Part 2

At the Right Time








Part 2





      Seungri leaned over and nudged Youngbae. “What’s up with him?” he whispered, slanting his eyes toward Jiyong. The latter was sitting next to the window in the van, arms folded, legs crossed, his mouth turned into a deep frown. He had a dangerous aura around him that had the other four guys in the car avoiding him.

     “Need you ask?” Youngbae asked, a smirk on  his face. There was only one thing, or person, that had the power to put Jiyong in a foul mood like that.

     “Dara.” Seungri nodded in understanding. The five of them –Seunghyun, Youngbae, Seungri, Daesung, and Jiyong were headed to the Twosome Club.  Youngbae had found out from Jieun that the girls were having a girls night out. So like any good boyfriend would do, Youngbae called up the others and they were now on their way to have a boys night out. Who said only girls could hang out? Tonight they were going to go to Teddy’s and c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e!



     Jiyong stared out at the passing scenery without really seeing it. In his mind all he could see was that damned rich pretty boy making a move on his Dara.

     He had arrived to surprise Dara and pick her up from work the day before. After parking he had run into the museum, heading straight to where Dara’s office was. He stopped in his steps though when he saw Lee Minho and Dara standing not too far away from him. Dara was holding the stupid looking stuffed toy Jiyong was certain had been from Minho. In her hand she held an open jewelry box.

                He knew he shouldn’t be angry or jealous. Dara loved him. Of that he was certain. Nonetheless it hurt when he saw the types of guys that were constantly falling for her. She was a  magnet for the rich pretty boys like Minho. Before Minho there had been the hotelier’s son, and before that the Psychiatrist guy, and before him there was that the guy whose father was the owner of the biggest bank in Seoul.

                Usually Jiyong was pretty good about ignoring those rich guys that fell for Dara because he would just remind himself that he was the one she loved. But lately it had been bugging him more than usual. And when he saw the bracelet Minho had given Dara, well it had pushed him beyond his limit. He would never be able to afford to give Dara something like that.


                Seunghyun parked the car and the five guys got out. Jiyong was the last to exit. He hadn’t wanted to come tonight but the others had pretty much forced him to come. He tagged along now, lagging toward the back. Once inside they headed to the bar and grabbed drinks before making their way to the table reserved for them on the upper deck level overseeing the dance floor below.

Seungri was making a lot of noise as they passed a table with some girls.  Youngbae grabbed him by the elbow and steered him back toward the right direction. Obviously the maknae had forgotten what happened the last time Chaerin had caught him flirting. She’d boxed his ears good and refused to see Seungri for a whole month.

“Hyung, I’m just looking,” Seungri protested.

“Yeah, well your ‘just looking’ is going to cause the rest of us to get in trouble as well so stop it.”

The five took their seats, each with their drink. Seunghyun raised his hand to call a waitress over and he placed an order for some food. The other three were busy talking while Jiyong sat and sullenly looked over the crowd below. He hadn’t called Dara or texted her once today. He’d been hoping that she would call him instead but so far – nothing.

“Stop being stubborn and call her already,” Youngbae said, leaning toward Jiyong and lowering his voice so the others wouldn’t hear.

Jiyong remained silent and unmoving. It was foolish of him but for once he wanted her to be the  one to call him first. And as if by some miracle, he felt his phone vibrate.

Youngbae watched in amusement as Jiyong’s eyes livened up. Without a word his friend pushed his chair back, the phone to his ear as he headed off to the back where it was quieter. Youngbae shook his head thinking not for the first time that those two should probably get married already.


Jiyong’s heart was racing as soon as he saw Dara’s name flash on the called id. Once he reached a fairly secluded corner of the club he answered the call and pressed the phone to his ear.


There was a pause, and then he heard Dara’s voice on the other end. “Where are you?” she asked, her voice subdued.

“With the guys.”

There was silence, an awkward tension before Dara spoke again.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“I’m not mad at you.”

On her end Dara’s mouth turned upwards slightly at the stubborn sound in his voice. “So we’re good?” she asked.

He didn’t say anything.

Dara sighed. “If you don’t want to talk then fine. I’ll let you go…”

“Where are you?” he asked. It was the first thing he could think to ask. He didn’t want her to hang up.

He heard her sigh again, her voice sounding slightly irritated. “I’m with the girls over at Gangnam.”

“Ellui?” he asked. He knew it was the favorite hangout for Bom and Chaerin.


There was a pause and then he asked, “What are you wearing?” Please don’t let her be wearing something Bom picked out…

“I don’t know,” she mumbled. “One of Bom’s outfits.”

Jiyong squeezed his eyes shut and refrained from swearing. If Bom dressed Dara then it was guaranteed she was probably wearing some mini-dress with high heels and showing her legs off for the world to see. Grasping the phone tighter he grit out. “I’m coming. Wait for me.”






A/N: I'm back :)  This is the sequel piece to the story "The Wrong One". As you can see we've taken a time leap and Dara and gang are now in their early 20's. Hope you enjoy it. Have a good week everyone! :)



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Chapter 10: "Bitin"authornim can u add special chapter.
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 10: Aww I wish this was longer .... synch a good story. Thanks!
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 10: Ahh so these two only really wanted to play.
Chapter 10: beautiful:(
thank u for sharing:)
pyeong21x #5
Chapter 10: Can we have extra epilogue like hey have twin babies? Lol thank you xoxo
Chapter 10: aww. i love! :)
Chapter 1: im back to read this again! aww unnie!

i wont fed up reading ur stories agaim amd again!


missing you and your stories, hope youll back soon
JuniJD #8
Chapter 10: Daragon love so strong! Love it!!!! Tq Authornim....
Babysmurfette #9
Thank you for posting this back!!
Chapter 9: Hhahhaha, I dont think that I will see Dr.Ian in any fic. Kkk thank u for this authornim.