

The day had come. The day when I got decided for what I was, where; I belonged. The Eligens day. As soon as I arrived at the Lok—place where everyone gathered on some big days–, I saw my father was talking to the Kamnts—the ones who announced our results. My father was working for the government, for our leaders. He was one of the importants. They seemed so serious. When their eyes met mine, they immediately disbaned themselves and went somewhere else, except my father. He walked towards me and gave me a hug with a smile on his face, not to mention he whispered, "you are an adult now, my little angel."

My mother joined him to hug me. I felt...weird. It wasn't that I didn't like if they hugged me. I loved it. But, sometimes, I felt like it would kill me. I felt breathless somehow, I felt like they didn't give me a space to inhale an oxygen. The worst thing was, they purposely did that. I always pushed that kind of thought from my mind. Didn't always work. But, they were my parents. It was so bitter sometime, when I found the fact that they were my parents. 
I squeezed on my jeans when I knew that the names were getting closer to mine.
"Bae Suzy."
So close.
After the girl named Suzy finished her Eligens. I prepared to stand up from my seat, because my name was after hers. But...they skippped it. They skipped my name. I glanced at my father who kept sitting on his seat like nothing happened, I looked at my mother who sat beside me, she smiled and caressed my back. I wanted to know why. I wanted to ask. But, I couldn't. I felt numb. Why did they skip my name?
"Everything is going to be alright, dear," my mother suddenly said. Maybe, she realised my concern.
"Bae Irene."
I gasped. That was me. It was my name. I was the last one. Without any hesitate, I stood up and walked to the center. My father's eyes were nailed to me. I could feel all the eyes on me. I kept looking at the ground.
"Your right thumb, please." the old woman in front of me said. I glanced at a hologram tab on her hands. I brought my thumb and placed it on the tab.
"Now, follow my words," she said. "I, your name, will complete my duty, as an adult, also, as an honored Doctus est. I will not break any of my words, starts from today, tomorrow, and forever."
I was a Doctus est? I didn't know how I should felt. I meant, it was good. But...another part of me didn't want it.
I startled when I heard a cough. And it was from her. I glanced over her eyes before I bit my lower lip.
"I-I, Bae Irene, will complete my duty, as an adult, also, as an honored Doctus est. I will not break any of my words, starts from today, tomorrow, and..." I took a deep breath for a moment, I was hesitating. This was not good. I looked at my mother, then my father before I let out a heavy sigh. "Forever."
"Our new doctor! Bae Irene!" she announced.
A very loud clap from my clan greeted me as soon as I finished my Eligens. Some elders gave me a hand-shake, also hug as I made my way back to my seat to hug my mother who was waiting for it. I glanced at my father once again before I left the Lok with my mother. They still seemed so serious. Something was wrong. I knew it. I felt it. But, I didn't know exactly what.
All I knew was, started from today, I was not the same person in their eyes. And...I was not very sure that it was a good thing. 
I was walking alone in the Lok hallway. There were just a few people. My mother said she wanted to talk to some of her friends for a minutes and told me to wait outside the Lok. As I walked, some people I knew congratulated me. I replied them with just a smile. I didn't feel like talking.
When I was about to reach the exit, I stopped. Why? Because, I saw them.
"Eleftherian." I mumbled. 
They were all in black. That was not the point. What made me wonder was, what were they doing here
My heart almost stopped when I saw they made a way towards me. I looked on the ground. But, unfortunately, I bumped into one of them. I still kept looking atbthe ground.
"Watch your step, shorty!" a voice of a guy crushed my ears. Also the voice of their laughs.
"Stop it, guys. I'm sure that this lady didn't do that on purpose." said the one I bumped to.
"Whatever you said, my friend. Whatever you said," the same guy said as he chuckled in deep voice before they left me. 
I couldn't move, I stayed in the same spot until my mother showed up and brought me home. She had no idea on what just happened. And I didn't have any thought of telling her either.
 Let it just be a secret.
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norevS #1
Chapter 5: Im still waiting for you to update this story author-nim. I really like it.
baejoohyunswife #2
Chapter 5: Is this the end ?
Chapter 5: I would like to be shot with Wendy please ahahahahaha
CANCERminator #4
Chapter 5: I CANNOT imagine Yeri to be a badass with her toothy smile
Chapter 3: What is Kai doing here senpai explain yourself
Chapter 2: This story is interesting. Continues to
update, please.
CutieCupcakeJeti #7
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh. This is interesting. Keep it upppppp!
Chillbear #8
Yay! Another badass seulrene fanfic!