Never Have I Ever

My Other Half
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3rd POV


Kai stared at D.O. and Aya. He stared at D.O’s messy hair, Aya’s blushing cheeks, her arms around his neck, his hands on her waist.


Kai took a step back and covered Suhan’s poor, innocent eyes.


“Oh the horror.” Kai whimpered.


Aya’s arms dropped to her sides and she rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic.” She said.


“Don’t look Suhan. Who knows what these , erted bastards might do next.” He said while holding her head.  


D.O. also rolled his eyes. “Kai.” He sighed in irritation.


“My poor, pure eyes. They’ve been tainted!” Kai cried out.


“I hate him so ing much.” Aya said to D.O.


Suhan then pushed Kai away, tsking her tongue at him in the process. “Will you calm down?” She said to him. “I think we should leave the two, uh, lovebirds?” She carefully said, glancing at Aya and D.O., “alone.”


“No, Suhan, we’re just-” but Aya didn’t get to finish her sentence because Suhan grabbed Kai and quickly scurried away.


Aya stopped her sentence and sighed. “Well, .” She sighed. D.O. lightly smiled and turned to her.


“Well, we’re alone again.” He said before leaning over and placing a sweet kiss on her cheek.


Aya began to beam like the sun and forgot all about Kai and Suhan as she grabbed on D.O’s collar. “It ing took you long enough.” She said before continuing their previous “activity.”



“Well it took him long enough.” Kai chuckled as him and Suhan walked down the hallway back to the lobby.


“How long has Aya liked him?” Suhan asked.


Kai furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a second while humming. “Mmm...I think maybe around the time we were in 10th grade?” He said unsurely. “Yeah, I think it was sophomore year. D.O had his first real girlfriend in 10th grade and I think that's when Aya realized that she hated any girl that came near him. I remember that I had to stop her from setting the girl’s hair on fire in Chemistry one day.” Kai said with a chuckle. Suhan smiled as she watched him laugh. Something about Kai’s sincere grin made Suhan forget about everything and only think about him. “We were seeing what the levels of heat were around a flame and once Aya heard the girl’s giggle from D.O’s group, she grabbed the Bunsen burner and almost threw it at her. I stopped her before she could even lift the thing off the ground but who knows what would've happened if I wasn't there.” He said with a light laugh at the end.


“And what about you?” Asked Suhan. Honestly, she wasn't really paying attention to his story. She just wanted to know more things about him.


Kai looked at her. “What about me?”


“Where is your little love story in all of this?” She said.


He blinked. “I guess I'm just waiting for the right girl.” He said with a shrug, looking down at his feet.


“What's your definition of ‘right’?” Suhan asked.


Kai sighed. “I'll let you know when I figure it out myself.”



“Where have you guys been?? You've been gone for so long!” Seulgi exclaimed when she saw Kai and Suhan walk back into the dance room.


“We were making out in the hallway.” Kai bluntly said without a single change in his expression.


“WHAT?!” Seulgi exclaimed, snapping her head to Suhan whose eyes were gaping at Kai.


But Kai then chuckled. “Nah that was Aya and Soo, we just walked in on them.”


“Oh…” Seulgi nodded before the words actually registered in her mind. Then once again, her eyes grew and she whipped her head to Kai. “WHAT?!”


Kai laughed and shook his head. “Later.” He said, just as Sehun and the others came.


“The party’s getting pretty boring.” Sehun said with a sigh. “Let's go out to the side of the building and chill there.”


“I'm down.” Naeun said.


“Same.” Taemin agreed.


“Suhan? Kai?” Hayoung asked the two.


Kai shrugged and nodded. “Yeah sure.”


“Let's go.” Sehun grinned and began slipping out, a little too eagerly. Kai and Taemin gave each other a weird look at why Sehun was so excited to go outside.


But then, as Sehun grabbed an empty Coke bottle from the snack table, the two boys rolled their eyes.


“Goddammit Sehun.” Kai groaned and followed the crowd out.






I watched as Kai, Taemin and Naeun laughed to another as they sat down on the empty plastic table by the side of the building. His eyes lit up whenever he was speaking and it just looked so mesmerizing. He spoke so enthusiastically and eloquently no matter what the topic was. I loved that about him.


Although it was night, I could still see his beaming smile from the light of the building lights.


Ok Suhan stop staring at him. You're starting to look creepy.


And so I pried my eyes away from his perfect face and tried to pay attention to Seulgi’s story.


“Alright guys.”


Everyone’s heads turned toward Sehun who had climbed up onto the white plastic chair.


“Who's ready to get jiggy with it?” He cheekily smirked, dangling the coke bottle in front of everyone.

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hey guys dont worry, I havent left again lol. I've just had a lot of homework these past 2 days, I'll update as soon as I can!


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Chapter 33: I miss this story T^T
Chapter 33: Why are they so cold with Kai especially Kyungsoo? :(
Chapter 33: It not the same any more
The tension was so much I was not even there and I could feel it!
I hope taemin makes him jealous by getting really close with hannie!!! Thank u for this!!
Chapter 32: Their friendship is gone! :(
Chapter 32: OMG
Chapter 32: Ahhhhhhhh not again!
I know I said I would just be a little sad right! Ok I lied!
Pls meet and talk already I am dying waiting for it!!
The group is sooo cute! I cannot wait for their official reunion!!
Chapter 32: This is sort of mmmmmmmm, just talk already!
Chapter 31: Omggg so excited for the next chapter
Chapter 31: Please update soon I'm so curious what will happen.
sarangbit #10
Chapter 31: they`re so close yet so far omg someone please notice jongin or i hope jongin approach them i can‘t wait