Prisoner of Love


The story of an average girl's life, in prison. 

She was doing everything out of love. She just wanted his love. She wanted to be his everything. 

But what did she get in return? Betrayul. Hurt. Sadness. 

Now it was her time to pay for her sins. Three years in jail was her punishment. 

She thought her life was over. How could she survive three years in such a hell hole? She thought once she would come out, everything would be over, anyways.

But what happens when she meets a certain police officer who catches her eye, the moment she enters?





; 20 years of age. 
; got caught carrying drug money.
; parents left her. has no family. 



; 22 years of age. 
; has been a police officer for a 2 years now. 






"Here are your stuff." The girl in front of me said, tossing the pile of clothing towards me. I blinked before catching them in my arms. I observed them and couldn't help but sigh. These has got to be the ugliest set of clothes, ever. 

"And this is the cafeteria. Any questions?" I didn't even realize I wasn't listening to her until now. I gulped, pursing my lips together and nodding. I didn't know what else to say. 

"Good. I don't have time for this anyway. I'm Catherine, but you can call me Cat. Your bunk room is room number 258. Remember that." She swiftly said before passing by me to carry on with whatever else she had to do. I took in a deep breath before taking a step down the hallway to look for my assigned room. 

I occasionally bumped into a few people, which I had to bow my head a little as a sign of apology. I only got eye rolls or scoffs in return. 

Finally, I had found the room I was so desperately searching for. Taking in a deep breath, I took a step inside, peeking my head in a little. There, I saw three other ladies in there, all doing their own things. One had short black hair with tattoos all over her arms. She was wearing a white tank top, and reading a.... magazine? 

Then there was another girl. She had a short brown bob cut. She seemed rather, cute. Although, she was wearing almost a pound of makeup on her face, so I couldn't really tell. 

The very last girl had long brown hair, almost as long as mine. She had a tattoo of a dragon on the side of her neck, but that was basically all I could notice. 

"Ah, you must be our new roommate, am I right?" The girl with the bob cut asked as she sat up from her bed. 

The girl with the short black hair looked up from the magazine she was reading as she quirked an eyebrow at me. 

No matter how hard I tried, no sound, no words, would come out of my mouth at all. It was like my vocal cords were completely chopped off. I gulped before looking up at them. I was sweating as I tightly clutched onto my stuff. 

"Don't be scared! Come on in!" The girl with the long brown hair said with a bright smile. Somehow, that seemed to calm down my nerves a bit. 

I took one step inside the room, but I was suddenly startled when I heard her voice for the first time. 

"Shut the door on your way in." The girl with the black hair uttered, making me jump. I nodded before spinning around and shutting the door. 

"Aw, how cute. She's so nervous." The girl with the bob cut smirked as she crossed her slender arms together. 

"Well, duh. It's her first time here! Don't scare her!" The girl with the long hair said with a frown. 

"So," The girl with the bob cut started, taking a step closer to me. "What's your name?" 

I pursed my lips together, my hands starting to sweat again. "A-Ahri.." 

"She talked!" The girl with the long hair squealed. "I'm Yeona! Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Chanmi, and this is Rose." The girl with the bob cut introduced, before pointing at the one with short hair who was supposedly named "Rose." 

"I-It's nice to m-meet you..." It was a miracle that I was just stuttering. 

"You'll be taking the top bunk, which is right above my bed." Chanmi said, pointing at the bed on the right. I was startled once again by a loud squeal.

"This is great! We'll be sleeping right across each other!" Yeona said with a wide grin on her face. I managed to give her a faint smile with a slight nod in acknollegement. 

Once everyone calmed down a little, I managed to place my things on top of my bed, sorting everything into their places. I tended to be more organized than others. 

The entire time, I couldn't help but notice Rose and Chanmi staring at me. Chanmi was smirking whereas Rose looked like she was just curious about my next move or something. They were both observing me like hawks and it was starting to make me feel even more self concious than I already was. 

"So, how'd you get in here? Huh? Rob a bank? someone?" Chanmi finally interrupted the silence as she uncrossed her arms and got up from her seat. 

I immediately shook my head, but I still hesitated whether or not I should tell them. Was it even okay?

Yeona scoffed before getting off her bed with a small hop. "Don't listen to them. You can tell us when you're comfortable, okay?" 

Why was this chick being so nice to me? I didn't understand. But I definitely wasn't complaining. 

"Well, since you seem to be the most normal person in this entire hell hole, I'll tell you some of the things that you need to know in order to survive this place." Yeona said, sitting next to Rose. "Number one, do not associate with the guys." 

"Oh please," Chanmi scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're only saying that because Woobin totally dumped you for Jihae." 

"No I'm not! And besides, I don't give a about that anyways." Yeona said, defending herself. "Anyways, number two, Don't associate with anyone other than us. The other people are dangerous and just plain weird. There are some lesbians here, too. They'll hit on you, and I would know because it happened to me once. Unless you're a lesbian yourself, I suggest you just avoid them. If they try to flirt with you, just brush them off. Don't cause trouble with them!" She continued, "Unless..... You are a lesbian?" 

I shook my head at that. I had no problems with homouality. In fact, I was rooting for gays and lesbians. But me? I was straight. I prefered men. 

Yeona heaved a sigh in relief. "That's good. It wouldn't be good to have a lesbian in here. Alright, number three. Do not, and I repeat, do not, ever, show your weak side." 

I couldn't help but turn my head to the side a little, not completely understanding what she meant. 

"Don't ever apologize, or look down, or act nervous. You have to be strong. Head on strong. If someone picks with you, you either just stay quiet, glare at them, and leave, or, you talk back and fight them. If you ever show them your weak side, you will be looked down on your entire experience here." She said, taking another breath. "Even if you don't know how to fight, it would be better to just get beaten up rather than showing how weak you are."

"Shut your trap, Yeona. Dinner's in two minutes." Chanmi said, rolling her eyes again.

"Well, that's all! You can sit with us at lunch!" Yeona said, patting her knees before getting up. 

Although my roommates didn't seem too bad, I was still scared. My entire soul was filled with utter fear. It was chaotic in my mind.

I wanted to cry, sob, and just kill myself. How do I even make it out here? How do I survive? 

My life is over. I knew it. What was the point of staying in here anyway? Should I just die?

I was scared, but Yeona's advice scared me even more. This place was a jail, which meant, it was filled with a bunch of dangerous trouble makers. 

Me? I was just... A girl. I never meant any harm in my life. I never meant for all of this to happen.

I sighed, quickly wiping a tear as I followed the rest of my roommates out for dinner. 




A/N ; Heya guys!! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating my other fics recently... I've just been so busy. T__T I promise I will update them as soon as possible, but as for now, I HAVE RELEASED A NEW FIC! WOO! 
The plot is kind of similar to Orange Is the New Black.... I think? I mean just the prison and the drug money part. But other than that, everything else is pretty original to me. :D 
You guys should watch that show, though. It's really funny! I had myself laughing my off the entire time! XD 

Anywho, I hope you guys will enjoy it! Don't forget to subscribe, upvote, and comment! Love ya guys!!! 



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pls updateee!!!!