Date and kiss

Never fall in love with him
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Nina's POV


"Will you come tomorrow on a date with me?"............ "Are you serious?" I asked incredulously. "I asked you if I was not serious?" He replied. "I'm sorry ..." I said. "Well, the answer?" He was impatient. "Uhm, yes .." I said, blushing. He smiled. "After breakfast, I'll take you home, you change your clothes and go." He said. "Good." I smiled. "Come down to eat." He told me.

"Wait." I said. He turned around. "I'm wearing just tight shirt. I don't really want sit among the guys just in this. "I blushed. He laughed." Why not? It's hot. "I looked at him." Really? "I said." Okay, okay. "He went into the closet and handed me some shorts." Thanks."

We came down and sat next to exo who already ate. "Good morning." Greetings. "Good morning." I replied with a smile. "What about the good mood?" Suho asked. "You wonder? After what we heard from the room was not surprising." I blushed madly. "Wait, nothing happened between us." The boys looked at me with a smirk and Baekhyun just laughed. "So are you looking forward to on a date?" Sehun teasingly asked. God, those guys know how to embarrass me. "Yes, I'm looking forward." I answered.

"I envy Baekhyun, you're really beautiful." Tao said Baekhyun gave him a death glare. "Thanks, especially in the morning." I laughed. After completion breakfast I dressed and went downstairs. "Shall we?" I asked Baekhyun. He nodded.

We arrived at my house. "Are you coming with me?" I asked. "Who do you have at home?" He asked. "All of them." He thought a moment. "Don't worry, they don't bite, I just don't want you waited in the car." I said. "Okay." He smiled.

We went inside the house. "Mom?" I called. "Yes, honey?" She said. "I'm home, but I go out." I said. "Well, that sounds logical." She laughed. "And what was your night with a frie-" She stopped when she saw Baekhyun. "Why didn't you tell me earlier that it was a boy? ... Now I'm angry." She said with her hands on her hips. "Mom, I can explain everything okay, just don't make jump to conclusions." I said.

"Honey, I'm kidding." She laughed. "I know, Mom, I've known you my whole life." I said. "Well, you introduce us?" She asked. "Yeah, Mom, this is Baekhyun, Baekhyun this is my mom, Renata." I introduced myself. Baekhyun bowed. "Hello, nice to meet you." He said. "There's no need to be formal Baekhyun, you want something to drink?" She asked. He nodded. "Come with me into the kitchen, and Nina go get ready, okay?" Baekhyun looked at me. "Go ahead, my mom is great." I smiled.

I went to change, what I wear? I started to poke in the closet and in the end I chose this.

I was saying that I love heels, so there's nothing to say.

I came into the kitchen. "I'm ready, ready to go?" I said. "Oh, my daughter is so beautiful, and where did you buy those shoes? They're amazing." Mom said. I looked at Baekhyun, who just stared at me. "You look nice." He said. "Thank you." I blushed.

"Shall we?" I said. "Yeah." He said. "Hey everybody." I shouted. "Hey!" They shouted. "And slow !!!!" Thomas shouted. "Shut up." I shouted back. Baekhyun staring at me. "I'll explain it later, now come on." I laughed and took his hand.

We sat in the car. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Surprise." He smiled. "I don't like surprises." I pouted. "That's too bad." He grimaced. "Never mind." I said. "What are you talking with my mom?" I asked. He paused. "Um, about school and that sort of stuff." He said.


Baekhyun P

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DeerLuhan2233 #1
Chapter 7: Love the chappie but I want more so update whenever you time so I can read the next chappie lol yehet!
DeerLuhan2233 #2
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!
DeerLuhan2233 #3
DeerLuhan2233 #4
kiks16 #5
Chapter 3: Ouuuhhh !! I love this story ! Update more author-nim ! ^^'
i like your story.pls update