The Day

So Into You
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Ceryll closed the house's door behind her, she ran as fast as she could to her room. She lay on her stomach on the bed, she dug her face into the pillow deeper. She cried as hard as she could since there is no one in the house. All of this happened was too fast and just a confidence but it became a huge problem, she couldn't make out her mind about the problem.   "This is just too much..." The whole world will know her from now on. It's the most embarrassing thing in her life, she just want a normal life without people hating her. It was all my fault, if she hadn't go to them in the middle of the crowd, none of this would happened. She was just confused and dumbfounded without anything that could get out of her from the problem.   After an hour crying, she got up and sat at her desk, facing the dark sky through the window in front of her. She wiped the tear stains on her face to looked clearly outside through the window in her room. The dates shine brightly at the sky as always, admiring the star, does make her feel a little bit better. She wished she could be one of the stars because she will shine freely and no one will ever judge her.   A sad memory came rushing in her mind. As she think about the memory over and over, it make her heart hurt more. * * * * * -2 years earlier- Ceryll walk along the school's hallway, thinking about her crush, the first guy she ever liked. The guy's name was Jongun, he's also a Korean but lived at America just like Ceryll. Jongun was very famous for his charms and voice. He like to hangout with his friends, the girls are all over him but that does not stop Ceryll from loving him. She decided that this day, she will confess her feelings to Jongun. She really hoped that he would accept her, its her first love too. Ceryll had arrived at Jongun's class, the class were pretty empty but there were still a few students studying at their desk. She called one of the girl in the class, she give the girl a note for Jongun. The girl smiled at the sight of Ceryll, she was like an idol to the girl. Ceryll stepped out of the class and walked towards her class because the recess time was about to end. The school's bell rang, signaling the school was over. Heavy rain started falling falling down but it doesn't make Ceryll forgot about the place where she will meet Jongun. Ceryll's uniform was wet but not soaked. She stood in front of the janitor, waiting for Jongun. Its the only place where she won't be noticed by anyone. After about 10 minutes of waiting, Jongun appeared, walking slowly towards Ceryll. She smiled at the sight of Jongun, its not that long she waited for him so she guess its okay. Jongun gave Ceryll a bored look while standing in front of her. "What do you want?" Jongun said, irritated by Ceryll. "Well, actually... I like you... Because you are nice, smart, like to help the teachers... So... W...would... You... A..accept.." Ceryll looked down at her shoes, embarrassed at Jongun. He raised his hand to lift up Ceryll's chin. He moved his head closer to Ceryll, he was as if studying her. Ceryll's heart beat more fast until Jongun pulled himself away from her. "You're a joke" Jongun burst out laughing as if her words were funny to him,"Okay, listen. I don't really have time for you. Why should I like you? You're stupid and too straight-headed, clueless, naive, dumb. I know you are very smart and pretty and all but for me, you're not. You disgust me." Ceryll's was very shocked at Jongun reply, here yes started to filled with tears but she just hold it back. "Listen, if you met any guys in this school that like you, actually they don't. They only like you for your money. I know you're rich and do you think being a rich person, everything would go the way you want?" This time, tears rushed out from Ceryll's eyes, she couldn't hold it back anymore. Its too painful that he said such words to her. Out of nowhere, 2 guys and 3 girls came walking towards them. Ceryll knew the girls, it was the girls who people known as 'popular girls'but their attitude are terrible. The 2 guys stopped beside Jongun, the 2 girls stood beside the guys which is their boyfriend. The la
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