18. Moonlight

Please help me,I need you

Hello,this is author ^^

Just wanted to say how bad I feel for not paying more attention to my fic T^T so I thought about something and came to a lot of ideas ^^

You'll soon see how much I want to improve both my story and the way it's heading. So,starting from next week,you'll see about my ideas ^^ hope that you'll like this new chapter,I hope I'm doing a good job :)

For now,enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading,liking and commenting it ^^


,,Woohyun,what are you doing?"

,,How did you see me coming?"

,,It's really seeable through see-through curtain on my shower tub."

I was looking at Woohyun while peeking a bit through my shower curtain. Woohyun was standing in front of me,shirtless. I was,well, of course,because I was showering. I managed to cover my upper body with my towel I luckily hanged near my shower tub.

,,What are you doing,Woohyun?" I was kind of angry at him,I mean,c'mon I'm showering! What did he think he'll do if he saw me like this?

,,I'm sorry,I thought there's no one in here." He said with one big grin on his face.

,,Really? You expected me to believe in that?"

,,You believe in what you want,I'm telling the truth." Woohyun made one happy,innocent face. I only rolled my eyes and held my tower tighter when I saw him approaching more.

,,W-What are you doing?" I stepped back some more and closed curtains.

,,Woohyun,I'd really like for you to go out and leave me alone,just to shower,please."

,,You sound really desperate."

,,Trust me,I am."

,,Okay,I'll go then." I heard Woohyun laughing some more until doors closed. I sighed and hoped he really left.

I entered our living room,seeing Ji Ae waking up Dongwoo for some time and Sungyeol laughing while his hair was still in mess. I must admit,he looked really attractive like that. His curly hair made his eyes look more fierce,but he still looked so innocent and cute while yawning.

,,Ahh,Ji Won,thank you again for letting us stay. We really didn't know where else to go."

,,It's okay,it's not like your apartment can get flooded every day,hehe." I remember how wet they were last night when Woohyun knocked on our doors in the middle of the night,while having sleepy Dongwoo and frightened Sungyeol next to him. There was a storm last night and it flooded their apartment,not to mention at the same time,their washing machine broke and flooded their bathroom. Now everything is in the mess and they have people trying to help their apartment.

,,Oppa,Eonnie said you can stay here as long as you can." Ji Ae passed coffee to Sungyeol.

,,But,tell me,Oppa... How to wake up Dongwoo Oppa? I'm trying for last half an hour..."

,,That's the catch,you can't wake him up. Just let him sleep,he'll wake up by himself." Sungyeol smiled and drank his coffee. Ji Ae looked at drooling Dongwoo and just turned around and went to the kitchen. But I noticed someone is missing... Where's Woohyun?

,,BOO!" Woohyun surprised me from the back and I jumped a bit.

,,What are you doing?"

,,You wonder where I was huuh?"

,,N-No.." I tried to avoid him and went to my room. But I couldn't close it since he was faster and blocked it with his foot. I sighed and let him in.

,,I want to dry my hair,Woohyun."

,,Can I do that for you?"

,,What?" I looked him with my questioning face,but he looked serious.


Ten minutes later,I was sitting and Woohyun was drying my hair. I wonder could this day be weirder.

,,Your hair is nice and soft."

,,Thanks." I looked at my phone and find out it's Saturday. Then I remembered the call I received yesterday.

,,Hello,Ji Won?"


,,I wanted to tell you not to come to mansion this Saturday. But come at Sunday,we have some party and I want you to come to the mansion. Is that clear?"

,,Y-Yes,sir. I'll come at Sunday then."

,,I'll message about the time. See you then,"

Today is Saturday. I sighed. I still felt weird around him. It's already 2 weeks since Japan trip,but still he's so weird to me. Whole situation is weird to me. So I avoided him,like a lot while I worked in mansion. I hoped he can understand.

,,What are you thinking about?"

