is walking towards his mommy, eyes still trained on his little chubby toes.

Joonmyeon wraps his arms around Sehun's little figure, burying his face on his baby boy's hair that smells distinctly of kids shampoo (Joonmyeon needs to thank Kris later for bathing Sehun), and kisses his forehead.

"Sehun did nothing wrong. Sehun did awesome things to Mommy" Joonmyeon says, and with that, Sehun lifts his head to look at Joonmyeon's eyes.


Joonmyeon nods, and he takes one of Sehun's hand and guides to the left part of his stomach where the baby inside just kicks at the exact time Sehun's hand is placed on it. Sehun's eyes widens as he looks at Joonmyeon in awe, before shifting his eyes to his hand, and he lets out a little squeal when he feels a soft kick again.

"See?" Joonmyeon laughs, "It's your brother's way to tell you that he can't wait to meet his hyung and he will ask his hyung for bubble tea later"

Sehun suddenly raises up and throws his body on Joonmyeon, startling Joonmyeon and Yifan (Yifan is worried Sehun kicks the baby bump accidently but Joonmyeon reassures him he didn't). Sehun tightens his hold on Joonmyeon's neck, and kisses his Mommy's cheek before leaning back.

"Mommy can you tell Zitao that I can't wait to meet him too?"

Joonmyeon carresses Sehun's cheek, "He can hear you, Sehun. And now, he's kicking again and he says that your brother is thirsty, can you help Mommy and bring a glass of water?"

"Anything for my brother! Wait for me!" Sehun raises up immediately and climbs down the bed hurriedly Joomyeon has to tell him to slow down and it's okay if he's taking his time after Sehun pats his stomach but Sehun is already dashing to the kitchen to even hear.

"Ways to make your kid help you, A Guide by Wu Joonmyeon" Yifan teases from Joonmyeon's side, one hand carressing the place Sehun felt the baby kick, wanting to communicate with his baby too. He beams when the baby kicks rather a bit harder this time, he takes it as a good sign that the baby loves his daddy.

Joonmyeon just rolls his eyes, but not answering anything. He closes his eyes to enjoy the silent morning and the warmth on his side.

"Why were you crying? Before?" Yifan asks, peppering Joonmyeon's neck with kisses and now Joonmyeon lets himself shivering under the touch.

Joonmyeon lets out a breath before opening his eyes and looking at Yifan, "I heard the two of you talking just then"

"All of it?"

"Some" Joonmyeon answer softly. He raises Yifan's head by a finger on the taller's chin to make their eyes meet. "Thank you. You are a great father and you will be even better in the future", he says before leaning to peck Yifan on the lips.

"Don't you think I didn't realize a little life lesson you slip there for Sehun"

Yifan smiles back, and he buries his face on the crook of Joonmyeon's neck again, "I will never be a great father without you guiding me till here. So it's a thank you to you too"

Joonmyeon winces a little when he feels a slightly harder kick Zitao (well, the name seems offical now. Wu Zitao doesn't sound bad) gives him. "Well, Yifan, you want to be even better father?", Joonmyeon asks suddenly.

Yifan only hums in response but doesn't make any attempts to move. "Yes, of course. Anything that will make me"

"Okay, now can you go check on Sehun because it's been five minutes and he's not coming back yet?"

Yifan groans at the thought of leaving Joonmyeon's warm side because it's pretty rare to have such a private time for them both with Sehun occupied most of their time. He complained once, but was answered by "You managed to make me pregnant again and you said we didn't have enough time alone?!" from Joonmyeon and he kept his mouth shut immediately. It was true, but still Yifan can't just get enough.

For the sake of being a better father, Yifan thinks as he pulls himself away from Joomyeon and raising himself off the bed. Joonmyeon gives him a small peck before letting Yifan walks to the door outside.

It's not long after that, there's a shriek comes from outside and the sound of glass shuttering.

"Daddy! You scared me!!!!" Joonmyeon can hear Sehun's scream from the kitchen and he holds his laugh inside when he hears Yifan groans at the mess he has to fix.

Well, good luck with that, Joonmyeon thinks.



A/N : tell me what you think on the comments and i'll get back to you<3


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Chapter 3: Too Cute to handle ❤️❤️❤️❤️
1489 streak #2
Chapter 1: Domestic and family au gives me life. Aww, it's so touching and cute that little Sehunnie is such a loving brother already and is so excited to meet his baby bro Tao. Love this KrisHo family so much.
esthiSipil #3
Chapter 3: Yes yes... I read it already and the story is soooo beautiful... You guys did a great job there... Huhuhu...
Chapter 1: Omg this is cute story!! Even tho it was a short story it full with cuteness.. Thanks for this beautiful story!!
aarushic_18 #5
Aww this is so adorable ♥
rene_aoi #6
Chapter 1: Love this story sooo much....
mayday16 #7
Chapter 2: Ah... So you r one of the mod. Lol. I will try to brainstorming then :)))))
katie_othman #8
Chapter 1: Reading the scared sehun part reminds me of Chanyeol Insta update with Sehun
Chapter 1: Hahahaha scared Sehun at the cutest xD
This was cute ;;
KrisHo forever ヽ(´▽`)/