Good Start

Disaster Year


Today is the beginning of a new semester. Excite and nervous will invade the student; they will meet new friends or old classmates. Some of them will have new clothes, shoes, and all school’s accessories because that the only time they could show off their properties. Here we at the all girls’ school, the surrounding still empty. There, a student was happy walk to school alone.

She fixed her back pack, leaned on the wall school gate waiting for her other 3 friends’ arrival. The sky still dark, it looks like she came to school too early in the morning. Ear twitching when she heard voice, her friends happily walks excited start a new year. Finally, the 16 years old girls meet and greet each other before stood at the entrance. Gaze each other, smile plastered on their face, happy because they will meet every day and learn something new, perhaps.

Those girls are come from average family, not so rich and not they are come from poor family too. In school, four of them also is regular student, ace is far away from their dictionary, popular among others, might be not. Have a high level IQ, let’s pray for them, they are so normal like the other students in this girls’ school.

The tallest is Choi Sooyoung. She grew up in an ordinary family. Her parents have a grocery store, has a brother and sister. Sunny Lee is the cute and shortest among them. Her family has a music store, and she might be the rich one beside her other 3 friends, but as told before. All of them are normal in all aspect.

The other two is Im Yoona and Kwon Yuri. Yoona is not so short and tall, but she tall than Yuri. Her parent works as office man and lady, and only child in their family. Yuri, the early one came and waits for their friend. She lives with her mother, grown up in single family taught her to be independence girl because her father dead when she was in kindergarten. Her mother grew her up alone, working as a nurse at government hospital.

“Guys! I can’t wait to start a new class.” Yuri steps her right leg inside school ground and followed by the others. “And we will in same class again. Together forever and ever.”

“We know Yul.” Sunny continued the excitement that her friend spread out.

“Actually, that wasn’t my point why I come this early.” Sooyoung snapped.

Four friends already walked at the hallway, silent and dark, their class is the end of it. “What do you mean, Syoung?” Yoona dumbfounded, finally, they arrived to their classroom. Open the door, table and chair neatly arrange on the place. They chose at the end of the row and beside window.

“This year, we have new subject, right.” She placed her bag on the table, leaned on the wall before Yuri join and sat beside her. Her friends nodded to her statement.

“Yeah, so?” Sunny turn when she chose to sit front of Sooyoung. “Physic and chemistry?”

“It’s Physic. Do you guys know who will teach that subject for our class?” Excitedly she replied, grinning to her friends, it contagious to the others.

“Is it she?” Yoona asked.

Sooyoung nodded.

“You mean she will teach us. Our class? My god I can’t wait!” Clapping sound echoed around the empty school. The sun already rise, few of students has come and chatters voice was around the classroom.

“Guys, I heard from our senior, she’s the best physics teacher in the world. You can catch whatever she teaches in snap.” Yuri tried to get her friends’ attention.

“She’s so smart, beautiful, down to earth, high manners and... charming and handsome. Yeah, I know that she a woman, but I can’t cause she’s too perfect, has full package teacher.”

Sighed in happy mood, all of them ooze out for the perfection of the teacher. Bell has ring, and it waking them up from daydreaming about the woman. Glance to the watch, hurry they get up from chair and head straight to the door, attend the assembly.




“If you not ready in 5 minutes, I swear to God that I’ll kill you. Faster, we’re f**king late.”

“Gosh, can you not scream in the bright early day. We still have time. Don’t worry.”

“Wow, don’t worry you said. The problems is today is new semester. School is far from house, my car broke down. And I need to ride your car, and you move like sloth. I don’t know why you are a most favourite teacher in the school. If students know you, yourself outside from school, they will regret to adore and admire you. School and reality is like sun and Pluto, extremely distant from expecting.”

“Told you before. Follow me, join the drama club. You didn’t want, kept yourself locked in library. Now, you are whining.”

“Excuse me. Drama club? For What?”

“Act, for acting front of students. That is why I have my own fan club.” She grinned.

“So, that was the main reason you be in that club.” Reply in shocked. “I thought you just want to fill your leisure time. I have been lie.”

“You’re so innocent. Okay, done.”

After mirroring in the mirror, she picked up all her teach thing that scattered on the floor. The room isn’t big nor small, but it suitable for single people to sleep there. However, her room is disorganized, seems a teenage boys’ room as though she’s an adult woman.

“I don’t know why I still live with you. I should try to find rent house, don’t think I can survive anymore after this.” SeoHyun uttered her feel, disbelief to herself, living with mess people.