,,Hmn? Oh,just..work."

,,Is it hard?"



,,Ohh...It's not. It's okay." I felt Woohyun's strong hands gently through my head. He worried not to rip me,he was really careful. I was enjoying his presence honestly. Woohyun can be so caring and so nice.

,,Is this what you do to every girl?"


,,You do this for every girl? Like to make them fall for you?"

,,Ahh..." He laughed.

,,I'm just asking."

,,Actually,you're the first I did this to."

,,Hmn,really? I don't believe you."


,,You're so gentle I could die."

,,Is that so?"

,,You surely did this to someone."

,,No,I didn't. It's just you're so fragile I'm afraid not to break you."

I stopped at his words. He sounded more serious this time. I turned around and looked at him. He had serious gaze,but still he managed to show me little smile.

,,I think I'm done." He turned hairdryer off and tapped my head. He turned around ready to leave,but I stopped him.

,,Wait." He turned around once again.

,,Thank you,Woohyun." I smiled and he smiled back. We stayed like that just watching at each other. Then Ji Ae suddenly opened doors and hit Woohyun's shoulder with it.

,,Dongwoo Oppa finally woke up,let's have a breakfast." I burst in laugh and Woohyun stood there trying to figure out what just happened. When Ji Ae realized what she did,she widened her eyes and opened and started to apologize to Woohyun. He made serious face and started to again. I was laughing so much I could die.


,,Is everything ready for this party?"

,,It is,boss. Tomorrow,whole company will come."


,,Oppa." Howon rolled his eyes and turned to see Eun Ji and Sunggyu.

,,How are you Sunggyu?"

,,I'm fine."

,,Oppa,he'll be my date for tomorrow. Can you please send us our limo?"

,,Eun Ji,will you ever listen to me? You need to go with your members."

,,I don't want to."

,,People will ask. So stop with it. I'm expecting to see you with your members tomorrow."

,,Hyung." Howon looked at Sunggyu.

,,It's okay. She can go with me." Sunggyu flashed little smile to Eun Ji. She shockingly,widened her eyes at Sunggyu's sudden words.

,,S-See? Let me go!" Eun Ji tried to make cute face,but Howon was tired of her. He sighed.

,,Fine then." Eun Ji jumped out of happiness and clinged onto Sunggyu's arm even more. Sunggyu managed to flash her some smile,then he looked at Howon,that was as well confused at his actions.

,,How are you feeling?" After some time,Eun Ji had schedule and Howon managed to talk to Sunggyu in private.

,,I'm better than ever."

,,You changed in this last week. What happened?"

Sunggyu smiled.

,,Let's just say I experienced some changes. I feel much better now."

,,Did something happen?"

,,It did. But I don't want to talk about it. It makes me uncomfortable if somebody else knows."

,,Sunggyu,did you perhaps,fell in love?"

Sunggyu smiled again.

,,I don't know."

Howon thought for himself. Maybe she made it. Could it be she actually made this guy fall for her? The way he smiled at her earlier... Could it be Sunggyu likes Eun Ji? But he didn't bother asking. Maybe it's someone else.

,,Anyways,um,don't be late for the party."

,,Haha,I don't care for the party. I wanna rest."

,,I want you to be there. You already told Eun Ji you'll take her."

,,Ahh,yeah,I forgot."

,,So,see you there tomorrow."

,,Yeah." Sunggyu stood up and left Howon's office. Howon watched how his artist slowly exit his office. Sunggyu was weird lately and Howon never wondered if it was because he was in love or something. He never thought he will ever love again. He never knew why but Sunggyu didn't look like that type of a guy to him. He always said he'll marry the music. Howon sighed again.

In the meantime,Sunggyu finished recording. He had some idea and he didn't want to forget it. For some reason,this felt so familiar for him. Like he did this before. Sunggyu rested his elbows on the table a bit. He felt little bit tired out of blue and he decided to go home to rest.

