Chapter 3

The Key to my Heart

'Wait… that means… we're alone?!' Raku said in a flustered tone. Shuu had inadvertently crossed his mind, making a w mouth and giving a thumbs up. 'What the hell are you up to again, you idiot?' Raku thought while sighing.

'Haha Raku-sama, let's study~' said Marika while pulling Raku to a elegantly carved high-quality redwood table. On it were reference books and notes neatly arranged in a orderly manner.

Raku felt a bit annoyed and lethargic. Being alone with this girl was the last thing he needed today. He faced her and said 'Umm Marika, how about we postpone this study session till another time? When others are free?'. Marika pouted and mumbled 'But… my dad will be home tomorrow…and I won't have free time for the next few weeks…..'

Raku really felt tired when Marika looked at him with hopeful eyes. He got her message that she wanted him to stay. 'Ahhhh damn it, Marika must have had it hard too when Chitoge left.'thought Raku. Although his feelings for Chitoge were entirely different than Marika's, they were in the same boat, caused by a dear friend or someone who has left their side.

Giving in, Raku said slowly 'Fine,fine. Let's study. What do you wanna take over first?' Her pleadful eyes had been shooting rays of hope into his face with such intensity that he couldn't refuse her any longer. Who could? Upon hearing those words, Marika literally leapt into the air while exclaiming 'CHEMISTRY!'.

Raku laughed lightly and said 'How about we sit down first?'. Marika stood there dumb stricken and stuttered 'Of.. Of course! Sure! Absolutely!' while blushing madly and her eyes looking at the other side. They then sat on the beautifully carved chairs and soon immersed themselves in a world of alkanes and chemical reactions. Slowly but surely, the awkwardness between them had begun to dispel.

Raku had been in a heated discussion about the physical properties of alkanes with her when he noticed his throat was parched. It wasn't weird, considering they just had an hour long talk about Chemistry. Marika must have been thirsty too because she asked the boy in front of her 'Umm,Ichijou-kun, wou..would you like a drink?' nervously. Raku felt weird when she called him by his family name, considering she always called Raku-sama this and Raku-sama that. However, he dispelled that little oddity and answered with a smile 'Sure, why not?'

'How could I have forgotten all about the plan?' Marika cursed herself while taking a bottle of juice out of the fridge. She had been too nervous and preoccupied by Raku's presence in front of her. They were alone. In her home. 'No no no ,focus goddamnit!' Marika silently cursed herself again and stole a glance at Raku. Fortunately, he was too busy flipping through his notes to notice her weird behavior. After pouring the juice into two glasses, she hoped for the best as she dripped a drop of clear liquid into one of them.

Raku had been busy flipping through questions about linear programming that he hadn't noticed Marika's return. 'Raku-sama, I am back~' Marika had said while placing a cup of delicious looking apple juice in front of him. Thanking her, he took a big gulp and put the glass down. Noticing Marika was staring at him, he inadvertently blushed and said 'Umm, do you know this question?' while passing her a question paper. Marika was startled and said 'What?Huh? Oh!Umm. Lemme see. Haha.' While stuttering madly again.

They had been battling the mysterious numbers for not long when he suddenly had a headache and felt a twang of pain in his stomach. Disregarding them as caused by fatigue, he looked up from his books,only too find Marika staring at him again. Before he could utter a word, Marika had immediately said 'Raku-sama, could you pass me that paperweight?' while pointing at the piece of metal block beside him. Shrugging Marika's strange behavior away, he proceeded to pass the block to her.

To his astonishment, the moment he tried to lift it,his arms felt like sponge. The paperweight that must not have weighed more than 3 kg had suddenly felt like he was trying to lift a train. Confused, Raku had tried to mutter something when the pain in his head and stomach multiplied suddenly. The pain in his stomach had suddenly spread to other parts of his body, giving a feeling like he was being burned inside out.

He stood up in pain and fell on the floor, his mind and body in a mess.'Wha…what…' In a daze, he saw Marika rushing to his side. She then took out a set of tools which what looked like for lock-picking uses and knelt down by him. As she proceeded to take out the pendant from his clothes, she muttered 'Sorry, Raku-sama, for drugging you, but this is the only way I could do this. This is the only way that you would acknowledge my love.'

Raku felt his vision was like looking through a piece of jelly. His mind and body already felt numb from the pain. 'Drugged… me…..what… kind….so… painful…'He looked at Marika while muttering couldn't move an ounce of his muscle anymore and he felt he was blacking out.

Marika stopped her movements and looked at Raku with a confused face. 'Pain? This drug only weakens a body, not inflict pain. Wait a minute….' She said as she took a piece of paper in front of her. Exclaiming loudly, 'Raku –sama! By any chance,did you had any caffeine before coming?!'

Raku, in a daze, replied 'Yeah… I …had… a …. Can …of…….' Suddenly, Raku coughed violently and tasted blood in his mouth. Marika had already started taking out her phone and was calling someone panickly. But to Raku, everything in his world was like in a Jell-O and was in slow motion.

All he could remember before he passed out was 'And …Marika…*COUGH COUGH*….. the one I love….is…Chi…to…ge….'

A/N: Chapter 3 complete! A little short, but I had no time and no idea what to write. Any help with Japanese honorifics (-sama,-sensei,-kun…..) needed! Sorry if characters were OOC but I am still a noob so no hate please. More reviews more love! It helps me to think of plot and stuff! Peace! :3

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