chapter 3

When two worlds collide

  (Maddy's p.o.v.)

   "Where are we going to eat? I'm starving!!" Dongho said, as we were walking on the sidewalk looking for a restaurant.  
    Just then I spotted a a casual restaurant that served italian food. "Guys, we can go over there!" I pointed across the street.
"Ohh, Italian! I could go for that!" Kevin said. "Is that ok with you guys?" I asked Eli and Dongho.
"Sure!" Eli smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get something to eat now!!" Dongho said.

   Once we got to the restaurant and ordered our food, I had a thought.
"If you guys wanted to, I could take you guys on a tour of Paris. I know this place like the back of my hand." I said right after I took a sip of water.

  "I would like that!" Kevin smiled. Dongho just shook his head yes while eating a breadstick. 
"Yeah, let's do it!" Eli said.

   "Great, but we'll save the Eiffel Tower for last. It's so much cooler at night." I said.
"Hey, uh Dongho, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kevin asked. "Sure, but why..."
Kevin didn't wait for Dongho to finish his sentence, and he drug him by the arm to the restrooms.
"Geeze, that was weird." I said before I took a sip of the coffee the waiter brought out.

(Kevin's p.o.v.)

 I know I have to do something to get Eli and Maddy together, I took dongho near the back of the restaurant to the restrooms to talk with him.
"Kevin, I was eating a breadstick! Why'd you bring me here?" Dongho complained.
 "You've eaten at least 10 of those things! Now, listen, you know that Eli has been talking about Maddy ever since he saw her sing on youtube last year right?"
"Yeah." Dongho said
"And now we met her here in Paris. I think we should skip the tour of Paris, and just let Maddy take Eli."  I crossed my arms.

 "Aww, Kevin! I wanted to go!" Dongho said. "Dongho, please do this for Eli and Maddy. They haven't seen each other for a while.  Also, say you're not feeling the greatest." I walked out of the restroom with Dongho. "I guess I could." Dongho said. "Thank you!" I exclaimed

  We got back to the table and sat down. "Guys, I'm not feeling to well." Dongho said. 
"Aww, Dongho what's wrong?" Maddy asked. "Stomach trouble." Then Dongho held his stomach.  
"Do you need me to go to the hotel with you?" Eli asked. "No, I'll go with him." I said. "Are you sur..." "Yes! Eli, you go on with Maddy. I'm sure you guys will still have fun without us." I said, as I got up from the table with Dongho. "I feel bad you aren't going with us though." Maddy said.
"It's fine. We'll go another day." Dongho said.
"I hope I see you guys soon before the concert. Feel better Dongho!" Maddy flashed a bright smile.
"Nice talking to you Maddy! See you later Eli."
After that was done, we left the restaurant and took a taxi to the hotel where the rest of the group was.
I just hope that this plan of mine works.


(Maddy's p.o.v.)

"I wonder if Dongho will feel better before the concert?" I asked Eli. "I hope so." Eli said.
"So what have you been up to since you moved with your dad?" Eli asked.
"Well...." I paused. "I went to a music school during high school and now I'm studying at the London school of music and I love it!"   "That's great!" Eli smiled.
"But, now I have to start my internship, and I have no idea where to go to. There's New York, LA, Chicago, and alot more places, but the problem is, I can only chose one place for my internship." I said before I took my last bite of food.
"Well Maddy, NH Media's looking for interns right now. I know they would take you in a heartbeat!" Eli said.
"Eli, are you serious?? That would be amazing if I went there!" I nearly choked.
"I talk to our manager later tonight and let him know about you."
"Thank you so much, I could just kiss you right now!" I relized what I said and covered my mouth in embarrassment.
Eli smirked. "You're very welcome."
"I don't know about you, but I'm ready to go." I said.  "Same here." 
After we paid for the food, we decided to go to a nearby park to walk for a while.


  "It's a really nice day today!" I took a deep breath. But now that Eli's here with me, my day got 10,000 times better.  "Yeah, it really is!" Eli smiled. "I think we should plan where we should go next." I sat down at a near by bench. "Well, you know Paris, so you chose for us."  Eli sat beside me.
"I know!! We could go to Salle Pleyel . I know they're not having any performances today, but my Dad knows the owner of the concert hall!!" I said.
"Are you sure you're allowed to do this?" Eli asked.
"It's fine, trust me! Anyways, I am going to perform there someday. I just know it!" I smiled. 
Eli laughed a bit. "Okay, Salle Pleyel  it is!"

We left the park and went to the concert hall.

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