,,Ahh,this headache." Sunggyu felt huge pressure in his head and somehow made it to the elevator. He didn't know why it showed again.

,,Agh..." Sunggyu tried to grab something in the elevator. He felt like this headache was killing him. When elevator reached it's end,Sunggyu somehow managed to get out the building. His headache was huge and he didn't know why.

,,Are you alright?" Sunggyu's manager ran towards him with worried face. Sunggyu only nodded.

,,Just drive me home."


It was weird for me to go out somewhere on Sunday. I was always or at mansion or at home. But today I had to go to mansion. I waited for the bus and when I came,I sat on the back seat. It was almost empty and all people were probably now preparing for Sunday lunch or some relaxation. But I have to work.

,,Ugh." I frowned and felt angry with CEO. He always calls me like I'm some puppet for him. He's so weird and getting on my nerves lately.

When bus stopped at his last station,I had to walk until I get to the mansion,since it's private property. He owns one huge property,I must say. I need to walk 5km until I reach his mansion. And that's the part I hate mostly. I staggered down the road,cursing CEO so much. Then,I saw black Rolls Royce nearing me. I remember it's his car. The car stopped in front of me and a window dropped down. I saw driver's face.

,,Young lady,you bus came earlier. I'm sorry that you had to walk until here." I looked behind me and I was walking only around 20 meters.

,,N-No,it's okay.."

,,I'm glad to hear that." The driver got out the car and opened the door on the back seat.

,,Y-You came for me?"

,,CEO told me so."

,,I don't understand..."

,,There's nothing much to understand." He smiled and I looked at him questionably. I gulped and entered the car. Inside,it smelled so much on new. I wonder if this is the same car he picked me up when I headed to the airport. Is it even smart to get involved with rich guys?

After 20 minutes of ride,we stopped in front of a mansion. Even doors were opened for me. I looked all service in question. Those are all the people I work with and they're now bowing to me.

,,S-Soojung,what are you doing?" I asked one of the maids while she wanted me to follow her.

,,CEO told us so. You're so lucky,Eonnie." Soojung smiled to me and we stopped in front of CEO's office.

,,Lucky for what?" I whispered to her.

,,You're treated like a princess... I'd like to feel that." Soojung sighed. I was so confused right now.

,,What princess? I work here as well!"

,,Eonnie,don't be so stupid." Soojung looked at me with amused face. I gulped and still tried to digest her words. She bowed to me once again and then left. I wanted to stop her and make her stay with me,because I was hella scared of what will happen next. I gulped again,sighed and I wiped my hands on my skirt that were sweaty from the nervousness. I gathered courage and knocked on the door. Second later,I heard one loud ''come in''. I inhaled and stepped into the room. There he was,watching out the window in his huge office,in his jeans and shirt and holding some papers. He also wore glasses and I must say he looked incredible. I always see him in suit and all dressed up for meetings and all. But right now,he looked so innocent and I regret cursing at him earlier.

,,Oh,you came!" He looked at me and smiled. Oh,God.

,,Yeah,I heard you called for me."

,,Yeah,I did." He stopped with talking and started to smile while he gazed at me. For couple of seconds he didn't talk or anything,just smiled. I felt my ears getting hotter,as his eyes danced all over my face.

,,S-So,what did you call me for?"

,,Oh,yeah,there will be a party tonight in a company."

,,Oh,really. I understand."

,,Understand what?"

,,I'm part of the staff. When will I have to go to the company?"

CEO smiled. I shut my mouth. Did I say something wrong?

,,You're not going there as part of the staff."

,,I'm sorry sir,but I don't understand."

,,You're coming with me." CEO continued to look at me and he still had that smile on his face. While I was somehow taken back. I blinked few times and thought about his words. He wants me to be his date?

,,Why me?"

,,I don't want any other. I know you and you know me."

,,Yes,but,you're my boss and I'm just your employee."