Her name is Seo JuHyun, 25 years old. Both of them have been friend since in college. After they were graduated, she and her ‘best friend’ start their career at the same school. Teaching is their dream since then, and already 3 years the best friends hold the teacher title. Her vision as a student back then wanted to give precise information about South Korea, and her first choice subject in college was history. Now with honour, she would introduce herself as History teacher.

“It’s because you’re my bff, just bear with me, Hyunnie.”




Assembly school was longer than usual, students and teachers face change to frown when the principal kept talking in half an hour. Students always shifting their position, tired stood for that long time, when principal said his last word, all their face were lit up including teacher. Finally, after sang a school and nation song, students dismiss from the hall and back to their classroom.

“You guys think who will be our homeroom teacher this year?” Yoona open up the conversation, the hallway was full with students and the class was far from the hall.

Yuri was thinking. “Hope is not that bald teacher, his class is bored.”

“Who? Mr Park. Hope not too. He’s a bad teacher; never understand whatever he tried to explain.” Enter the classroom, Sunny straight on her desk.

“And don’t forget, he always releases his angriness to us, meanwhile he was the one in wrong. Always blame us on everything, like last year. I really wanted to skip his class and stay in the infirmary, noisy teacher.” Sooyoung drop her lazy body on the chair, lie sluggishly on her left arm.

“I heard rumour guys...”


Yuri words had cut when a most wanted teacher got inside the class. Four friends gasped and hurriedly change their position, wanted to show their admire teacher that they were good students in that class. Straightening the back, hands politely place on the desk and beam.

The teacher fixed her hair while stepping the floor, her pace was slow but full with energy. Bundle of book in her hold, she stopped and place all things on the desk. Smile always there, she lift up her sight and saw all students gape at her appearance. That day she wore a simple yellow shirt match with gray skirt. She chuckled in silent when her classroom students were in dreams.

Her cough got attention from them, and they were greeting before the teacher introduce herself. Popping sound was loud heard because the class was in silent; she walked near the white board after open up the marker pen. Gentle she wrote her name on it.

“My name is Kim Taeyeon.”

She turns to face her students, all eye on her but the attention was all over the place. Daydream to date the teacher. It wasn’t a surprise to her because for 3 years she being a teacher there, she got lots of love confession from the student. She broke her students heart in numerous time, it wasn’t she doesn’t want to have relationship with young and innocent girl, it against the law and she really don’t want to lock up in prison.

“Class, listen to me.” Tapping the board with the marker, they all woke up from the hormone dreamland; include the four best friends in the back row. “Do you know what am I doing here?” Try to get interest.

“Y-you ar-re our homeroom teacher?” Yuri brave replied to her most desire to date teacher.

“Correct.” Cutely Kim Taeyeon clapped her hand. “Start from today, I will be your homeroom teacher.” She charmingly winked to Yuri, and the poor student was reddish like a strawberry, madly blushing.

 “That mean you’ll be our physics teacher.”

“Yup, and after this we only can meet in the laboratory because there is my nest. If you girls have something to talk or any problem, just find me in staff room or my nest.” She continued after show her thumbs to Yoona. “I won’t be in the class, all my teaching equipments in the lab. Today, our first period is free time and I want know all my students.” Adjust her position as she sat on the desk. “So we start with you.” Tilt her head while she point to Sooyoung.

Fluster to the sudden instruction. Sooyoung fidgety on her chair, her wild eye tried to get her friends, helping her to compose herself back together.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-yes Miss K-Kim!”

Introduction began in cheer atmosphere, she as always being a love teacher winning her students’ heart with her magic. Her appearance as a homeroom teacher got warm welcome from them and successful increased members in her club. Her true self was hidden behind the fake, in reality she was a lazy and disorganize woman. Her appearance is like the sky and dirt. Whenever Monday is coming, she always hiding in the blanket and refused goes to school, her attitude exactly like a middle schooler. Seohyun be there beside her as an alarm clock and motivator, motivate her to be a dedicate educator. Her cover image was safe in the chest until that day...


*TaeNy Continue*



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El_thegreat #1
Chapter 2: This story is fun and funny

Pls update fast !!!
Chapter 1: Until one day...what? She appear? Seohyun moved out? Tae got discovered? What? Aigoo kkkkKk
i'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
BJPark #3
Chapter 1: ahhh, i already like this.
good first chapter.