Were Over

Love Pain


I was walking out of the highschool to pick up my beautiful Noona who is also my girlfriend^^. When I stopped infront of her house there was car there, she came downstairs and smiled at the guy behind her than she looked over at me and her face turned into horror. 
"Ah Jjong annyong" she said running to me after telling the guy to wait
"Why are you here so early"
"I wanted to surpise you, but apprantelly your not as surpised like I am. who is he?" I asked glaring at the guy she sighed and I looked at her.
"He's just a friend" she said looking down and whispered thinking i wouldn't hear her
"YAH SHIN SEKYUNG DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME" I yelled. I was Fustrated, Angered, and heartbroken.
"Fine, Jjong i've been meaning to tell you this I hate being with you you look like a lost puppy, and you are also like skinship too much, I'm sorry Jonghyun but were through." she said and my heart shattered I was looking down  the whole time.
"Fine it's offical were thorugh Shin Sekyung" I said and walked away when i was far enough where they couldn't see me I ran home. When I got home I went Straight towards my room and fell on top of my bed. I kept replaying our break up over and over. That Night I cried myself to sleep.
Onew's P.O.V : 
I watched Jonghyun run out of ms.Jung's class after it ended. teehee he's probally going to his Girlfriend sekyungssi. I walked out of the class but when I got in the hall something stopped I looked back to see my brother Taemin and his sporty friend Minho. we all walked home since Minho was Taemin's tutor he was coming with us. These two have also been acting weird lately I wonder what they are doing or planning hmmm....
"Huh what?"
"I called you like a million of times, but were home c'mon."
"Ah Mianhae Dongsaeng"
I walked in and watched the two go to Minnie's room hmm I looked around for Umma and appa, but found a latter instead I read it and it said that they went out to run errands and they'll be home around 8 'o clock. I went upstairs and put my ear to taemin's bedroom door. it was quiet for a while than taeminnie broke the silience. "Hyung Can We go here for our date" i heard him say....Date?....are they dating since when?..."Deh looks like fun" Minho said back. I walked in and they both looked at me. "YOU TWO ARE DATING?" they looked at each other than back at me. "Deh Hyung we're dating....Oh please don't tell" teamin begged. "Dont worry but you have to tell me when you two started dating" "Monday two weeks ago" Minho said coolly. "Ah well i'll leave you two love birds alone than Annyong" I was about to leave his room but stopped to say "And Don't do anything to my innocent brother Minho" Then I left Minnie's room.
-A week Later-
Jonghyun Still hasn't shown up to school everyone was worried about him. I mean seriously im so worried about him I haven't ate any of my delicious chicken. So After School Minnie, Minho and I went to his house to check up on him. I knocked and his Umma answered. 
"Ah Onew Taemin and Minho what brings you here?"
"Jonghyun, is he ok mrs. kim?"
"I'm not so sure myself why don't you all come in and see if you can get that boy out his room"
we all took off our shoes and went inside 2min stayed downstairs talking to Mrs.Kim. I went upstairs and went to check up on him. I knocked at his door, but no answer I opened his door and shockingly it wasn't lock so I went in. "Jonghyun? You in here?" I called out "Onew? is that you?" I heard his voice and looked around and saw him standing on the balcony. "Deh" I responded back "what Are you doing here?" "well we were all worried about you so we decided to drop by"
I was shocked when I heard Onew. I walked off the balcony into my room and saw Onew standing in the middle of the room.
"Why don't you sit down" I said pointing to the couch in my room hee walked over and sat down
"So why haven't you been in School Jjong" he said I walked towards the couch and sat down at the other end
"this might sound like an poor excuse but Sekyung broke up with me."
"Omo are you ok wait what am i saying of course your not. why did she broke up with you?" he said like a babbling Idoit.
"She seeing somebody else cause she's bored of me and she said i follow her around like a lost puppy and that I use too much Skinship" Onew laughed
"Mianhae" he said in between breaths "it's the skinship part bwahahaha" I only stared at him until he calmed down and we stayed quiet for a while
"So are you coming to school tomarrow Jjongie?"
"Molla i don't want to though"
"aww you should were getting a new student we can make another friend it'll help you to keep your mind off her" he said i pursed my lips togther debating if i should go or not i sighed and said
"Sure why not I have nothing better to do"  I said
"Oh and before you wonder Minho and Taemin are now a couple" Onew said
"BWOH! really? since when?" I said shocked wow so they finally confessed to each other.
"Three weeks ago" he said. both went downstairs to play video games and 2min were just sitting on the couch cuddled together. Umma came in with snacks and drinks.
"Ahh it's so good to actually see you out of your room jonghyun"
"Neh Mianhae if i worried you umma" i said and she smiled and walked away. another hour my friends left and i went to the kitchen to eat dinner. At least I actually fell asleep that night.
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