,,You're more than that."

,,What do you mean?" CEO smiled again.

,,I don't think you should be a maid. It's too wrong. You should be something bigger."

,,I can't be. I'm not good enough."

,,You never know." He stared at my eyes and always make me wanna melt. I must say,I have one really handsome boss that all girls go wild after. And our age is not that different. But rich,handsome CEO of the biggest entertainment company and me? Only in my wildest dreams.

,,Even if you want me to go with you,I can't."


,,I have nothing to wear."

,,You don't have to worry about that,I got it all ready for you." He pushed some button on his telephone on his desk and second later,Krystal entered his office. She came towards me and bowed. I bowed back,but I was still confused. She showed me to follow her and so I did. I gave one last look to Howon. He was still smiling and he even winked to me. I turned around. Next thing I knew is that I was in this big room. There were 3 maids,makeup artist and hair stylist. Krystal bowed to me and exited the room. As soon as she did that,those 3 maids grabbed me and dragged me towards the bathroom. Before I knew,they stripped me and made me go into the bath tub. I was kind of embarrassed,since I was in front of them. But they didn't care as they violently washed my hair and brushed all over my body. I felt like I was reborn. I was still in my topcoat when hair stylist grabbed me and put me onto the chair. He started to dry my hair then he straightened it,I don't know he did all kind of things to me.

,,My name is Seungri,I hope you'll like your new hair style. I'm really excited to show you my skills,huehue." I almost laughed at this guy that was little bit full of himself. But he was really nice to talk to. Next was makeup. I liked the way this girl put makeup on me,she was really nice to talk with as well. She had artistic names and her makeup brand was called ''Soul''. And she likes to be called Baby Soul. She was older than me,so I called her Soul eonnie.

,,I like your skin. You take good care of it."

,,Uhm,thank you. Though I do nothing."

,,Really? Then you're blessed with good skin,hehe" She was really nice. And pretty as well. Then,after my hair and makeup was done,maids sent me to next room,where some designer was at. This guy looked so... like a girl.

,,People call me Ren. And let's find you a dress,honey." Honey? Then I remembered I was in my topcoat and when he came to undress me,I almost jumped and ran out the room.

,,I see we need to find you an underwear."
,,I-I can wear mine."

,,Those with pink bears and panda bra? If you're going to be chic tonight,you need to have better underwear." Ren opened some box and what I saw was similar to what actresses wear.

,,I-I can't wear that."

,,You're a female,you can endure the pain."


,,Would you wear them or would you like me to put it on you?"


,,Okay,strip then."

,,N-No,I can do it by myself." I grabbed that box and looked at him with defense look.

This lingerie was indeed too hard to wear. The bra was black with laces and it was so tight and itchy. My underwear was even more uncomfortable. It was itching me too much and was too tight as well. Why am I doing this?

Next thing was to chose me a night gown. He gave me some really short and tight dresses.

,,How about this one? It can stick with your body and make your curves bigger?" I looked at him with shock written on my eyes.

,,This red one could be so good. Your makeup will go perfectly with it." I looked at this dress that was that short,you could wear it as a shirt. I wonder what kind of designer and dress-up expert he is.

,,And this one... Wow,I like this V cut so much,your chest could-"

,,Can you please choose some dress that's normal? Not too tight or short or with that kind of V cut." I looked at the red dress with V cut that reaches belly button. Who makes this dresses if I only knew.

,,Okay. You're so stiff,pff." Ren rolled his eyes and started searching more. I sighed.

,,Tadaah!" He gave me one really pretty dress. It was a dark,tight dress and going to the middle of my thighs. It was with heart shape around my chest and it had bare shoulders. I actually liked how opened it was. It was really cute and y at the same time. I actually liked this dress.

,,And to add you one decoration." Ren put one golden necklace around my neck and I really liked this combination. I smiled.

,,Aah,you look wonderful!"

