Chapter 2

The Key to my Heart

A/N: Hereeesss Chapter 2! Still don't really get Japanese honorifics(-sama,-kun,-sensei…..). So will still love any help at all! Oh, this will be a very short fanfic. I forgotten to say the last chapter. It will be probably for another 1 or 2 more chapters till this is done. Again, the characters may be OOC for I am still a noob and don't have any proof readers. :3 Marika x Raku

'Wha…What?' said Raku in a scared tone. The last time he was there, he met her father. Her father, a police chief, had a face of a Yakuza. Apparently, her father and Raku's father had made a promise to marry their child of to each other in a bar a long time ago.

Of course, they were drunk. Raku's father,being the most drunk between two of them, had forgotten all about it the next day while Marika's father had not. It was only until recently that Raku's father remembered about it and told Raku when Raku showed his father the picture of them as kids. Raku had no idea who was his 'fiancé' was until she waltzed into their class and hugged Raku immediately after seeing him. Chaos ensued,and due to certain circumstances,he was forced to go on a 'date' with her. During the date, he had remembered who was she. Marie, a nickname which her father gave her.

Seeing her beloved was quiet again, Marika grinned widely and said 'Raku-sama, you were looking down recently. Is something bothering you?'. 'Its not like you could understand my pain' thought Raku and sighed. He faced her face of hope ,bluntly said 'Nope', and gave her his signature smile. 'Its not like anyone can.' Thought Raku again.

Marika could plainly see the sadness in his eyes. She sighed in her heart and thought 'This is gonna be hard to pull off.' She smiled again and repeated her question 'Raku-sama, wanna come over to my house?' in a hopeful tone.

Raku was having a heartache again, although he did not show it. Marika's grin had struck to him to be kind of similar to Chitoge's. He had tried to not think of the girl as much as possible as the heartache was an opportunist, striking him each time he let his guard down. He heart was aching terribly and wanted this conversation to end for he just wanted to lie on his desk and sleep the pain away.

He sighed and asked 'I've got time, but why though?' As much as he wanted to end this conversation, he couldn't just waltz into her home. He shivered involuntarily at the remembrance of her father's angry face as if it had happened yesterday. The old man had flamed up after hearing that he had forgotten about her precious Marie. In fact, he still probably thought he had a 'girlfriend'. His heart felt stung again by that word and steadied himself.

Marika saw his expression of fear and pain. He must have accidentally showed it for a second when she asked him the question. Thinking why would he have that kind of reaction, she thought of her father. Her father tended to be overprotective sometimes and he sure was the first time Raku met him. She knew this question was coming and said : 'Well, the exams are around the corner and I am having problems with my Chemistry, so I was planning to invite you and the others for a study session!'.

'So that's what its all about' thought Raku. True, the exams were coming and he himself had problems with his studies too. But at Marika's home… He would rather fail than face the wrath of that old man again. Raku was about to give an excuse to decline her offer when Marika quickly added 'My dad is out of town for the whole day, don't worry.' And winked.

'Out of town,huh?' thought Raku. He had tried to revise his schoolwork at home too, only to give up when he found out he was twiddling his pencil and staring at the sky. He just couldn't concentrate with what had happened recently. A study session would probably help him concentrate in his studies and take his mind off her. Moreover, he said he was free today and had no plans. 'Sure, why not?' he answered with a little smile.

Marika giggled and said 'Ok then, I'll go invite the others. Come to my home at 3pm.' And headed to Kosaki's direction. Shuu gave a thumbs up to her and she ,bewildered, returned a smile. 'It seems he caught wind of my plan, but doesn't plan to stop it? Could he….. have noticed about Raku-sama's depression too?' thought Marika. Shuu gave her another thumbs up as if he agreed to her suspicions and gave another w smile. He then took his phone out and made a pressing gesture and pointed at the phone displaying the time .Marika understood his plan immediately and grinned. 'Of course, he's his best friend, so he wants his friend to stop feeling depressed too.' Marika smiled again and continued walking towards Kosaki's desk.

Kosaki had been talking to Ruri when suddenly Marika touched her elbows. She gave a small gasp of surprise and turned, seeing its only Marika, and breathed a sound of relief. Ever since Chitoge and Tsugumi, her friends, had left for America, the group of 7 which consisted of Raku, Shuu, Marika, Tsugumi, Chitoge ,Ruri and of course, her, had seemingly started to break up. Chitoge had been the vital gear sticking all of them together. Since her dear friend's departure, Raku had seemed to been more conserved and quiet, almost to the point of shunning his friends . Shuu had never really fitted into their group and now had drifted off to another. On the other hand, she was still glad Ruri was still with her.

'Wanna come over to my house today?' asked Marika in a happy tone. 'We are going to hold a study session for the coming exams.' Explained Marika. Kosaki could only nod excitedly as she had been a little lonely recently. Marika then turned to Ruri and said 'You should come too! My dad's not at home, so I could invite anyone I want! Raku-sama and Shuu is coming too!'

Ruri declined politely and said 'Sorry, but today I got some stuff planned already. Are you fine by yourself, Kosaki?' Ruri turned her head towards her friend and waited for an answer. Kosaki smiled appreciatively at her friend's worries and said 'No worries Ruri-chan, I can take care of my self,although I don't know where Marika-sama's home is…...' Marika exclaimed happily 'So then, its decided! Come to my house at 3pm!'.Don't worry! Shuu can lead you there!'. She then waved to Kosaki as she left for her seat due to the bell has rung.

*a few hours later *

Raku was on his way to Marika's home with a sling bag over his shoulder. He yawned under the warm spring sun and took a drink from a can of coffee. The ice-cold coffee that flowed down his throat had quenched his thirst and revived him. He threw the empty can away and looked at the giant building in front of him. He took a look at his watched and it showed that it was 2:54pm. He then stretched his arms and proceeded to board the lift.

Marika was grinning as she looked at her phone. Apparently Shuu really did what he said and had mislead Kosaki, with the excuse of not knowing where her home actually is. The clock showed 2.58pm when someone pressed the doorbell of her front entrance. She saw that it was Raku alone standing at her entrance and waving at the security camera which was above the door. She smiled and opened the door. When Raku saw her, he waved his hand and said 'Yo'. She smiled and hugged Raku's arms.

'Ackk?!' he exclaimed surprisingly and said 'I thought I said to not to be too close to me!'. Marika merely grinned and said 'Let's go in!'. Raku sighed and proceeded to take of his shoes. 'Sorry for intruding.' He said and walked then saw the halls were decorated with medals from her father's service and quotes by famous people. The house gave him a feeling of her father's atmosphere and he shuddered.

'Umm,is your father really not here?'asked Raku,just to make sure. Marika nodded his head. 'Don't worry Raku-sama, he is currently in Tokyo attending a national conference.' Said Marika in a reassuring tone. As they headed for the living room, Marika added 'And by the way, Shuu and Kosaki aren't coming. Seems like they had some emergency.' .

'Wait….. no one's coming?' gulped Raku ' That means,….. we're alone?'

A/N: Haha well that's chapter 2. I really felt this chapter was crap and Raku was OOC. But I had no time to retype so sorry for this .Updates will be considerably slower as my exams are coming. But don't worry. After my exams I am gonna post a new chapter. Again,help needed at Japanese Honorifics (-sama,-kun,-sensei…..). Peace!

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