
Away From...Paradise

The next day, you were planning to go out of Tokyo, *This feels like when I was being chased by the Russians,* you thought and went to the train station, 

You arrived there and stopped to see Sunggyu, Your eyes widened, *If I get caught by him, I'm in big trouble, no time sneaking in the train, I got to run* You thought but too late, Sunggyu spotted you

"YAH!" He shouted and ran after you. You began to run out of the station and ran across the streets, you hit some stores, "Sorry" You said

Sunggyu was just behind you, "YAH! JULIA WOO! COME BACK HERE!"

You gulped and ran faster, *I hope I'll loose him* You stopped and saw Sungjong buying some food, he stopped and saw you, "JULIA!" He abandoned his food and chased after you. You gulped, "Oh God" You ran faster going to every corners, *Please no dead end* you thought and looked for a place to go

You saw streets across the alley and made a run for it, but you bumped into someone, Woohyun. You gulped and was about to stand up when he caught your boot, "Ah-Ha!" He said.

You removed your boot and made a ran for it, *Better to loose a boot than to be with those guys* You thought, *Thought I miss them* 

You turned right but to your surprise, Sunggyu was there waiting, "AHH!" you ducked and slid under his open legs. Sunggyu looked down at you who was already running, he looked up to met heads with Woohyun. "AH!"

You looked back and laughed, "That was hilarious!* You thought and kept running and saw Sungjong coming towards you, you turned back to see Sunggyu coming towards you, 

You looked at your side to see a busy road, you gulped


Too late, you ran carelessly to the other side of the road, good no cars bumped into you

Sungjong almost fainted when he was you run.

"AISH! THAT GIRL" Sunggyu scratched his head.

You smiled to see that they were not following you anymore, but since you were not looking where you were going, you bumped into someone big.

you fell to the ground and looked up to see a guy with lots of tatoos in his arm, "Watch it" He said. You gulped. He looked at you, "Well well, it looks as if you look lost" He said

You were stood up and was about to run away but two other guys blocked your path, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry miss? Don't you want to play games with us first?" One asked. You gulped, *Oh man!*

Then one guy took your arms, "AHH!" You screamed. The other guy covered your mouth, "hey, it will be fun, don't worry" They said. your forehead began to sweat as they dragged you to the middle of the alley. You tried to break free but it was no use, they were too strong for you,

*they are going to me, I'm sure* You thought, *SOMEONE HELP ME!!* You screamed in your head

Just then you heard a gun shot, *I know that sound* You thought and all of you looked up to see Myungsoo in the roof of the small hut. Your eyes widened, *Oppa*

"Let her go" Myungsoos said

"Why?" the guys said

"Let her go or I'll shoot you" Myungsoo pointed the gun at them. They laugh, "Yeah right, like that's a real gun" one said. Myungsoo shot him dead. The guys were shocked, "Let's get out of here!" They said and dropepd you and ran

You fell to the ground gasping for air. Myungsoo jumped down to you, "Hey, are you alright?" He asked

You looked at him, "I'm fine, but I'm still not going home" You said

"Who said I was going to bring you home" Myungsoos aid

You were confused, *What?*

Myungsoo walked away. 

"Oppa" you called. Myungsoo turned to you, "What?"

"T-Thanks" You said

"No problem" Myungsoos said. You got up and went your separate ways

Myungsoo smiled *Even though I put effort bringing you home, I'll put effort into bumping into you again so we can see and talk to each other again without you runnign from me* He thought and went away, *Just be careful ~~~~~, I can't be always there for you*

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Myungyeol1999 #1
Chapter 29: I think it is Yeol. I mean she never had an ending with Yeol in the last chapter and if she remembers everything means she remembers Yeol and her together and I bet she still loves him. But I am
Still wanting to find out who she ended up with so please do a third sequel! Hehe I enjoyed the story eventho I read it late.
Chapter 29: im late i know but who is it please make a 3rd sequel u know about a wedding between the two
Chapter 29: Im really curious as to who she really chose
Chapter 29: Please make sequel!! I'm really curious T_T
myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol ???????
I'm confused! TT_TT

pls make it sequel special for 'the person' who she pick! :D
woah..!! who is that guy...???
myungsoo or sungyeol...??
aish...what a mysterious ending..??
this is the ending huh??
no...I want to know that guy
WHAT. THE. FUVK.<br />
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But some how. This is a veryvery good fic! And very awesome story :DDDDD <3<3 hehehehehhehehehehehe.
HAI. I forgot to subscribe this story while I was reading XD. Sorrry~ but now I finished (=