,,You think?"

,,When CEO sees you like this..."

,,H-Hey... I'm a maid that works in here. He chose me probably because he's desperate."

,,Last time he was desperate,he went with Kim Tae Hee..."


,,She was really a nice girl,she really praised my hard work. Unlike somebody." He rolled his eyes and payed attention to some dresses he found. I wanted to add something,but I gave up. I turned around to see myself in the mirror and was really stunned with what I saw. I didn't look like myself at all. But I was happy. And ready.


Sunggyu drank a lot of medicines before he left his home. He needed to pick Eun Ji in her dorm. CEO told her to get ready with her members if she wants to appear at the party. All artists were invited and he didn't really like crowded places. But he knew he couldn't do anything to prevent from going now. He had to go with Eun Ji and people expected him there. Sunggyu sighed.

,,It's just one night,one night. You can do this." He kept repeating in his head as his hair stylist finished his hair. He got all ready and a car picked him up. He went to Eun Ji's apartment and knocked.

,,I'm coming!" Eun Ji tied her shoe and was ready to leave.

,,E-Eonnie..." She turned around and saw Naeun. Eun Ji sighed annoyingly.


,,You won't change your mind and go with us? We're one team after all..."

Eun Ji laughed and only turned around,slamming the door behind her. Naeun only stood there awkwardly before Namjoo came.

,,I told you she's tough. It's not your fault,give up from her."

,,I just don't understand... What did we do to her?"

,,She's person like that. No one can please her enough."

Eun Ji grinned when she saw Sunggyu. He must admit she looked really pretty. She wore floral dress and had her hair looked nice. She also smelled nicely.

,,Shall we go?" Eun Ji said. Sunggyu smiled and offered her his arm. She grabbed his elbow and smiled in her chin.

,,Yeah,let's go."

,,Hyuuuung! I really need to use that bathroom!"

,,You have plenty of others in this house!"

Sungjong bite his bottom lip.

,,B-But I'm really in hurry and this is the closest I am to now!"

,,You could reach another one for this time you're talking."

,,Oh,c'mon Hyung! Are you 5? Just get out the bathroom."

,,Don't want to."

,,I was only joking! It's time for you to free from your shell and meet other girls!"

,,I said I don't want to."

Sungjong sighed.

,,Okay. I was only joking when I said I'll make Naeun or Bomi dance with you."

,,I don't believe you."

Sungjong started to boil inside.

,,Okay. I won't do that."

,,How to trust you?"

,,I promise."



,,Really really?"

,,Ahh,this stupid Hyung." Sungjong kicked bathroom door with his leg. Loud ''boom'' was heard in the bathroom and Myungsoo jumped.

,,Okay,okay... I'm going out."

,,You're looking like a cold prince when you're out and here you act nothing but a baby boy. You're so stupid,Hyung."

,,Don't you say I'm stupid."

,,Okay,I won't say obvious things anymore."

,,I'm sorry,Sungjong... Are you ready?"

,,I am. Let's go our car is waiting for us."

2 hours earlier

,,Oppa,are you ready?"

,,I am. Wow,we'll attend chaebol party."

,,But only as the part of the staff."


,,I wonder if we'll see Eonnie there,you know she was called. Maybe it was matter of the time for us."

,,Maybe. Our bus came. You going,Ji Ae?"


,,Do you think one day we can be the guests in parties like that?"

,,Only if we find hidden treasure,hehe."

,,Hahaha,yeah. But those kind of people don't have to worry about anything,really."

,,Indeed. Aah,I'd like to marry some of those chaebols!"

,,Why would you like them? They're snobs."

,,Still... I'd like to see how is it like not to worry about the money and surviving."

,,I don't think those people are as happy as I would be."

,,What do you mean?"

,,Maybe those people are rich and famous,but unhappy. Money can't buy you a happiness. So,I'd like to marry some normal girl that can provide me laughter 24/7."

