Ruu?! (1/1)

Deer boy, Ruu.

Lu Han (The deer of the dawn) is a 198 years old forest spirit who is sent by the God to protect forests around the world and its creatures. Luhan is very cheerful, he won't even hurt a fly. He loves flower, he is good at making pretty flower crowns and put it on the animals around him. He has a petite body, pale milky white skin, long eyelashes, and a very pretty face.




He was hunted down by humans but fortunately, he was protected by a guy named Kris once Luhan is unconscious because of a guy shoot him right on Luhan's right leg.




Being cared, protected, and loved by Kris makes Luhan feels the forbidden feeling, it's called love. Love is so forbidden in Luhan's world, but he doesn't care until God had enough.




Kris and Luhan loved each other so much, until one day Luhan was gone. But few months later, Kris found himself standing outside his house right 5 in the dawn. He felt something hugged his leg. 




It was Luhan. He is small, like really small.








"Yiiiiifaaaan!" Luhan hops on his place while hugging Kris' leg. His cheeks are fat and red. Luhan is 1000x cuter than before. But Luhan is already cute before he changed into a small creature. 




"It's a curse, Yifan. Uh, and now my name is Ruu." Luhan or Ruu said giggling while munching his cookies cutely.




Kris didn't reply anything and it makes Luhan sad.


"Why, Yifan?"








"W-will you still love me?" Ruu tilted his head to the side while staring at Kris with a pair of puppy teary eyes.




"Of course, baby." Kris hugged Ruu's tiny body.




"I will love you, forever." Kris continued and he kissed Ruu's chubby cheek before he received a cute giggle and an 'I love you more' from the smaller.








"So... you will be like this forever, baby Ruu?" Yifan asked as he pulled Ruu to his embrace. Ruu rubs his cheek on Kris' broad chest while mumbling,




"Ummm~ nope! I actually can't go taller. Unless, someone who I love would share all of his emotions to Ruu. Example, you!" Ruu explained with full of giggle and cheerful expressions.




"Really?" Kris raised his eyebrows. 




"Yes, Fanfannie~ ihihi!" (●´∀`●).




"I'll look forward to it then." He chuckles and gave a lovely kiss on Ruu's forehead. 




"I love you, Ruu."




"I love you too, Fanfaaan!"




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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 2: Awwwww so cute