
Dear Best Friend
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F R I D A Y @ N O O N //


I walked into my designated classroom, feeling really nervous for Mr. Cho's English class. Mainly because he was giving us our test papers back; you know the test where he decided to change it to a three page essay? Yeah that one.

And the one where it decides my rank for this month.

Okay, I was never really the best student. When I was a freshmen, I didn't rank as well as my parents wanted me to. It's not like I don't try! I do try! It's just for some magical and unknown reason, I get average grades which caused my rank during my freshmen year to be in the 150th place out of 200 students. 


So I made a new goal after my freshmen: to study my so I can be in the top ten. 

Yeah, a girl who was ranked 150 to be in the top ten?

Impossible right?

Not in my freaking book. I mean you've seen Playful Kiss.

I sat down at my desk and turned to stare at Sehun's empty seat. He wasn't here on Fridays that much; he's usually here on Mondays, Wednesdays and sometimes Thursdays.

I began to pick up random strands of my hair and picking the ends of it. It was a really bad habit of mine to do whenever I'm extremely nervous. I couldn't help it, alright?

Then the moment I dreaded all morning came, Mr. Cho walked in with our English papers.

"Class. I have the results of your papers." Mr. Cho said as he held up the stack in the air. "As you remember, Principle Kim decided that this exam will decide your rankings for this month." 

The class groaned at his words.

"Mr. Cho, why can't it just be the same regular exam that we always take instead of the paper we've written?" One student, Hyemi, asked.

Then another student, Jonghyun, agreed with Hyemi's statement. "Yeah! Why can't we do that? The paper isn't really an exam of what we learned of all the subjects we're studying."

Then everyone in the class agreed by nodding their heads and murmuring a simple yes. Well, except for me, I just stayed silent the entire time; drowning in my own puddle of sweat thinking about my rank.

Mr. Cho held his hand up to halt the class from discussing the subject even more. "Enough. This is what Principle Kim has decided and it is what it is."

The class frowned at Mr. Cho's words as he slowly began to approach the front of the class. "Now, the number circled on the top right hand corner is your rank. The number that is not circled is the actual grade of the exam. Do we all understand?"

"Yes Mr. Cho." We all said in unison in a monotoned voice.

I watched in anxiety as Mr. Cho began passing out the papers to the correct student. Some students sighed in relief at their exam grade; some cried seeing their new rank for the month.

I'm going to join the crying circle when I see my grade.

I was one of the last student to be handed their paper back because I sat in the back corner. Mr. Cho handed me my paper back; he had on a blank expression, making it hard for me to decipher if I improved to my likings. Anxiously, I decided to look at my paper...

My jaw dropped.

Rank: 6th place

Grade: 94 out of 100

"YES!" I exclaimed, jumping out of my seat as I clutched onto my paper. "Number 6!"

The entire class whipped their heads to the back, staring at me like I had ten heads.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry." I apologized, slowly sitting back down in my chair. 

"Dad? Dad! Are you home?" I shouted as soon as I stepped inside. I took off my shoes, tucking my feet into my house slippers. "Dad!?"

"In the kitchen!" I heard him shout when I walked into the living room; I placed my b

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Chapter 16: Yeaayy,, i love this story of yours a lot, dear..
When Sehun knows about Chohee keeps her secret about Dylan's status... Oh Lord~~~
He must be....

Congrats for your degree, dear author!!
Chapter 16: This story is really cute! Her friendship with Sehun is so precious. He's like a prince seriously :3
Chapter 16: Omo i almost forgot this story.
Chapter 15: I have missed Sehun and Chohee's interaction. I wish I had a handsome best friend like Sehun. Thank you for updating!
sheilla_2410 #5
Authorniiiimmmm u gud man?
Have you forgotten this story?????
Where r yuuuuuuT.T
yunjae23 #6
Chapter 14: Update please
Charizune #7
I cant not like Dylan unless his character turns out to be rude af later lmao

Funny thing is 2 years ago, I liked someone with the same name omg
kpopfan102 #8
Chapter 14: Oh my god I'm scared for Dylan lol Ges not going to be with her anyway in the end lol
Chapter 14: sehun be jelly plsss hoho
Chapter 14: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO nonononononononononono no boyfriend for herrrrrrr!!!! she is going to have like a love triangle square rectangle hexagon! why do you do this to me author-nimmmmmmm!