,,Wow,Oppa you sound so romantic."

,,Do I?"


,,Let's not care about being rich! Let's care about happiness."

,,Yeah! For happiness!"

,,You sound drunk,Ji Ae."

,,W-What? I didn't drink anything..." Ji Ae hide her head in embarrassment.

,,You blush so easily. It's cute." Sungyeol watched how Ji Ae blushed even more.

,,T-Thank you,Oppa." Sungyeol tapped Ji Ae on her head and their road continued quietly.


I was in the CEO's car. Or should I say CEO's limo. Luckily,there won't be a lot of reporters. Or he said so. I really don't want to be seen in public.

,,Don't worry about it. We're going on the back entrance,while artists goes here." I felt relieved. I must admit that CEO takes really good care of me. Soon we entered the hall and whole venue looked awesome. I was so surprised.


,,Yeah,our staff really managed to do this well."

I looked around the hall and saw how slowly all guests are coming. But it even looked crowded far before we entered this venue. All stars were entering and all of them looked fabulous. Then I remember. Sunggyu!

,,Why the hell I remembered him only now?" I mumbled to myself.

,,Is there something wrong?" CEO suddenly asked me.

,,N-No,sir,everything's fine."

,,Ah,you and your formality."


,,Tonight,please call me Howon."


,,I won't answer to you if you don't call me by my name."

,,B-But why,you're my-"

,,Tonight,you're my date and call me Howon." I looked at him with my widened eyes. I gulped real hard and blinked few times. He was just smiling.

,,Now try."

I inhaled and hoped I won't regret this.

,,H-Howon sshi."

,,Without formality."


,,That's better." He offered me his arm and I shyly grabbed his elbow. Just,forces of this world,help me go through this night without any regrets and effects. But just then I saw him. I saw Sunggyu. My heart started to race and one smile appeared on my face. I don't know,but I almost let go of Howon's arm and ran towards Sunggyu. I would do that if I didn't stop after I saw Eun Ji holding onto his elbow. My eyes widened and I immediately stop and turned around.

,,What's wrong?" Howon came closer to my face,and it caused me to blush.

,,AAH,look at this food,hmnmn,so yummy!" I ran towards some table where they served food I didn't even know.

,,You like this?" He pointed on something really sleazy and greasy. It looked like even dog wouldn't eat that. I frowned and tried to look around the table and realized only that was on it. I knew I put myself into deep now,this food looked disgusting in every manner and I knew if I turn around I'll have to see him with Eun Ji. So I just shut up my senses and grabbed one spoon of that...thing. My eyes watered as I swallowed.

,,Ji Won,are you crazy? You need to fry this! It's pork fat." Howon started to laugh at my funny face. I felt like dying as I tasted this fat going down my throat. I felt my eyes watering.

,,Here,let me help you." Howon brought some napkins and glass of a water. I drank whole glass and hoped to wash away this taste. Howon still laughed and grabbed one napkin and wiped my tears. I only looked at his handsome face as he neared me even more.

,,We don't want your makeup ruined,no?" He sweet talked to me,like I was some baby. It made my heart jump. After he finished with me,he tapped my head and made me grab his elbow again.

,,Let's go." He smiled and I smiled back. We walked around the hall,greeted some guests. I took a look at a lot of artists and wonder how amazing Howon actually was. They were all top stars and all were under his company. And they all loved him. He must be so amazing.

,,If you continue to look at me like that,I'll melt away." He suddenly spoke. I didn't even realize I was staring at him.

,,I-I'm sorry.."

,,Don't be. I'm glad for it." We then stared at each other. I wonder what is the real reason he invited me here. I'm confused.

,,I'll leave you here now. I need to take care of something hehe." Howon gently touched my hand and neared my face.

,,I'll see you in couple of minutes." He said as he kissed my cheek.

