
❝ SONOROUS ❞ | story request shop
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Title: Colorless
Genre: romance
Format: oneshot
Characters:  Baekhyun (EXO), Rylie (OC)
Song : First Love by EXO
Author: Areskim
Requested by: thunderingexo

I’m colorblind.

Not the partial kind, mine is the total kind.

Do you have an idea how does it feel living in black in white only?

Do you have an idea how does it feel seeing the colorless world?

Do you have an idea how does it feel to be different in a bad way?

I’ve been there though.

And it’s tough. I started to see the world in just two colors at age of seven. It’s when I woke up and realized my red blood wallpaper had changed. I was having a break down that day. My parents said sorry because it’s genetic. My colorblind was genetic. My paternal grandfather also a colorblind himself.

I went to a school for kids with special needs. It was frustrating. The colorblindness of mine prevented me to be a pilot. I always wanted to be a pilot, touched the white clouds and flying at the blue sky. I knew it was blue even though I only see it as a grey.

So I went to a music school. I decided to be a conductor. Why? Because by being a conductor, I could create such a harmonious music. And when I created my own music, I could see the colors of the music. The harmonious melody showed many kinds of color. The only colors I could see.

I never thought in my school, I might find another color in my life.

She’s a violist.

“Rylie. Rylie Park” she shook my hand firmly with a bright smile on her face. She’s a transfer student from USA.

I could only froze before I answered “Baekhyun. Byun. Byun Baekhyun…”

“nice to meet you, Byun. I hope we can work well together” she called me Byun, which means ert with that smile on her face. And I didn’t have a courage to correct her. Not because I wasn’t good at talking. It just, I found myself staring at her blankly like a real ert.

Her hair – according to my friends – was brunette, yet the only color I could see was grey. She’s still beautiful though. But, that day. That day was the first day I cursed over my color blindness since 15 years ago.

When we’re on our first date, she was wearing a black and white uniform. Same with me.

“why do you wear the formal black and white uniform?” I said.

She looked at me strangely and burst into laughter.

“I’m wearing an orange dress, Byun…” she laughed out loud. So loud that she cried.

Looking at her laughing like this makes me wondered, maybe this is the feeling of looking at the orange color. Maybe this is what orange tasted. Sweet.

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Chapter 8: This is great and had a melancholic vibe in it; it was a great combination! Good job! I liked it a lot! :)
I've requested :) Sorry. I already saw my name on the pending list but I guess I forgot to comment after making a request, so... :D
I 've requested!
Chapter 6: Sequel pls.. I love this story ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: woahhh nice (Y) sequel ???jinja?? i cant help omg hahahha thnk you so much
Chapter 1: requesteddd
I requested~^^
aw that was nice :) I actually was curious of how you'd interpret the song because it was kinda hazy in my head
thanks luxicity-nim ^^
Chapter 1: Requested! :)