Changed Boys

Away From...Paradise

"~~~~~ has ran away!" Dongwoo shouted

"WHAT!?!" Sunggyu jumped. Dongwoo pointed at your room, "Her room is half empty, her clothes are gone and her window is open" 

The boys hurriedly ran upstairs to your room to see it very clean, too clean. Sungjong went to the window and look out, "I'm going to cut down this tree" he said

They remembered well what happened before, when you escaped Teen top's house, they slapped their foreheads, *She is such a rebel* They thought

Sungyeol ran to the dock to see your small boat missing, he ran back to the house, "She left the island" He said

"WHAT!?! Where did she go now?" Hoya asked

"To Tokyo I guess" Sungjong said

"But when did she left?" Dongwoo asked

"Probably earlier this morning, who knows where could she be" Woohyun said

Myungsoo took his coat, "I'll go look for her" 

Sunggyu held him back, "Call her" he said. Sungjong then dialed your phone, it was ringing but no one answered. Myungsoo thought he could hear something, he followed the sound to see your phone left behind. Sungjong hang up and deflated, "Where could she be?"

"That's it, Let's go to Tokyo" Myungsoo said

Then the boys put on their jackets and went to travel to Tokyo. *Please be safe ~~~~, please come home*

When they arrived at the Tokyo Bay, they parked their boat and looked around, "Let's meet up here at 10pm" Sunggyu said

Every one nodded and split up. Each other them went to random places, the police the hospital, to hotels, malls, stores, inns.

"Excuse me but have you seen this girl" Sunggyu asked the police. The police was too busy with his client on the phone he gave Sunggyu a wait sign and Sunggyu sat down and waited, it took forever until the police hang up, "Sir, I'm looking for this girl, Julia Woo" he said and show him the picture of your latest pic, not your blonde hair pic, 

The police took a look of the pic, "Never seen her"

Woohyun and Myungsoo were in the hospital looking for you, cause they know whenever you went to Tokyo you would go to the hospital and help the needy.

"Excuse me nurse...Woah!" Woohyun said as he avoided the incoming patients moving to the surgery room. He reached for a nurse to tapp her shoulder but a bed with a patients covered with a bloody white blanket passed by and Woohyun avoided it cause it didn't look nice

Myungsoo tapped a nurse, "Excuse me but did a girl named Julia Woo came here today?" He asked

"This morning yes, but she left at noon" She said

*So she is here!* Myungsoo thought and looked at Woohyun who was intagled with running patients, he was grossed out with all those bloods, *Why does Tokyo have to have lots of accident occuring people!* He thought and shivered when another bed passed by him

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Myungyeol1999 #1
Chapter 29: I think it is Yeol. I mean she never had an ending with Yeol in the last chapter and if she remembers everything means she remembers Yeol and her together and I bet she still loves him. But I am
Still wanting to find out who she ended up with so please do a third sequel! Hehe I enjoyed the story eventho I read it late.
Chapter 29: im late i know but who is it please make a 3rd sequel u know about a wedding between the two
Chapter 29: Im really curious as to who she really chose
Chapter 29: Please make sequel!! I'm really curious T_T
myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol ???????
I'm confused! TT_TT

pls make it sequel special for 'the person' who she pick! :D
woah..!! who is that guy...???
myungsoo or sungyeol...??
aish...what a mysterious ending..??
this is the ending huh??
no...I want to know that guy
WHAT. THE. FUVK.<br />
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But some how. This is a veryvery good fic! And very awesome story :DDDDD <3<3 hehehehehhehehehehehe.
HAI. I forgot to subscribe this story while I was reading XD. Sorrry~ but now I finished (=