K-Kissed my cheek? I felt my whole face burning. I touched the place he kissed and turned around looking how he looks at me with a smile. He then disappear from my sight. What was this?

,,Noona!" I heard familiar voice.

,,Jongie!" I saw Sungjong that jumped into my hug. I was so happy to see him again.

,,How are you Noona?"

,,I'm great! You?"

,,Naah,I'm bored. This party is boring. Myungsoo is boring."

,,Where's Myungsoo?"

,,He's just sitting and checking his stupid phone. He's afraid of the girls. I really think that's stupid trait of him."

,,Well,I'm bored as well,I'll join him the company. You,go find someone interesting to hang out with." Sungjong's eyes jumped out of happiness.

,,Thank you so much,Noona!" He hugged me once again and just jumped into the crowd. I smiled and looked in Myungsoo's direction. I smiled to myself and went to him.

,,Hey." He lifted his head and widened his eyes when he saw me.


,,Oh,I'm sorry,you're afraid of the girls,I'll leave." He smiled.

,,I'm not afraid of all girls." I looked at him and smiled. I sat next to him.

,,What are you doing?"

,,Uploading my Instagram. For my fans,hehe."

,,You know almost all fans of yours are girls no?"

,,They're the girls I'm not afraid of,hehe."

,,The are you afraid of me?"

,,No. I feel relaxed next to you." I smiled. Myungsoo is really sweet.

,,Myungsoo...What happened on that day... I'm really sorry."

,,You don't have to explain anything. I saw it all. It's okay." He touched my hand.

,,What did you see?"

,,I know there's something between Sunggyu and you."

I lifted my gaze at him. Myungsoo had that worried look. But now I realized. How come all men I met are too handsome for me? Like Howon at my work,Woohyun,Dongwoo and Sungyeol at my home. Sungjong and Myungsoo as my friends. And Sunggyu as... well right now I don't know.

,,What are you thinking about?" Myungsoo woke me up from my drool. I noticed I stared at him too much. But he's just so perfect.

,,Nothing." I still sounded like I was dreaming.

,,Did I hit your weak spot?" Oh yeah you did. You hit me really hard. Wait,what am I thinking about? Why am I feeling so weird?

,,I'm sorry." I mentally slapped myself.

,,It's okay,Myungsoo. I'm really thankful for everything you did. You're one great...friend." I forced my smile. Myungsoo smiled back. He's so sweet while I'm stupid as nothing.

,,You look amazing,by the way." He smiled once again. I felt like I was blushing a bit. Luckily,here it's dark,so it can't be seen.

Couple of minutes later,I found myself laughing hard with Myungsoo. We drank some alcohol after all. I was surprised at how Myungsoo can drink. While I don't really handle alcohol that good. But still I felt like drinking. Even the atmosphere started to feel lighter as we gazed more into the night. I wasn't the only one drinking. I looked around the venue and saw a lot of people dancing and kissing because being so drunk. After laughing,Myungsoo started to walk outside and I walked after him. He drank a lot.

,,Wow,wow,take it easy." I grabbed his arm before he fell on the ground.

,,I like girls,just I'm afraid to come near them."


,,And also...black is my favorite color."

,,Myungie...what are you talking about?"

,,I miss my parents..." Then,Myungsoo started to cry all of a sudden. Even if I was drunk,I felt bad for him. I somehow managed to find some record room and put Myungsoo in there. I lay him on the couch. He hugged my arm and refused to let go of it. But soon after,he fell asleep and I could be free again.

,,I'm sorry,Myungie..." I bent over him and kissed his cheek. I felt like I need to find Howon and help Myungsoo. I was struggling to walk. I was really drunk I must say.

,,Ji Won." I heard someone calling for my name. I turned around and saw Sunggyu.

,,What are you doing?"

,,Uhhmnm..." Was the all I said.

,,Are you drunk?" I only nodded.

,,Don't let people see you like that." He neared me. But I stepped back.

,,Leave me alone..."

