

For the longest time, Kris believed what he had been taught by his mother - Amor Vincit Omnia - love conquers all things. 

But now he was living by a new motto - In Vino Veritas - there is truth in wine. 


The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices, are a list of the worst vices that cut a person off from God's grace.  

They are as follows:

  • Luxuria ( lust )
  • Gula ( gluttony )
  • Avaritia ( greed )
  • Acedia ( sloth )
  • Ira ( wrath)
  • Invidia ( envy ) and 
  • Superbia ( pride )







Hey guys~

So my idea for this is that he goes through a break up through the seven deadly sins. So, he like, does each one of them as he pouts? Idk, it will makes sense later. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. ^^ 

If you would like to read about them, here is an article (which is also my source for the information above):



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infinite_kenn #1
miss taoris :(