,,Where's your date?"

,,Howon... Don't know..."

,,Then let me help you." He came more near me and grabbed my shoulders.

,,N-No!" I pushed him and managed not to fall from my feet.

,,Why don't you let me help you?"

,,You're... with Eun Ji."

,,Does it bother you?"


,,It bothers you a lot?" I only nodded. Sunggyu was nearing me even more.

,,Would it bother you if I do this?" He came closer and entwined his fingers of one palm with mine. I didn't say anything.

,,And if I do this?" With other hand,he lifted my chin. I was now gazing into his little eyes. They meant a lot to me. His fingers touched my mouth. His eyes started looking at them. As if I was asking for a kiss.

,,And this?" His lips slowly crushed onto mine. I felt his warm lips merging with mine. I closed my eyes and slowly opened my mouth. I let him do whatever he wanted with them like before. I rolled my eyeballs as I felt his tongue in my mouth. It felt so like before. My arms hugged him and his hands cupped my face to make our kiss more passionate. I felt so happy right now. Finally,I felt old Sunggyu. Like he never left me.

Sunggyu,I missed you.

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Chapter 24: Omo I did it again I missed 8 update already mianhae author_nim I look like a bad reader..... waaaa she is now with grassy n cheesy Namu they become couple.... omg sunggyu agree to date Enji to save Howon from people who nearly discovered his relationship with Enji as his younger step sister he is so kindhearted n he got JiWon number but she didn't call him is she was busy with her boyfriend Namu....I feel bad for sunggyu that he still love her n she moved on in her new life she gets tired from waiting him so long.....hahaha I was laughing at sunggyu n Myungsoo cute fight with pillow they really hate each other n poor sungjong has to stop them from getting into a serious fighting hopefully they will get along together.....waaaa they meet on a Caffe sunggyu trying to explain his relationship with Enji n say sorry that she was waiting for him so long n she can't say anything about it anymore he knows that she is with another guy that he is feeling a bit jealous but what can he do omo she couldn't hold on her feelings that she runs a way n he followed her n stop her both of them say they are having someone n it's not the time sunggyu let a tear falling n she erase itㅠㅠ they kissed *0* but the kiss is faded a moment later by Namu calling her....Woahhhh what will happen next? I hope is good hopefully they get back together soon wait Sungyeol n Jiae always together woooo I smell a cute couple here I'm so excited n curious hehehe mianhae author_nim this is my longest comments I ever wrote have a safe trip author_nim n Hwaiting on your new ideas
Chapter 15: Awwwwww 2 update already missed but I'm glad that I catch up with the story it's really great chapters ......aww she still waiting for him to remember her but it doesn't work at all n Woahhhh Howon is interesting on her. ....she meet Apink they are really cute and adorable they treat her like she is one of them.....Omg Enji is so mean to her I don't know why she is doing this......n she meet with Sungjong again he is so cute n finally she met with Myungsoo ohhhhh I can't wait for the next chapter I'm so excited.....what well happen next? n Hwaiting author_nim ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 13: Woahhhh this storyline is so Deabk I read it all the chapters it's so amazing I felt sorry for JiWon hardship that she go through all of the pain her mother death n father beating her up n also die n Sunggyu leave her alone all behind by herself n didn't recognize her when he saw her was heartbreaking ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ n also she meet with EunJi she is so mean to her I hate her but I'm glad that she meets with JaeAe n Woohyun n Sungjong n Sungyeol n Howon too but she never meet with Dongwoo n Myungsoo yet.....I hope Sunggyu will remember her at the end ohhhhh I'm so excited to read what will happen next will she survive those hard work n pains? Please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Kida345 #4
Chapter 8: omg omg omg *fangirl feels* >< authornimmm please don't be so cruel,let Sunggyu back T-T
Buttefly #5
Waa I really like this fic :D
I'm so exited at what will happen next ><
please update soon